Chapter 1237
After Jia Xu's reminder, Guo Jia realized the problem.

If you want to move the capital, you have to move all the dignitaries in Yunzhou to Chang'an. These people are like fish in water in Yunzhou, so how can they come to Chang'an to start again?
Coming to Chang'an to start over is tantamount to depriving them of their privileges.

To strip them of their privileges is nothing less than a revolution.

Since ancient times, revolutions have not been achieved overnight, and if things go wrong, people will die.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia felt a little overwhelmed.

"Wenhe, what's your idea?"

Guo Jia looked at Jia Xu.

This is because today's poison warriors may suffer some disadvantages, Guo Jia is also humbly asking for advice at this moment.


Jia Xu shook his head resolutely.

It's a joke, this is something that offends people, so naturally he won't do it.

Even if there was, he wouldn't say it.

Besides, he didn't want to move the capital in the first place.

Really do not have?

Guo Jia asked again.

Really do not have!

Jia Xu was extremely determined.

He is an old fox, so naturally he would not get involved in Guo Jia's matter, otherwise he would become the enemy of the entire Yunzhou gentry.

Guo Jia sighed, and said to himself: "It seems that you can't stay in Chang'an anymore, you should go back to Yunzhou and become my long history."

This old guy is so cunning, just after taking advantage of himself, he started to turn his face and deny anyone.

That being the case, Guo Jia was too lazy to be polite.


Hearing what Guo Jia said, Jia Xu panicked.

He was ashamed of the people in Guanzhong, so he took the initiative to invite Ying to rebuild Chang'an. After some hard work, Chang'an was on the right track. How could Jia Xu give up the fat he got? "

"The subordinates really have no choice!"

Jia Xu had a sad face.

He really has no good solution, and he doesn't want to go back to Yunzhou to continue to be a long history.

is it?

Guo Jia snorted, and said: "Don't you call yourself a poisoner? One after another, how come you have no idea now? Who are you lying to? Tell you, you can come up with this idea if you don't know it. Otherwise, this general This will let Man Chong come to replace you. Let you go back to Yunzhou to retire."

He was a little dissatisfied with this old guy.

A poisonous person is a poisonous person, raising you is to let you make a bad move at a critical moment, what use is it for you to not make a bad move?

Seeing the lord playing a rogue, Jia Xu felt a little helpless.

It's not nice to meet people, who let him be this kind of master.

"It's not that there is no way, it's just..."

Jia Xu coughed and said, "This subordinate is really difficult."

The crime of Guo Jia is nothing, Jia Xu has already figured out this guy's temperament, it is impossible to kill him.

It would be difficult to offend the gentry in Yunzhou.

After all, Jia Xu is just an outsider and has no foundation. If someone wears a small shoe, it will be completely over.

rest assured!

Guo Jia coughed and said, "I have everything! I will definitely keep Jia Xu safe."

He knew Jia Xu's scruples, so he took the photo with confidence.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Jia Xu relaxed.

Now that he had Guo Jia's guarantee, he was relieved.

"Actually, this matter can be changed."

Jia Xusi said slowly.

Another way?

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jia Xu puzzled.

How to change the method of moving the capital?
Jia Xu suddenly twirled his beard and smiled, and said: "I heard that when the lord returned to his hometown to pay homage, colorful auspicious clouds suddenly appeared on the grave of the Guo family ancestors. Is there such a thing?"


Guo Jia laughed dumbly.

In order to create momentum for himself, he bought Xiangkai from the Yin-Yang lineage and asked them to use some magic tricks in Yingchuan.

Xiangkai is also worthy of being a master of the yin and yang system, and he is also very beautiful in doing things.

It really created momentum for Guo Jia.

However, those are all fake and cannot be regarded as real. The so-called colorful auspicious clouds are also fireworks set off by the Tiger Guards.

"What does this have to do with moving?"

Guo Jia asked puzzledly.

It's a big deal!

Jia Xu coughed, and said, "Most of the people in the world are stupid, and they believe in these strange powers and chaos. If it is reported that Chang'an is very auspicious again at this time, what do you think they will think?"

how to think?
Guo Jia understood immediately.

As soon as the Yunzhou Army took Chang'an, there was auspiciousness in Chang'an, which meant a harbinger of a change of dynasty.

Of course, this sign should be in Guo Jia's body.

"At that time, the lord only needs to instruct some confidants to mention the matter of moving the capital, and all problems will be solved."

Jia Xu said meaningfully.


Guo Jia patted his thigh.

Why didn't he think of it?
Once there is auspiciousness in Chang'an, it means the birth of the new monarch Guo Jia. If Guo Jia becomes the new monarch, Chang'an will naturally become the land of dragon prosperity. How could the dignitaries of Yunzhou give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?They must spare no effort to move their family to Chang'an.

The near water towers are the first to get the moon, and they also want to be contaminated with the blessing of the imperial city.

In this way, moving the capital is naturally logical, and there is no objection.

Guo Jia disagreed, and they had to do everything possible to persuade Guo Jia to move the capital.

In this way, changing from passive to active, Guo Jiaqian's capital will naturally be effortless.


Hearing this, Guo Jia suddenly burst out laughing.

"Wen He, you are really my good soldier. You can think of such a bad move."

With a little trick, the whole Yunzhou was wiped out. This Jia Xu is really amazing.

Jia Xu shrugged helplessly.

He devoted his whole life to the study of Zhengbing, but he was famous for his tricks and dangers.

Even this unscrupulous protagonist likes to use his wiles.

Jia Xu expressed her innocence.

He clearly wants to be a prostitute, but you insist on making him a prostitute.

God, earth, he is really innocent!
very good!
Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

Jia Xu's detrimental move was really powerful. If he came to Chang'an all of a sudden, there would naturally be no resistance to moving the capital.

Now that the four directions have been decided, don't worry about other things for the time being. Guo Jia only needs to go back to Yunzhou and wait for the old fox's conspiracy to unfold, and then follow the trend to promote the progress of moving the capital.

It's effortless, and it's very exciting to think about it.


Jia Xu paused suddenly, and said, "There is one thing that my lord should pay special attention to."

Guo Jia looked at him puzzled.

What else is there to worry about?

Jia Xu hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said: "It's better to put the matter of establishing a reserve on the charter earlier."

He suddenly said meaningfully: "The status is settled, and there will be no disputes. Once the status is not fixed, some people will have some ideas. It is better for the lord to make a decision early."

In fact, he still didn't say a word.

Once there is auspiciousness in Chang'an and Guo Jia is expected to become emperor, the position of the crown prince will be very important.This is about the future of many people.

There is no guarantee that some people will not take the risk.

(End of this chapter)

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