Chapter 1250
The Xiliang army broke through Hanzhong, Zhang Xiu and Zhang Lu died one after another, and the Wudou Mijiao was also torn apart.

Zhang Qi is the only remaining high-level executive.

So Zhang Lu put all his hopes on this daughter, hoping that she can survive well and have the opportunity to carry forward the Five Dou Rice Sect in the future.

But she is a weak woman, how can she carry forward the five buckets of rice religion?

The appearance of Guo Jia gave her a glimmer of hope.

It seems that this person is quite capable. With his help, Zhang Qi can relax a lot.

How to rely on the relationship between her and Liu Yan is not enough for Guo Jia to help her.

After thinking about it, Zhang Qi felt that the identity of her daughter's family might come in handy.

In all fairness, she is considered a beauty, so she should have no problem seducing an old man.

Since Guo Jia is Liu Yan's uncle, in Zhang Qi's eyes, he is naturally classified as an old man.

(Guo Jia didn't know what Zhang Qi was thinking. If he knew, he would be very angry. Although he is not young, he still thinks he is a fresh meat.)
After thinking wildly all night, Zhang Qi didn't fall asleep. Early the next morning, after washing up and dressing up carefully, she walked out of the room.

Guo Jia had been waiting for her outside.

"Miss Zhang is awake?"

A smile appeared on his face.

Originally, he thought that he didn't need to flirt with girls anymore, but for the treasure of Hanzhong Wudou Rice Sect, he still wanted to do it.

Although it is immoral to cheat a little girl, Guo Jia is still very excited.

Maybe it's just that people are cheap and can't help it!
"So it''s...uncle!"

Zhang Qi was a little surprised. She thought it was Liu Yan who greeted her, but she didn't expect Guo Jia to come in person.

She spent the whole night thinking about how to get close to Guo Jia so that she could be decent without being too utilitarian. After careful deduction in the middle of the night, she thought about many situations.

But after all, it was just talk on paper. When she saw Guo Jia, the girl was so excited that she immediately forgot about it.

Not only that, but the word uncle appeared.


The Tiger Guards burst out laughing.

Looking at it horizontally and vertically, this girl can't be younger than the lord, and she just calls her uncle, which is really funny.

Liu Yan's name is Uncle, which means there is a connection between the two parties. What is the name of your uncle, the saint of the Five Dou Rice Sect?
Guo Jia's face was also a little embarrassed.

He originally wanted to tease his sister, but he didn't expect this girl to call her uncle, so how could he do it?


Zhang Qi was also a little dumbfounded.

This was a little self-defeating, and the relationship between the two was pulled away at once.

Besides, the two parties are not relatives, so if she calls him uncle, wouldn't it be embarrassing for him?

"The little girl has become a sister of the opposite sex with Liu Yan. The general is Liu Yan's uncle, and naturally the little girl's uncle. If the general thinks that the little girl is awkward, the little girl will apologize here."

After all, she is the Holy Maiden of the Five Dou Rice Religion, and Zhang Qi was a bit witty, so she explained it right away.

I didn't call you uncle for no reason, it's because you are my good sister Liu Yan's uncle, if you don't want to, I won't call you uncle in the future.

Ha ha!

Hearing Zhang Qi's explanation, Guo Jia was relieved.

"Liu Yan has a relationship with me, so it's helpless to call me uncle. The girl is not a few years younger than me, so it's too wronged to be called uncle. Why don't you just call me Big Brother Zhen!"

To flirt with a girl, the first step is to get closer to the relationship between the two parties.

Once Zhang Qi calls out his uncle, there will be a generation gap between the two of them, and Guo Jia naturally has no way to start.

Zhang Qi also felt that this title was good, at least it was not so embarrassing.

Zhen... Brother Zhen!
Zhang Qi called out shyly.

good good!
Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Sister, are you hungry? I've ordered someone to prepare breakfast. Let's talk while eating."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please.

In the room, the servants have prepared a lot of food.

Although the material goods in Chang'an City were not rich, Jia Xu naturally did not dare to neglect this lord and provided the best for everything.

Seeing the abundance of food on the table, Zhang Qi couldn't help but sighed.

Thinking that she was well-clothed and well-fed in Hanzhong back then, at least she didn't expect to end up in such an end.

Guo Jia graciously served Zhang Qi a bowl of porridge with longan, tremella and lotus seeds.

"Chang'an is not as good as before after the war, and there are no good things. The lady will use some. When you return to Yunzhou, Zhen will treat you to eat well and have a good time."

Thank you, brother!

Zhang Qi lowered her head.

She suddenly felt that General Zhen was very considerate.Let her involuntarily have a good impression.

"By the way, where is Xiaoyan?"

Zhang Qi couldn't help asking.

Guo Jia smiled slightly.

After this girl was imprisoned by Guo Jia, she was naturally unwilling to be captured without a fight. After struggling to break free from the shackles, she prepared to escape overnight.

Unexpectedly, Guo Jia was superior and captured her again, and sent her out of Cai's mansion overnight, where she was imprisoned in Jia Xu's mansion.

For the time being, she can't be allowed to show up, otherwise it will destroy Guo Jia's great cause of teasing girls.

"My wife misses this girl very much, so I sent her back to Yunzhou early in the morning."

Guo Jia explained.

That's it!

Hearing this, Zhang Qi also heaved a sigh of relief.

She had already made up her mind to seduce Guo Jia, but she would feel a little restrained if Liu Yan was by her side.

After all, to hook up with someone else's uncle and pry into someone's aunt's corner, I feel a little ashamed of my sisters.

It's really great that Liu Yan is not here.

After a few sips of porridge and a few sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, Zhang Qi felt a little full.

She tentatively asked: "My elder brother's surname is Zhen. I don't know what is the relationship with the Zhen family in Wuji County?"

In Yunzhou, the Su family and the Zhen family are definitely top-notch existences.

Because they are Guo Jia's solid backing.

Guo Jia also trusted them very much.

Hearing Guo Jia's surname Zhen, Zhang Qi immediately thought of the Zhen family.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Brother Wei is from the Zhen family, the patriarch Zhen Yan is my elder brother, and the great general Guo Jia is also the son-in-law of the Zhen family."

In other words, this is not the first time he has used the name of the Zhen family.

Sure enough!

Hearing this, Zhang Qi felt relieved.

No wonder the person in front of him has a high status in Skynet. He is from the Zhen family. You must know that the Zhen family is Guo Jia's solid backing.

Zhang Qi stood up suddenly, and said: "There is no repayment for life-saving grace, Zhang Qi is willing to come to repay his brother's great kindness with a grass knot."

Talking slowly.

Don't dare to be!
Guo Jia hurriedly supported her.

The two touched each other, Zhang Qi couldn't help but blushed.

It's not just pretending, it's the first time for her to have skin-to-skin contact with a man other than her relatives.

I have to say that Guo Jia's face is still very attractive to her.

From the original deliberate seduction, it turned into a half push and half give.

Seeing her face blushing, Guo Jia couldn't help but let go of Zhang Qi's hand, coughing immediately: "Don't worry, girl, Liu Yan is my relative, and you are also my relative. Since I am a relative, I should help you. "

(End of this chapter)

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