Chapter 1236 Resistance
In fact, when Chang'an was conquered, Guo Jia had the idea of ​​moving the capital.

Although Yunzhou is stable, it is too far to the north after all. In this era of inconvenient transportation, the remote location is a flaw.

From the northern part of Yunzhou to Ye County of Jizhou, it took nearly two months for the infantry to march normally.

Even traveling light will take more than a month.

Zhang Liao led an army of [-] troops from Bingzhou, passing through Chang'an to Hanzhong, and then to Jiameng Pass, and walked for more than three months.

Right now, Guo Jia has occupied half of Yizhou. In case of any accident, Zhang Liao's 1 people stationed at Yangping Pass are the only ones who can be used.

If troops were transferred from Yunzhou and Bingzhou, the daylilies would be cold by the time they arrived.

That's why Guo Jia had the idea of ​​moving the capital.

Chang'an is the capital of the Han Dynasty, located in the center of the Central Plains, surrounded by mountains, the geographical location is very superior.And extending in all directions, it can reach the desired location in the shortest time.

If the center of Yunzhou can be moved to Chang'an, it will be more conducive to Guo Jia's next strategy.

Standing in the north has become a thing of the past. Guo Jia's next goal is the whole country. Liangzhou, Yizhou, Yuzhou, Jingzhou, and Qingxu are all under the control of others. It will take a long time to bring these places under the banner.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to move the center of gravity in the north to Chang'an, a geographically superior place.

"My lord must not!"

Jia Xu clasped his fists and said, "Although the terrain in Chang'an is dangerous, the four checkpoints are easy to defend and difficult to attack. But it is the place of the Four Wars. If the center of Yunzhou is really moved here, it will definitely be coveted by the surrounding princes. Then they If we join forces to break Chang'an, our previous efforts will be wasted."

He does not agree with moving the capital, at least not at this time.

Jia Xu's worry is also justified.

Chang'an has just been captured, and the surrounding area is surrounded by hostile forces. It might start a war anytime soon.

It's all right to start a war at this time, an empty city, it's nothing to lose.

It will be a little troublesome if you move all your belongings over.

If it is broken, all these years of hard work will be in vain.

Guo Jia can understand Jia Xu's concerns.

But he also has his own ideas.

"Wenhe, after these years of operation, the north is becoming more and more stable, and the population is also increasing. Yunzhou is originally poor in land, and the pressure to carry such a large population is very high. According to Xizhong's statistics, every year from A large amount of grain was transported from Jizhou, which put great pressure on the local logistical support."

Guo Jiasi said calmly: "Besides, the nomads in the north have been wiped out, and the border trade in Yunzhou has already existed in name only. With the manufacturing industry in Yunzhou, it simply cannot support so many people. There is nothing now, and in a few days The pressure of the new year will increase, and more and more people will be unable to eat, which will also bury hidden dangers for the stability of Yunzhou. So it is better to make plans early."

Over the years, thanks to Guo Jia's generous policies and Yunzhou's stable environment, a large number of refugees from surrounding areas have poured in.Especially in recent years, the population of Yunzhou has exploded.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

Yunzhou has become the center of the four northern states, and talents from all over the country are pouring in, which has brought great pressure to the local capacity.

According to statistics, before the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Han had a population of more than 800 million, which rapidly dropped to [-] million in the era of the Three Kingdoms.

Of course, 800 million is a bit exaggerated, and there are some places where the hidden population of black households has not been counted.

But we can see the destructive power of war on the population.

The birth of Guo Jia turned Yunzhou into a fast and stable peaceful paradise, attracting people from the surrounding areas to vote, which reduced the loss of population from the side.

So far, the four northern states have a total population of more than 400 million, of which Yunzhou alone has [-] million.

Yunzhou was originally just a part of the desolate land in the north of Jizhou. With so many people rushing in all of a sudden, the land and food became more and more tense.

Too many people and relatively insufficient resources will lead to chaos.

The best way is to divert.

Guanzhong has been through war for a long time, and the buildings have long since been empty, so it happens to kill two birds with one stone to fill up some of the population in a timely manner.

They are definitely unwilling to let them relocate for no reason. After all, the Han people have a strong sense of locality, and it is impossible to leave their homeland unless it is absolutely necessary.

If you push it too hard, it may cause chaos, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Moving the capital is a good way.

As long as the General's Mansion is moved to Chang'an, the rest of the dignitaries will inevitably follow, and their arrival will also attract most of the common people to join them.In this way, the people can be diverted from Yunzhou without too much effort.

Guo Jia had already had this idea.

Hearing Guo Jia's thoughts, Jia Xu stopped talking.

Guo Jia is right.

Too much population is not a good thing, if something goes wrong, it will inevitably lead to chaos.

At that time, Yunzhou's military strength will not be able to fight back in front of millions of rioters, so it is better to plan earlier.


Jia Xu still has some doubts.

"My lord has been operating in Yunzhou for more than ten years. It is still very difficult to move here all at once. The local aristocratic families in Yunzhou will not be willing! Of course, my lord can also move the capital by force, but in this case, it is bound to be Conflict with them."

He tactfully put forward his own opinion.

Near the water tower first get the month.

When Guo Jia came to Yunzhou, he was a bare-handed commander. It was the strong support of the local powerful Su family and Zhen family that he secured his position as the prefect of Zhongshan.

Guo Jia secured the position of prefect. The Su family and the Zhen family and other local aristocratic families contributed a lot. Guo Jia also reciprocated and gave them great rights and interests.

After so many years of development, they have formed a huge force locally.

Among them, the Su Zhen family is the leader.

The second force is Guo Jia's in-laws. Guo Jia's harem is overcrowded, and these wives didn't jump out of rocks, so they naturally have family members.

After years of reproduction, they have also formed a considerable force,

Chenliu Cai's family, Xuzhou Mi's family and so on.

The third force is Guo Jia's family members.

They defected to Guo Jia ten years ago, and now most of them have families and start businesses. These people occupy high positions and hold great power in Yunzhou, and they are also a force that should not be underestimated.

If they want to move the capital, they need their willing cooperation.

But can they cooperate willingly?

Who wants to leave their hometown to leave their sphere of influence and go to a place where everything has to start again?
This is tantamount to depriving them of their privileges in disguise.

Jia Xu can conclude that the resistance to moving the capital comes from these people.

Not bad!

Guo Jia also frowned.

Although he thought of moving the capital, he hadn't thought about it carefully.

Jia Xu was right.

Moving the capital is equivalent to a reform.

(End of this chapter)

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