Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1245 The Treasure of the Five Dou Rice Sect

Chapter 1245

Identity is indeed a big move.

When Guo Jia revealed his identity, Hao Zhao, who was still a bit prickly, immediately became docile and respectful.

Jia Xu on the side shook his head helplessly.

He once again understood why Guo Jia insisted on going to Yizhou in person.

Because only when he himself goes, can those generals who were originally fearful become loyal.

This is not a piece of paper, a letter can replace it.

Of course, not everyone has this effect.

The two words Guo Jia are originally a gold-lettered signboard.

Being able to get Guo Jia's approval in person, these people's impetuous hearts relaxed.

"Congratulations, my lord, for gaining another general."

The old fox clasped his fists.

He also saw that this Hao Zhao was unusual, at least he was a unique talent.

At the same time, he once again admired Guo Jia's gaze.

Hao Zhao worked under him for more than half a year, but he didn't find any advantages. Guo Jia just met him once, and he saw how extraordinary this person is.

There is still some difference!

Jia Xu felt helpless.

But he was also a little puzzled, why did Guo Jia come to prison?
Could it be that the lord is a little worried about his own work, so he wants to come and see for himself?
"Wen He, you caught a big fish."

Guo Jia suddenly smiled mysteriously.

Big fish?

Jia Xu was a little confused.

Guo Jia didn't say anything about Liu Yan's matter, so he naturally didn't know about it.

Although he also received news that this master seemed to be here for a woman, and even killed an official in the prison.

Jia Xu didn't think so either.

Based on his understanding of Guo Jia, this master would do anything for a woman.

Not to mention killing an official, even if they killed the emperor, they would not frown.

Dragons have reverse scales, touching them is like death.

Women are Guo Jia's reverse scales. For women, this master dared to poke a hole in the sky.

"The subordinates are dull and don't know what this big fish is?"

Jia Xu asked puzzledly.

He really doesn't know.

"Zhang Lu, do you know?"

Guo Jia suddenly lowered his voice and asked.

Zhang Lu!

Jia Xu nodded.

Of course he knew this person.

The master of the Five Dou Rice Sect, the number two figure in Hanzhong, and a member of the Daoist sect, now has another name of a lost dog.

The Xiliang army entered Hanzhong, Zhang Xiu died in battle, Zhang Lu fled, and now I don't know where he fled?

Is this person imprisoned in the prison in Chang'an City?
Thinking of this, Jia Xu shook his head again.

Even if Zhang Lu was accidentally caught in Chang'an City, he himself is not a big fish, at most he was a fish that slipped through the net.

he died!
Guo Jia said something slowly.


Jia Xu froze for a moment, feeling even more puzzled.

It's worthless dead.

The living Zhang Lu still bears the name of a monster, so he might be able to get some worthless rewards in exchange for sending him to Xudu.

After all, Taoism is still engraved with the name of rebellion.

Although Cao Cao is treacherous, he will continue to implement this aspect. After all, he also gained fame from suppressing the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

"I heard that after the Xiliang army took down the treasury in Hanzhong, they found that it was empty. Zhang Lu fled wildly, without any valuables on his body. The Five Dou Rice Sect has been operating in Hanzhong for so many years, and all the property and food have arrived. where it goes?"

Guo Jia asked mysteriously.

Hearing this, Jia Xu finally understood what Guo Jia meant.

This master has taken a fancy to Zhang Lu's treasure.

After the fall of Hanzhong, the Xiliang army opened the treasury and found that it was empty. They were furious and set fire to the city.

Naturally, Ma Chao also didn't believe that the Five Dou Rice Sect left nothing behind, so he sent people around to arrest the rice thieves and asked them about the whereabouts of their things, but nothing was found.

That's why it was rumored outside that before Zhang Lu escaped, he hid all the money and food in the treasury, preparing to make a comeback.

For a time, the treasure of five buckets of rice became a hot topic.

Jia Xu naturally heard about it.

"What does my lord mean, does anyone know the whereabouts of the treasure?"

He lowered his voice and said.

The Five Dou Rice Sect has been operating in Hanzhong for many years, and the savings are naturally not a small amount. If they can be found, it will be of great help to Yunzhou.

Jia Xu can also rely on this material to run Chang'an well.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia nodded with a smile.

"Zhang Lu's daughter is locked in Chang'an prison. This time I came here to save her."

That's it!

Hearing this, Jia Xu also nodded.

No wonder, this master killed an official servant as soon as he came in.

This is all to please Zhang Lu's daughter.

Routine, it's all a routine!

Jia Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as this treasure exists, it cannot escape Guo Jia's grasp.

It is said that the protagonist is very good at dealing with women.

No matter what kind of woman, especially a beautiful woman, as long as Guo Jia targets her, she will be doomed.

Jia Xu is very thankful that her wife is mediocre, and she doesn't have any outstanding sisters and daughters, so she is naturally not afraid of Guo Jia's concern.

Otherwise, he would have to worry a lot more.

For Guo Jia's ability to flirt with girls, the old fox admires him all over.

"Congratulations, my lord. Not only have you won a good general, but you have also obtained a fortune out of thin air, and there is also a stunning beauty. How can you not be sure about the lord's going out? My subordinates congratulated the lord in advance!"

The old fox looked at Guo Jia maliciously.

Although I don't know what Zhang Qi looks like, but from the interest on Guo Jia's face, it can be seen that she should be a beautiful woman.

Otherwise, the lord would not have done it himself.

Hearing Jia Xu's words, Guo Jia couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Not long ago, he was still worried about the harem?
There will always be retribution for love affairs.

Just when this guy made up his mind to stop messing with men and women, Liu Yan and Zhang Qi appeared in front of him again.

That's all for Liu Yan, there is a generation gap between the two of them, and Guo Jia is too embarrassed to attack her uncle.

But Zhang Qi is different.

The treasure of the Five Dou Rice Sect is very important to Guo Jia, and Guo Jia must get it.

how to get it
Naturally, let that chick Zhang Qi willingly donate.

Can the dignified general still threaten and lure?
Besides, those methods are too low-level.

Picking up girls is Guo Jia's trump card.

As long as you tease this girl comfortably, she will naturally tell everything.

Therefore, Guo Jia also had to use the previous methods of teasing girls to conquer the chick Zhang Qi.


Guo Jia coughed and said, "Wen He, this needs your cooperation."

no problem!
Jia Xu readily agreed.


The old fox rolled his eyes and said, "This subordinate works so hard, should the lord give me some rewards?"


Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, this was the first time Jia Xu asked him for a reward.

Say it!

Guo Jia nodded.

"Then my subordinates will not be polite. After finding the treasure, the subordinates should use it first. It is best to stay in Chang'an."

"Roll rough!"

"My lord, you can discuss it, you can discuss it, nine one, nine one, is it okay, I nine, you one. No, then twenty-eight, two-eight is not enough, four-six..."

(End of this chapter)

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