Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1335 Confucian Little Thoughts

Chapter 1335 Confucian Little Thoughts

In the Han Dynasty, there were only two ways to become an official, one was to be filial and honest, and the other was to be recruited by high officials.

For filial piety, people are generally those who have both ability and political integrity, and who are filial to their parents.

The great man ruled the world with filial piety.

In theory, anyone with filial piety can be an official.

But over time, this has become a channel monopolized by dignitaries and aristocratic families.

Because those who are qualified to recommend are people from aristocratic families.

It is impossible for a child from a poor family to have this qualification.

The other is the recruiting of high-ranking officials. For example, the Sangong General opened his mansion and needed some adjutants. Naturally, these people should be recruited first from the children of aristocratic families.

Of course, there was another way during the reign of Emperor Han Ling, which was to spend money to buy officials.

But the price is very expensive, and the children of poor families are basically excluded.

So in this era, it is very difficult for children from poor families to get ahead.

In the end, many children from poor families had no choice but to learn martial arts and join the army, gaining fame with one shot at a time on the battlefield.

This is their only way out.

Poor culture and rich military, we are talking about things after the imperial examination system came into being.

But Yunzhou employs people in a school of its own.

Regardless of family background, regardless of poverty or height, as long as they can pass the examinations set by them and get excellent grades, they can be officials.

This is an assessment plan formulated by Guo Jia, drawing on the civil service examination system of later generations.

Once this assessment plan was launched, it immediately received the support of the children from poor families, and also selected many useful talents for Yunzhou.

But those nerds who are obsessed with reading or only talk about filial piety are not good enough.

Sun Shan lost his name every time he took the exam.

Over time, they complained.

They don't find the reason from themselves, but attribute it to the injustice of the system.

That's why some people complained in Cai Yong's class.


Cai Yong also showed embarrassment.

To be honest, he and this son-in-law didn't deal with it very much, and they didn't support Guo Jia's policies very much.

If you don't support it, you don't support it, but you don't really oppose it.

After all, the old man also felt that he was not good at politics, so he devoted himself to learning.

"I don't really agree with Yunzhou's policy. However, people also proceed according to their own actual situation."

Although the old man was naturally dumbfounded, he was very clear about one thing.

Guo Jia's method works.

Otherwise, Yunzhou would not have achieved today's results.

Not also!

Another student stepped forward.

"My great man has ruled the world with filial piety since ancient times, and filial piety is the guardian of all kinds of goodness. Filial piety must be considered first in the promotion of talents. Yunzhou employs people without filial piety. This is putting the cart before the horse and the way to bring chaos."

Not bad!

Someone else stood up.

"The king uses enlightenment to rule the world. If you want to govern the world, you must first emphasize education. Sir, you are a great Confucian in the dynasty. You should fight for the rights and interests of us scholars. Could it be that we who read sage books are not as good as some ignorant mud legs? "

Among Cai Yong's students, there are also many people who failed in Sun Shan after taking part in many assessments.

Their stomachs are full of resentment.

Many people put their ideas on Cai Yong's head, inciting him to stand up and speak for the Confucian children.


Cai Yong was also a little embarrassed.

It's not like he hasn't said that.

But the son-in-law always said yes and yes in front of him, and then turned around to do what he should do or what to do, and he didn't pay much attention to his suggestions.

Over time, Cai Yong gave up.

But so many students were outraged, Cai Yong had no choice but to nod.

"Looking back, if the old man sees Feng Xiao, he will tell him about it."


Hearing Cai Yong nod, a student stood up excitedly.

"We have already drafted a ten-thousand-word statement, expressing our interests and interests to the general. Since you think so, please sign it."

He said and took out a scroll.

After finally convincing Cai Yong to nod, they naturally wanted to strike while the iron was hot and make this happen.

Today's Confucianism is no longer willing to be a vassal and learn by Cai Yong's side.

What they want is a future, otherwise, no one would come to Yunzhou to worship under Cai Yong.

Cai Yong took the scroll, looked at it carefully, and was startled.

These students want Guo Jia to welcome back the emperor, restore the traditional system of selecting officials, restore filial piety, and restore the recruitment system.

It's all right to restore the official selection system. How can Guo Jia agree to welcome the emperor back?
You must know that Guo Jia is the emperor of the soil in Yunzhou, and if he welcomes the emperor back, wouldn't he want to hand over his rights?
This is simply impossible.

"Sir, you are a great Confucian in the dynasty, and you are also the leading figure in our Confucianism. Heaven, earth, ruler, relative, teacher, the emperor was bullied by Cao Cao in Xudu, do you have the heart to watch?"

A student was heartbroken.


Looking at the countless pairs of eyes in the audience, Cai Yong immediately fell silent.

Confucianism pays attention to loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, and the emperor is humiliated outside, so naturally he, a great Confucian, cannot sit idly by.

Looking at the pair of eyes, Cai Yong sighed and had no choice but to bite the bullet and sign.

Mr. Gao Yi, respected by the students.

Seeing that Cai Yong had signed, everyone bowed in unison.

They had already made up their minds.

Welcoming the emperor back is only the first step, and then they have to unite up and down to urge Guo Jia to return power to the emperor.

As long as the emperor regains power, the traditional system will be restored, and their good days will naturally come.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside.

"The general is here!"

Guo Jia was under the protection of the Tiger Guards, and Shi Shiran appeared on the stage.


Let's say that the reason why Guo Jia came to Cai's house was to let the master write a letter to the court to welcome the emperor back.

As soon as I came to tell the world, I, Guo Jia, had no objection. There was auspiciousness in Chang'an, and we immediately wanted to welcome the emperor back.

Of course, Cao Cao will definitely not let him go.

He will definitely think of various ways to evade.

Why Cai Yong, because this old man is a Confucianist.

Confucianism emphasizes loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

There is nothing wrong with him coming forward.

Of course, he would definitely offend the entire Yunzhou if he did so, but with Guo Jia protecting him, nothing would go wrong.

After all, he is his father-in-law, and Guo Jia will not let him be the target of public criticism.

But at any time, a random replacement for the dead will be introduced, and the matter will be over.

Even if other people have opinions, they will not take it seriously.

By the way, Guo Jia hasn't been to Cai's house for several years, and he was still shocked when he saw the crowd.

I'm afraid there are hundreds of students.

When did this old man become so likable?

Strange as it may be, but Guo Jia didn't take it seriously.

Cai Yong is a great Confucianist, there is nothing to say about his knowledge, and it is only natural to teach him.

"My son-in-law pays respects to his father-in-law!"

Guo Jia stepped forward and bowed.

Cai Yan is his official wife, and Cai Yong is naturally his official father-in-law.

There is nothing wrong with a son-in-law worshiping his father-in-law.

Besides, in front of so many disciples, Guo Jia still wants to show Cai Yong some face.

(End of this chapter)

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