Chapter 1249


Yang Song took advantage of the heat and said: "When the Xiliang army broke through Hanzhong, time was very urgent, and it was impossible for Zhang Lu and others to transfer these property and food. Most of them were buried around Nanzheng. Of course he didn't want to take these Things are left to Ma Chao, but it may not mean that there is no intention of making a comeback. Now that he has made a comeback, he will leave clues. Although Zhang Lu is dead, his daughter is still there."

Zhang Lu's daughter is naturally Zhang Qi.

From the very beginning, Yang Song fixed his eyes on Zhang Qi.

Zhang Lu is dead, so he will definitely leave some clues for his daughter.

"You mean Zhang Qi?"

Guo Jia glanced at Yang Song.

Not bad!

Yang Song nodded, and said: "Zhang Lu has been in Hanzhong for half his life, and he was kicked out by Ma Chao. Naturally, he is unwilling. Besides, Hanzhong has so many resources. If he can't use them, he will naturally die. So the villain dares to conclude , this Zhang Qi must know the clue to the treasure."

Makes sense!
Guo Jia nodded.

He seems to have underestimated this Yang Song, this guy is clear-headed and can analyze things well, if he is not a treacherous villain, he is really a good talent.

It's a pity that Guo Jia has always looked down on villains, so he will not keep this Yang Song. Once his use value is gone, it will be his death.

"I met that woman Zhang Qi, she is a hard bone, and it is difficult to get clues from her."

Guo Jiaruo gave Yang Song a meaningful look.

Ha ha!

Yang Song looked pleased and said, "General, I would like to ask, if the villain can get clues to the treasure from Zhang Qi's mouth, what reward will I get?"

A villain is a villain, and now I can't wait to ask for benefits.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said: "It's simple, as long as you can ask the clues, you can choose the official position below two thousand stones."

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Yang Song couldn't help but smile.

A senior official with two thousand shi belongs to the level of prefect. If he can become prefect, it can be regarded as smoke from the ancestral grave.

General, please rest assured!
Yang Song coughed, and said: "If the general can trust the villain, the villain is willing to take the crime and do meritorious service, and help the general get clues to the treasure from Zhang Qi."

This guy looked confident.

"What can you do?"

Guo Jia looked at Yang Song strangely.


Yang Song smiled mysteriously, and said: "Although Zhang Qi is a holy woman of the Five Dou Rice Sect, she has been well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child, and she has not been deeply involved in the world. Now that she has experienced the pain of national ruin and family destruction, it is the time when she feels helpless. The general is handsome, and he saved Zhang Qi again, so she is naturally grateful in her heart. Women need to be coaxed. The general only needs to use some hard work, and it won't take long for the general to get Zhang Qi's body and mind. Zhang Qi's body and mind belong to the general. Naturally, the treasure cannot escape the general's grasp."


Hearing Yang Song's approach, Guo Jia couldn't help laughing.

Fun fun!

He couldn't help but glanced at Yang Song again.

Unexpectedly, this Yang Song is also a wonderful person, and he is exactly the same as he thought, starting from conquering Zhang Qi.

Really a hero sees the same thing.

bah bah bah!
Guo Jia shook his head in disgust again.

This guy is a treacherous villain, how can he be compared with himself?
very good!
Guo Jia couldn't help but patted Yang Song on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You are very good, very good!"

Hearing Guo Jia's praise, Yang Song's bones felt a little lighter.

"As long as he can share the general's worries, the villain is willing to go through fire and water, and he will do whatever he wants."

He also hit the snake with the stick, and immediately fell to the ground.


This guy is very good at talking, no wonder he is favored by Zhang Lu.

Guo Jia nodded and said, "Now, this general needs you to do one thing. If you do it well, you will be rewarded!"

General please order!
Yang Song couldn't wait to say: "The subordinates will definitely go through fire and water."

At this moment, he regarded himself as Guo Jia's subordinate.

very good!

Guo Jia smiled and said, "Then lend me your head."

Hearing this, Yang Song couldn't help being startled.

"General, the villain is sincerely doing things for the general."

I know!
The smile on Guo Jia's face remained unchanged, and he said: "Your idea is very good, and this general has adopted it. But if you want to please Zhang Ning, you need an opportunity. You also know that you are the person Zhang Qi hates the most. If you take Your head makes it easier for her to relax. So hard on you!"

General, no!

Immediately, Yang Song's soul escaped from his body.

This is called lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot.

He also committed suicide, why did he teach Guo Jia to flirt with girls?
Besides, does Guo Jia still want him to teach?

At Guo Jia's order, the soldiers of the Tiger Guards dragged Yang Song out and chopped him up, and Shaoqing's head was sent up.

Naturally, such treacherous villains cannot be kept.

Guo Jia stretched out his hand and placed Yang Song's death-defying head on top of him.

"Nian, you can be regarded as contributing to Yunzhou, at least proving the existence of the treasure. Come here, sew up his body afterwards, and bury him outside the city. By the way, put him in a public official uniform. He could not be a high-ranking official during his lifetime. , let him fulfill his wish after death. I, Guo Jia, keep my word. I will do what I promised him.”

When Xu Hu and the others heard this, they couldn't help but rolled their eyes.

This lord is really too bad.

It is only he who can think of letting others be executives after death.

It seems that in the future, we must be more vigilant about the words of this lord.

It may not be a good thing to add an official to you, it may be a reminder, this Yang Song is an example.


Besides, Zhang Qi tossed and turned in the second half of the night and couldn't sleep.

Today's experience was so bizarre that she couldn't believe it.

Originally thought that he would die in the prison of Chang'an City, but unexpectedly he was rescued by others.

The maid Liu Yan beside him suddenly had a powerful relative for no reason.


As the saint of the Five Dou Rice Sect, it is naturally impossible for Zhang Qi not to know about it.

This is the core authority of Yunzhou.

I heard that all the dignitaries in Yunzhou are vying to join this department.

If I can build a good relationship with Liu Yan's uncle, maybe I can also use his strength, and it is not impossible for the Five Dou Rice Sect to make a comeback.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qi's heart suddenly became hot.

She couldn't forget what her father said before he died.

"Qi'er, you are the only one left in the Five Dou Rice Sect. I hope you can endure the humiliation and live a good life. If you have a chance in the future, you must carry forward our orthodoxy."

It wasn't until Zhang Qi agreed with tears that Zhang Lu closed his eyes.

He will not succeed in this life, so he can only pin his hopes on his daughter.

As long as the daughter does not die, the orthodoxy will continue, and it will definitely be passed on in the future.

 Second update, keep going!
(End of this chapter)

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