Chapter 1175 Liu Zhang and Zhang Ren

Zhang Song has always been underappreciated for his talents, and was somewhat dissatisfied with Liu Zhang's incompetence. Now that Chi Xiao found him, he hit it off with him, and the two sides jointly deal with Zhang Ren.

He obviously said it for Zhang Ren, but in fact he dug a hole for Zhang Ren.

Yongnian, you...

Hearing what Zhang Song said, Huang Quan couldn't help being startled.

He has a good relationship with Zhang Song, and he always thought that Zhang Song was supporting him, but he didn't expect to say that at a critical moment.

Isn't this pushing Zhang Ren into the pit of fire?
Who doesn't know that the lord is tolerant of others and has no tolerance for others.

Zhang Ren didn't like him very much in the first place, and now he has been given the title of supporting soldiers and self-respect. Naturally, Liu Zhang will not let it go.

Sure enough, Liu Zhang's expression darkened immediately.

"Withdraw the appointment of Zhang Ren Jiameng as the governor of Guan, order him to come to Chengdu immediately, and order the deputy general Wu Yi to take over the frontline work."

What Zhang Song said spoke to his heart.

Zhang Ren dared to disobey Liu Zhang's orders today, and dared to rebel tomorrow.

Liu Zhang is a cowardly person and will never allow this kind of thing to happen.

Therefore, he wanted to take Zhang Ren down early to prevent him from becoming a big one.

"My lord, absolutely not!"

Huang Quan was taken aback.

Zhang Ren is the number one fierce general in Xichuan, and he is familiar with the art of war.

Ma Chao's Xiliang army was invincible in Hanzhong, but it stumbled under Zhang Ren's hands, and the [-] troops were blocked in front of Jiameng Pass and suffered heavy losses.

This is the blessing of Liu Zhang, and it is also the blessing of the people of Xichuan.

Now Liu Zhang is afraid of Zhang Ren and wants to replace him.

"My lord, General Zhang has fought fiercely with the Xiliang army for several months, and he knows the opponent's methods well. It is a big taboo to change generals on the spot. Besides, if there is any change in the Xiliang army, will General Zhang be needed to defeat the enemy?"

Huang Quan said hurriedly.

He has the same political stance as Zhang Ren, so it is natural to protect him.


When Liu Zhang heard Huang Quan's words, he couldn't help laughing.

"According to what you mean, this credit is all Zhang Ren's? If it weren't for our tens of thousands of soldiers and 10,000+ people from Xichuan who fought bloody battles at Jiameng Pass, would Zhang Ren alone be able to hold back the [-] troops from Xiliang? We Xichuan have lost so many people and lost those things, is it just to achieve Zhang Ren's prestige?"

His face darkened, and he said with a sneer: "This general has issued repeated orders and ordered the front line to cease fighting. This Zhang Renyin obeys Yang and violates the law, and makes some small moves behind his back. What is he going to do? Is it possible to get the position of this general?"

What Huang Quan said was terrified.

It seems that the lord has great resentment towards Zhang Ren, and Zhang Ren may really be in trouble.

"My lord, General Zhang Ren is loyal to you and has no second thoughts."

Huang Quan said sincerely: "Have you forgotten the old master's entrustment before his death?"

Mentioning this section, the anger in Liu Zhang's heart calmed down a little.

When his father Liu Yan died, he had been assigned three Gu Ming ministers, one was Liu Ba, the other was Huang Quan, and the other was Zhang Ren.

These three people are very loyal to Yizhou.

Although Zhang Ren has a bad temper, he has no dissent towards Liu Zhang.


Liu Zhang snorted and said, "In that case, let him come back and become the prefect of Shu County!"

Zhang Ren was originally the prefect of Shu County, and he was entrusted with the important task when the Xiliang army attacked Xichuan.

Now that the war is over, it is natural to go back.

Huang Quan had no choice but to hug his fists.

Although he didn't get promoted, it was a good ending to be safe and sound.

It's a pity that Liu Zhang gave up this opportunity that could have caused heavy losses to the Xiliang Army.


"My lord transferred me back to Chengdu?"

Hearing this military order, Zhang Ren was also a little confused.

Now is the critical moment against Xiliang Army, how could he leave?
Besides, it's not appropriate for him to go back!

After all, Zhang Ren is the general who knows the Xiliang Army best.

Congratulations to the general!

Wu Yi on the side said hurriedly.

"The general will be reused when he goes to Chengdu. It's just that it's not the right time now."

Not bad!

Zhang Ren also nodded.

The Xiliang army is so powerful that it is impossible to eliminate them, but this battle can also make them vomit some blood, so as to completely eliminate the border troubles in the North.

But the military order is like a mountain. Since Liu Zhang has already ordered it, Zhang Ren has to go if he doesn't leave.

Otherwise, it is disobedience to military orders.

Judging from the news from Chengdu, the protagonist Liu Zhang is a little dissatisfied with his yin and yang.

Now go to Chengdu, what is the situation?


Wu Yi suddenly remembered something, and said in a low voice, "I have an idea, to ask the general to go back later."

Right now is the critical time to deal with the Liangzhou army, and Zhang Ren's previous efforts will be wasted if he leaves like this.

What strategy?
Hearing what Wu Yi said, Zhang Ren was also a little overjoyed.

He was also reluctant to leave, not because of his own rights, but because he really wanted to solve the threat of the Xiliang Army for Yizhou.

"We can instruct others to have a small-scale conflict with the Xiliang army. If the Xiliang army can bear it, it's fine. It's okay for General Zhang to go back. If they can't bear it, there will be a bigger conflict. In this way, Jiameng Guan is nervous, and General Zhang will naturally not be able to go back."

Wu Yi said with a smile.

Makes sense!
Hearing Wu Yi's plan, Zhang Ren also nodded.

So far, this is the only way to go.

Zhang Ren felt that it would be worthwhile to make some sacrifices to solve the threat of the Xiliang Army for Yizhou once and for all.

"Just do it!"

Zhang Ren gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, I have to explain it myself. If you take my warrant and go to Lei Tong, he will know what to do."

Zhang Ren is also a veteran minister of Yizhou. Zhang Ren followed Liu Yan when Liu Yan was the pastor.

When Liu Yan first arrived in Yizhou, the surrounding area was turbulent. Zhang Ren led his troops to fight in the north and south, and made great contributions to the Liu family.

Liu Yan also liked Zhang Ren very much, and intended to recognize him as his adopted son.

At that time, Liu Mao died early, and Liu Yan had no children around him, and urgently needed a trustworthy person.

But later Liu Zhang was ordered by the court to come to condolences to Liu Yan, and Liu Yan stayed behind. It has been more than ten years now.

Liu Zhang is Liu Yan's own son, and after he came, Liu Yan naturally stopped talking about accepting Zhang Ren as his adopted son.

Zhang Ren didn't have any complaints, and was still very loyal to the Liu family.

After Liu Yan's death, he also identified Zhang Ren as Minister Gu Ming.

He thought he still had some status in the Liu family.

This matter can be explained clearly to Liu Zhang.

Lei Tong is Zhang Ren's general, leading a battalion of soldiers and horses to confront the Xiliang army on the front line.Some small moves made some time ago were also done by him.

Wu Yi clasped his fists again, turned around and left with Zhang Ren's warrant, also with a mysterious smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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