Chapter 1409 No Bottom Line

Zhang Zhao is a steady person, and he is also meticulous in doing things.Thanks to his efforts, the move of the capital was proceeding in an orderly manner.

For this matter, the dignitaries of Yunzhou did not have much rejection, and they were eager to move to Chang'an as soon as possible to start a new life.

The gunpowder workshop and the artillery casting workshop are the core secrets of Yunzhou. After the appearance of the super undercover agent Sima Yi, Guo Jia no longer dared to be careless, and sent troops to secretly relocate these two workshops to Chang'an.

Jia Xu had already made preparations to take over, and secretly placed the two workshops and craftsmen in one place.

The General's Mansion has already started to move, and Guo Jia and all the officials of the General's Mansion will move to Chang'an. After that, Yunzhou will become a pure commodity manufacturing center.

The cavalry battalion, infantry battalion, and artillery battalion all left with the relocation of the general's mansion.

Tens of thousands of soldiers followed the main force to Chang'an.

Only the water barracks remained.

Because there is no condition to settle the navy around Chang'an for the time being, and the navy battalion is also responsible for the safety of the waterway in the Bohai Sea, so it is impossible to get away in a short time.

Guo Jia left Zhang Zhao and Guan Yu to guard Yunzhou, and led the large force on the journey to Chang'an.


"Where is that bastard Guo Jia, tell him to get out of here! Cai Wenji, you are such a good sister, even your younger sister is cheating. Come out!"

Cai Yu was hysterical in the carriage.

It is said that this girl slept in the General's Mansion, and after two or three months, her stomach became inexplicably bigger.

At the beginning, she felt that she might be too tired, but as her menstruation disappeared and her stomach got bigger and bigger, why didn't she know what was wrong?
It must have been taken advantage of by Guo Jia that night.

The more Cai Yu thought about it, the angrier she became.

What annoyed her even more was that her own sister was acting as an accomplice.

What happened that day was completely a conspiracy by Cai Yan and Guo Jia to trick her into going there.

It doesn't matter this time, Cai Yu was actually pregnant by Guo Jia.

By the time Cai Yu realized it was too late, Guo Jia had already sent someone to monitor her, and there were people monitoring her around, so even if she wanted to take medicine, she would have no chance.

Guo Jia, you bastard!
Cai Yu couldn't do anything about jumping.


Xin Xianying on the side couldn't laugh or cry.

She never expected that Guo Jia, who is a great general, would use such a nasty trick.

Actually secretly made her master's belly bigger.

"Xianying, remember, Guo Jia is just a bastard, there is no limit to his meanness and shamelessness, you must pay attention to it in the future."

Cai Yu gritted his teeth and said.

"Master, calm down! The matter has come to this point, there is no point in blaming the general anymore. If you get pregnant, it will be bad for the child."

Xin Xianying said in relief.

In fact, Xin Xianying, as a disciple, was very happy that her master was happy.

After all, she didn't want to see Shi grow old alone.

Cai Yu said angrily: "I just can't swallow this breath. What kind of thing is he, why do you want me to give birth to him?"

Miss Cai Er has always been shrewd and capable, so she has never suffered such a dark loss.


Xin Xianying couldn't laugh or cry again.

Now that the deal is done, Cai Yu is under surveillance again, and there is no room for repentance.

In order to stabilize Cai Yu, Guo Jia deliberately transferred Xin Xianying back, in the name of taking care of her, but actually broke Cai Yu's nearest arm.In order to prevent the master and apprentice from making any fools.


Cai Yu said solemnly: "You have to remember it for me. In the future, you must not be ambiguous with that bastard Guo Jia, otherwise I will not let you go if I am a ghost."

She has been plotted by Guo Jia, and she will definitely not return to work after having a child. The only hope is Xin Xianying.

Cai Yu felt that this girl was very similar to him when he was a child, so he cultivated her carefully.

Now that she is dying, she has to pin all her hopes on Xin Xianying.

I hope this adopted daughter and apprentice can do what she failed to do.

Master, don't worry!
Xin Xianying hurriedly said: "The disciple will never have anything to do with the general."

Don't let your guard down!

Cai Yu hurriedly said again: "Remember, never have a chance to be alone with him in the future, and carry a knife with you. If this bastard dares to force you, you will click and castrate him."


Xin Xianying blushed.

She is still a big girl who has not left the court, how can she hear such words.

"Be careful, that bastard has a hand with women. Master is so shrewd, but did he follow his way in the end?"

Thinking of this, Cai Yu was a little angry again.

It's... Master!
Xin Xianying nodded, and said: "This disciple has long devoted his whole life to his career, and will not consider the personal relationship of his children."

Cai Yu breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Xin Xianying said was decisive.

She could have been a strong woman, but her only regret was that she fell in love with someone she shouldn't love.

I hope this disciple can learn the lesson, and never have selfishness between men and women.

At this time, the carriage stopped suddenly, and a figure walked in, holding a bowl of steaming chicken soup in his hand, it was Guo Jia.

He smiled and said: "Zhen Ji, I heard that you are pregnant, so I specially asked someone to drink chicken soup to nourish your body."

Seeing Guo Jia coming, Cai Yu was naturally furious.

"Asshole, get out of here!"

Cai Yu suddenly grabbed the pillow in the car and threw it at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia had been on guard for a long time, turned around and dodged.

"Bastard thing, you go to hell!"

Cai Yu was furious, grabbed the things around her, and threw them at Guo Jia.

"Aiyo, aiyo, Zhen Ji, why are you doing this?"

Guo Jia dodged while protecting the chicken soup.

"You are pregnant, and I don't blame you. Why are you still angry with me? You see, once you are pregnant, Skynet's work will naturally stop. Didn't I lose a right-hand man? "

The fellow said seriously.

"You still blame me, how dare you blame me? What the hell, you bastard, you got cheap and acted like a good boy."

Cai Yu was hysterical again.


Xin Xianying was dumbfounded.

I have seen shameless, never seen such shameless.

This general really broke her bottom line.

"Master, General, I'm going out first."

Xin Xianying felt that it was not suitable for her to be here, so she wanted to go out immediately.

"Little beauty, don't go out. If you go out, who will take care of your master?"

Guo Jia suddenly stopped Xin Xianying.

The latter suddenly let out an ah, and his face turned red with embarrassment.

She never thought that Guo Jia would be so frivolous.


Cai Yu hastily pulled the disciple over.

"If you dare to play Xianying's idea, I will take your seeds and die with you."

Xin Xianying is now her only hope, and she naturally does not want this disciple to fall into Guo Jia's clutches again.

good good!
Guo Jia shrugged and said, "I don't need to have any ideas with your apprentice, but you have to raise the baby obediently and give birth to this child. Otherwise..."

This guy gave Xin Xianying another malicious look.

(End of this chapter)

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