Chapter 1334
Look at it?
Guo Jia was suddenly dumbfounded.

This is also a way.

It's a pity that except for Guo Ye, the rest of the children are still too young.Moreover, Guo Jia must make a decision now, otherwise there will be unforeseen accidents in the relocation of the capital.

However, Dian Wei's words reminded Guo Jia.

To establish a crown prince does not necessarily have to be the best.

After figuring this out, Guo Jia's mind suddenly became active.


Dian Wei Qiqi Ai Ai said: "I heard that you betrothed a young lady to Zilong's son."


Guo Jia asked strangely: "Isn't your son already engaged to Yun Chang's daughter?"

Dianman is five big and three rough, as ugly as his father.

Ordinary people really look down on Dianman.

But there is an exception, and that is Guan Erye's daughter.

Guan Erye's daughter is also called a burly figure, but she has inherited the might of the Guan family.

The two are also sworn brothers, so they hit it off right away, and if this matter is settled, it can be regarded as a close relationship.

No, no!
Dian Wei shook his head hastily.

Guo Jia was originally handsome, and his wives were more beautiful than the other.The daughters born are naturally more beautiful than the other.

He also knows what his son looks like. Although he can't scare people to death when he goes out, it's hard to make people pleasing to the eye.

Zhao Yun's son is different.

That is the inheritance of the advantages of both parents, and he was born handsome and unrestrained. As Guo Jia's son-in-law, it should be taken for granted.

"My lord, what we are talking about is not Dianman, but Dianque."

The fellow said cautiously.

"Although this kid is also from the Dian family, he is different from his brother. He looks like a water spirit. He is somewhat similar to his mother."

Dian Wei hastily added.

In order not to make Guo Jia preconceived, thinking that the children of the Dian family are uglier than the other.

His little son is really not ugly.

So he wanted to make his youngest son Guo Jia's son-in-law.

This Dian Que was weak and unable to practice martial arts, so Dian Wei could only think of another way.


Hearing what Dian Wei said, Guo Jia suddenly burst out laughing.

This guy can be regarded as worried about his son.

Even if he can't inherit the position in the future, Guo Jia will not treat his son badly just because of his status as Guo Jia's son-in-law.

"Is this Du Hanying's idea?"

Guo Jia asked a question.

Dian Wei is five big and three rough, so naturally he doesn't have these thoughts, most likely Du Hanying's idea.

Hearing Guo Jia's question, Dian Wei suddenly became a little unnatural, and said coyly, "Could it be that she told you?"

This is also normal.

As a mother, I naturally hope that my son can live a better life.

Dian Que is weak, and it is difficult to perform meritorious service on the battlefield, so Du Hanying also hopes that his son can rely on him.

Becoming Guo Jia's son-in-law is the best choice.

So when he heard that Guo Jia was back, Du Hanying immediately urged Dian Wei to come to see Guo Jia and talk about it.

Seeing Dian Wei's staring eyes, Guo Jia couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, okay, I'll leave this matter to..."

He originally wanted Dian Wei to go to Cai Yan, but after thinking about it, he changed his mind.

"Well, you go to Mrs. Zhen's family and ask them to help you."

The wife of the Zhen family is naturally Zhen Jiang and Zhen Tuo. Although Zhen Tuo has no daughter, Zhen Jiang has a daughter.

Guo Jia meant to ask Dian Wei to discuss with Zhen Jiang.

Zhen Jiang's daughter being able to marry Dian Wei's son is also a strong backing for the Zhen family.

Thank you my lord!

Hearing this, Dian Wei was also very happy.

This time, the youngest son also fell.

Watching Dian Wei leave happily, Guo Jia couldn't help shaking his head.

This guy's difficulties are gone, what about your own difficulties?

Thinking of this, Guo Jia immediately stood up.

"Come here, prepare the car, I'm going to Cai Mansion."

Cai Mansion is naturally Cai Yong's mansion.

It is said that after Cai Yan became Guo Jia's official wife, the Cai family also became the No. 1 family in Yunzhou.

Cai Yong had a high status in Confucianism, and many high-ranking officials and dignitaries sent their children to learn from him.

The Cai family was also busy at the time, and became very popular.

The occurrence of auspiciousness in Chang'an, Guo Jia must avoid suspicion.

Because the gun hits the head, he doesn't want to be the target of public criticism for the time being.

So someone has to stand up and help him share the pressure.

The Cai family is the most suitable candidate.

After all, they represent Confucian orthodoxy.

Of course, the disadvantage of doing this is that the Cai family will definitely become the target of public criticism in the future.


"In ancient times, those who wished to comprehend the virtues of the world must first govern their country; those who wish to govern their country, first align their families; those who wish to regulate their families, first cultivate their bodies; those who wish to cultivate their bodies, first rectify their minds; those who wish to rectify their bodies first rectify their minds; Those who want to be sincere in their intentions should first be sincere to their intentions; those who want to be sincere in their intentions should first develop their knowledge, and the knowledge lies in examining things. Then the family will be regulated, the family will be regulated, and then the state will be governed, and then the state will be governed and then the world will be peaceful.”

Cai Yong sat tall, holding a scroll in his hand, explaining the allusions inside.

This old man has two great ambitions in his life, one is to compile the title of Han Shu to go down in history.The other is to recruit disciples and carry forward the Confucian classics.

Seeing that the compilation of Hanshu has come to an end, this huge volume will be published soon.

Both the original author Ban Gu and the editor Cai Yong will be famous in history.

The Cai family has now become the banner of Confucianism in Yunzhou, and scholars from all over the world have traveled thousands of miles to gather under Cai Yong's door.

Cai Yong was also very satisfied.

It is just around the corner to carry forward the Confucian classics and carry them forward.

Therefore, while compiling Han Shu, he devoted part of his time to teaching his disciples.


Then a man stood up.

"Since Mr. also agrees with the way of self-cultivation, family governance, and world peace, why don't you advise the general to appoint officials according to the traditional way? Look at the current situation in Yunzhou, which is not based on benevolence or filial piety. First of all, those who hold high positions are all scumbags. If things go on like this, the country will not be a country!"

Most of these people are disciples from aristocratic families from all over the world.The reason why they came to learn from Cai Yong was that they wanted to use this relationship to advance to official careers in Yunzhou.

After all, Yunzhou is the number one overlord in the world, and it is still very promising to be an official here.

But Yunzhou has its own way of employing people. First, it doesn't look at your family background, and second, it doesn't look at how deep your knowledge is. Instead, it asks a more realistic problem for you to solve.

This is similar to the civil servant selection system of later generations.

Ask questions, analyze problems, solve problems.

Only those who have really been exposed to these questions and have thought about them carefully can answer them fluently.

The children of the aristocratic family who are obsessed with studying, the nerds who only understand filial piety, how can they understand these things, they will naturally run into walls everywhere.

Over time, these people were naturally resentful for not being able to become officials.

Not only did they fail to realize their shortcomings, but they attributed them to the unfairness of the system.

Because the people who make these rules are from poor families.

(End of this chapter)

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