Chapter 1244 The first, second, fifth and third palms are only willing to guard one side

After so many years of development, Skynet has long since become a behemoth.

An independent organization that collects spying on the military and supervising officials is an extreme existence. What is even more desperate is that this organization also has an independent judiciary.

In other words, Skynet's arrest, interrogation, and disposal are all carried out internally, and there is no need to explain to other departments.

In this way, Skynet became another organization independent of the Yunzhou government.

Except for Guo Jia, no one knows what Skynet does, and no one can interfere with the operation of Skynet.

This right has surpassed the fairness and justice of the Yunzhou judiciary and has become the only privileged department.

Absolute power brings absolute degradation.

Once the person in charge of Skynet has a different heart, the entire Yunzhou will fall into disaster.

Jin Yiwei of later generations is an example.

Regarding Skynet, the ministers in Yunzhou are also very afraid.

Xi Zhong and others have repeatedly persuaded Guo Jia to ban Skynet or reduce their rights and interests, but Guo Jia has always ignored it.

Right now is an extraordinary time, and Skynet's qualified department is needed to protect his plan, and cutting Skynet's rights is tantamount to cutting off his own arm.

Guo Jia naturally couldn't do this.

So no matter who spoke, he also turned a deaf ear.

As a future traveler, Guo Jia naturally knew the dangers of Skynet, but he couldn't do anything about it, because he needed a strong force to support his hegemony.

Skynet is a sharp weapon in his hands.

With Skynet in hand, those dignitaries would not dare to act rashly, and some of Guo Jia's decrees could be promoted for a while.

Where there are advantages, there must be disadvantages!
The greater the power of Skynet, the more dissatisfaction it will cause other people, and it will become a thorn in their side.

Many people, including Guo Jia's most trusted Xizhong, are very jealous of Skynet, and wish they could cancel it now.

It is not alone that Skynet is the way to create chaos.

But they only talked about it in private, and they didn't dare to mention it in front of Guo Jia.

Even if it is Xizhong, it is only euphemistically mentioning that the functions of Skynet will be reduced.

Hao Zhao was the first one who dared to say that Skynet is a way to create chaos in front of Guo Jia.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!
Guo Jia nodded with a half smile.

"Then tell me, why is Skynet the way to create chaos?"

He looked at Hao Zhao with interest.

Hao Zhao said sternly: "The so-called name is not right and words are not right, and things are not going well if words are not right. Yunzhou also uses the official system of the Han Dynasty. The official system of the Han Dynasty is very mature, and all departments cooperate with each other to supervise each other. The organization of Skynet is completely a general. It was created with no history and no precedent. If it was just to spy on the military situation, it would be fine, but it has the rights and interests independent of the government. This will inevitably cause an imbalance of power. It is like a double-wheeled carriage. Horses and troops work together in parallel to drive steadily. If a horse is inserted, the original balance will inevitably be broken. Not only will the carriage not be able to move forward smoothly, but it will also be in danger of overturning. This is one of the..."

He paused and continued: "Skynet's rights and interests are superior to those of other departments, which will inevitably cause dissatisfaction among other departments. The two sides continue to quarrel, which will inevitably affect the passage of government orders. Over time, it will destroy the balance of the system and lead to internal strife. , resulting in a waste of resources."

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

Being able to see these two points shows that Hao Zhao is not only a general, but also an official with political vision.

Both civil and military!
He looked at Hao Zhao more and more.

This humanity has the potential to be cultivated, maybe after some tempering, this person can become an independent talent.

Jia Xu smiled faintly, and was noncommittal to Hao Zhao's words.

In addition...

Hao Zhao gritted his teeth and said: "Skynet has too much power and it is easy to breed ambitions. If they rebel, Yunzhou will inevitably suffer disaster. Even if they don't rebel, years of internal strife can drag down the entire Yunzhou. Let's hope General think twice."

Although he didn't know what position the young man in front of him held in Skynet, he still spoke from his heart.

Ha ha!

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help but smile.

Although Hao Zhao's previous performance surprised him somewhat, he is still lacking now, failing to reach the realm of a top strategist.

Jia Xu would never have said these words.

Because the old fox knew very well that Guo Jia would never allow Skynet to develop to a certain level.

Youdao is a cunning rabbit and a running dog. Skynet is Guo Jia's sharp weapon to deter Xiaoxiao from conquering the world. Once the world is peaceful and the government is stable, this sharp weapon will be put into its sheath.

As for infighting?

This is one of the tricks of the king.

If all the ministers are united as one, it is easy to produce powerful ministers, how can he firmly grasp the power?
This Hao Zhao is still too young.

Of course it is also understandable.

After all, not everyone is as evil as Guo Jia.

A 30-year-old has a hundred-year-old heart.

Although Jia Xu claims to be the most outstanding disciple of Heishui, he is still somewhat inferior to Guo Jia.

This lord is definitely a monster.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "The reason why you don't want to follow me is because you have a problem with Skynet? I promise you, I won't let you into Skynet. Are you willing to come with me?"

Hao Zhao is versatile in both civil and military affairs, and he is very loyal. It would be too wasteful to enter a dark department like Skynet.


Hao Zhao heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Guo Jia did not allow him to enter Skynet.

"What are you still doing?"

Jia Xu on the side smiled and said: "Since the general has spoken, you don't have to worry about it. You will be able to achieve success in the future."

He also felt that Hao Zhao's character was not suitable for working on Skynet.

Hao Zhao clasped his fists again and said, "Hao Zhao doesn't want to be successful, but only wants to guard the people of one side and let them live and work in peace and contentment. This life is enough. If the general can agree to this, Hao Zhao will follow the general."

This is Hao Zhao's will.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction, this humanity is somewhat self-aware.

With his ability, it is not a problem to guard one side and be a senior official.

"I, Guo Jia, promise you that if I have a chance in the future, I will definitely let you guard one side."

Guo Jia smiled, reached out and patted Hao Zhao's shoulder.

Guo Jia!

Hearing this name, Hao Zhao couldn't help being startled.

He never expected that the young man in front of him was General Guo Jia.

It's ridiculous that he was still talking about the shortcomings of Skynet in front of Guo Jia. Fortunately, this general is still approachable.

Thinking of this, Hao Zhao hastily fell to the ground.

"I don't know if it's the general, I just said nonsense, the general must not take it to heart."

He was already a little scared.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just smiled slightly and said, "Those who don't know are not guilty. Besides, what you said just now makes sense, and I will consider it."

 The third change, I suddenly feel a little sick tonight, I feel a little uncomfortable, try to add a few more chapters!
  Please recommend the monthly ticket again!

(End of this chapter)

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