Chapter 1174
Let's say that Han E asked Zhuge Jun the purpose of his trip, and the latter said that he was here to save them, and Ma Chao was annoyed by such pretentious words.

Xiangfan is in danger, and the people in Heishui are so arrogant.

Ma Chao was annoyed at the time, and immediately ordered Zhuge Jun to be boiled.

And slow!

Han E stood up slowly and looked at Zhuge Jun with great interest.

"Little Zhuge, you are so courageous that you dare to come here and make irresponsible remarks. Are you really not afraid of death?"

She suddenly became interested in this Zhuge Jun.

"Afraid, how can I not be afraid?"

Zhuge Jun smiled faintly, and said: "When I think that the two of you and the 10,000+ Xiliang Army will be buried with me, I won't be afraid."


Hearing this, Ma Chao couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ma'am, don't listen to his alarmist talk, I don't believe in this evil."

He came in front of Zhuge Jun with big strides, and knocked Zhuge Jun to the ground with a bang.

Zhuge Jun was only a scribe, and although he knew a little bit of martial arts, he was knocked down to the ground and arched when he was Ma Chao's opponent.

However, he was considered stubborn, even if he was knocked down, he refused to snort.


Ma Chao speculatively said: "You forgot that this general was born in Chi Xiao, Chi Xiao's mouth is much stronger than your Heishui."

He pinched Zhuge Jun's arm again, and slowly moved it.

Zhuge Jun only felt a sharp pain in his arm, couldn't help but his eyes darkened, and he almost passed out.


Han E stood up and glared at Ma Chao, who shyly threw away Zhuge Jun's arm.

He originally wanted to break Zhuge Jun's limbs and cook them.

In Ma Chao's mind, there is no such thing as a tough guy.

As if Zhuge Jun had been released again, he took a deep breath and still stood up slowly.

very good!

Han E nodded in satisfaction.

Don't be surprised by favor or humiliation, and laugh at life and death, this is a qualified lobbyist.

"Zhuge Jun, Mrs. Ben has heard too many alarmist words. I don't know what your opinion is?"

She suddenly wanted to know what this Zhuge Jun wanted to say.

Zhuge Jun moved his muscles and bones, and felt that his arm was still a little sore. He couldn't help but be amazed at Ma Chao's strength.

"I've said it before. This time, I'm here to save the two of you from accidents."

is it?

Han E smiled.

"Zhuge Jun, I admire your courage. There are some things that courage alone is useless. I don't know what purpose Mr. Zhuge has. But to say that our Xiliang army is dangerous is a bit of an understatement."

She suddenly restrained her smile and looked at Zhuge Jun with great interest.

"Liu Zhang is just mediocre, do you think he can deal with me, Han E?"

Ma Chao on the side was a little embarrassed!

It's clear that his wife doesn't count herself as one.

But from a strategic point of view, he is indeed not Han E's opponent.

Ha ha!

Zhuge Jun also smiled, and then restrained his smile.

"Liu Zhang can't do it, what about Guo Jia? I don't know if he can do it or not?"

At the mention of this name, Han E immediately became vigilant.

Guo Jia is the overlord of the Northland, the king among the vassals. In this era, no one dares to say that Guo Jia can't do it.

Even Cao Cao, who is the most powerful in the Central Plains and holds a heavy army, dare not.

If Yunzhou tried its best to attack Cao Cao, Cao Cao would be finished.

Not to mention that the strength and territory are far inferior to Cao Cao's Xiliang Army.

If Guo Jia intervenes in Yizhou, their plan to annex Liu Zhang will go bankrupt.

"You mean, Liu Zhang had contact with Guo Jia?"

Han E is also a smart person, and he immediately found the key point from Zhuge Jun's words.

Since Guo Jia can reach out to the affairs of Jingzhou, he can naturally reach out to the affairs of Yizhou.

If Guo Jia stepped in at this time and sent troops to attack Yongliang suddenly and cut off their retreat, the Xiliang army would be in great danger.

If it doesn't work out, the whole army will really be wiped out.

just now……

Zhuge Jun flicked the dust off his body, and said with a smile, "Can I sit down and talk?"


Here Ma Chao and his wife are in the middle of intensive discussions with Zhuge Jun, and the negotiations in Chengdu are also coming to an end.

Liu Zhang was also very satisfied.

After all, if there is no war, his life will be easier.

Just as the two parties' withdrawal contract was about to be concluded, the general of the Xiliang Army who was in charge of the negotiations suddenly received a message and stood up angrily.

"General Liu, what do you mean?"

Hearing the question from the general of the Xiliang Army, Liu Zhang was also stunned.

The contract has been signed, what else does he mean?
Naturally, it all ended earlier.

"Since this is the case, why did Zhang Ren of the Sichuan Army repeatedly send people to attack us? Today we have suffered heavy losses. The soldiers are filled with righteous indignation and refuse to swallow this breath. They are clamoring to continue attacking Yizhou?"

General Xiliang said angrily.

When Liu Zhang heard that Zhang Ren was doing something secretly, he felt a little upset.

"Don't get angry, general. I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly and give you an explanation."

The truce was what Liu Zhang was looking forward to. Zhang Ren secretly sabotaged the peace talks and provoked the Xiliang army to riot, which is bound to be another disaster.

Zhang Ren!

Liu Zhang narrowed his eyes.

He never expected that this person not only has a bad temper, but now he is obeying his orders?
"Okay, we will give you three days. After three days, you must come up with a statement that satisfies us, otherwise we will stop talking and continue to fight!"

The general of the Xiliang army slapped the table angrily, then left angrily.


Liu Ba on the side looked left and right, and said angrily, "What is Zhang Ren doing?"

It was a good talk at first, but seeing that the contract was about to be signed, it suddenly popped up again, which really made people angry.

Not only Liu Ba was furious, but Liu Zhang was also furious.

Zhang Ren made petty moves, obeyed his orders secretly, and disrupted peace talks.It's big not to take him seriously.

Liu Zhang is the lord of Xichuan, this Zhang Ren has just won a battle, so he is somewhat ignored, it is really unreasonable.


At this time, Huang Quan suddenly stood up.

"The Xiliang army is short of food and grass, so they are eager to negotiate peace with us. If they continue to fight, they will definitely lose. General Zhang's doing this can definitely increase our bargaining chips for us. We can delay it first, and then let Ma Chao vomit some blood."

Now that Liu Zhang has decided to negotiate peace, and Huang Quan is powerless to oppose it, what he has to do now is to get the most out of the negotiations.

It was an opportunity for Zhang Ren to send troops to secretly attack the Xiliang army. If it was used well, it could completely cause the opponent to bleed.

is it?

Zhang Song on the side suddenly said: "My lord has already decided to negotiate peace, but General Zhang has been obedient and secretly engaged in some small tricks. I know that he wants to help us increase the bargaining chip. I don't know, I think he has Soldiers are self-respecting, don't you take the lord seriously?"

(End of this chapter)

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