Chapter 1410 New Channel

Cai Yu couldn't help gnashing her teeth.

Now that she is pregnant, she can't interfere with Skynet's affairs, and her only hope falls on her apprentice.

What she fears most is that her apprentice will follow in her footsteps and be caught by Guo Jia.

If that was the case, Cai Yu would definitely be killed.

But this bastard has a hand with women, and her disciple may not be able to escape Guo Jia's clutches.

After thinking for a while, Cai Yu gritted her teeth: "Okay, I promise you, after giving birth to this child, I will never interfere with Skynet's affairs. But you have to make an oath to me, if you dare to play Xianying's idea , there will be five lightning strikes every day, and the wife and children will be separated and die."

Guo Jia was taken aback.

"I said Zhen Ji, you don't have to be so desperate."

Cai Yu didn't speak, but just looked at him fiercely.

Alright alright!

Guo Jia nodded helplessly and said, "I promise you."

You have to swear!

Cai Yu pressed on every step of the way, she was afraid that Guo Jia would harm her disciples if she harmed herself.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia mechanically repeated: "I, Guo Jia, swear to the sky that I will never make Xin Xianying's idea, otherwise the sky will be struck by lightning and I will die."

Xin Xianying looks good, but Guo Jiana is still in the mood of hunting for beauty.

Cai Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Her eyes suddenly fell on Xin Xianying.

"Xianying, you also swear to me now that you will not have an affair with Guo Jia for the rest of your life, otherwise your son will be a slave for generations, and your daughter will be a prostitute for generations. Your master will not be safe under the nine springs."

Having said that, her tone became stronger.


Hearing this, Xin Xianying's face turned pale, but she said it obediently.

very good!

Only then did Cai Yu wave her hand: "You go out first."

Xin Xianying blessed the two, turned and left.

"I said girl, let's pass."

Guo Jia couldn't laugh or cry: "In your eyes, am I that shameless?"

Cai Yu sneered a few times.

"It's too insulting to say that you, Uncle Guo, are shameless. Alright, I've already given you what you want, and we'll make a difference in the future."

Turning his head away angrily.

One cut and two paragraphs!

Guo Jia giggled and put down the soup bowl in his hand.

"Are you willing to?"

This is a bit ambiguous.

No matter how this guy teased him, Cai Yu just looked at him coldly, and he didn't have a good face.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia felt a little self-defeating, and shook his head helplessly.

"Originally, I thought that if you gave birth to a son, you would let him be the emperor. It seems that you, mother, are prejudiced against me. It's better not to put your face on someone's cold ass."

what did you say?
Hearing this sentence, Cai Yu couldn't help being a little surprised.

She suddenly grabbed Guo Jia.
"You, tell me clearly! Do you really want my son to be emperor?"

Guo Jia has made Liu Yan's son his heir, and he will be the emperor in the future. Even if she gave birth to a son, she has no qualifications.

But which mother in the world doesn't want her son?

Hearing that Guo Jia wanted her son to be emperor, Cai Yu was naturally a little excited.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "Why, don't you want him to be emperor?"


Cai Yu felt a little embarrassed.

Of course she wanted her son to be emperor.

People are selfish.

Originally, she always wanted her nephew Guo Si to succeed her, but once she had her own son, it would be another matter.

"Aren't you fooling me?"

Cai Yu looked at Guo Jia suspiciously.

Heaven and earth conscience!

Guo Jia was wronged and said, "Have I ever lied to you?"

Cai Yu frowned slightly.

Although Guo Jia was an asshole and made her pregnant, but he really never lied to her.

it is good!
She nodded: "I will trust you just once, if you dare to break your promise and gain weight, I will never let you go."

Cai Yu has always put her sister Cai Yan and the Cai family first, but now that she has her own child, her position has changed immediately.

very good!

Guo Jia smiled and said: "First of all, your son should be able to give birth to a son. A daughter is another matter."

do not worry!
Cai Yu smiled coldly, and said, "Although I'm in my thirties, I'm still healthy. Even if this is not a son, there will always be a son in the next one. I only hope that you can fulfill your promise when the time comes."

I'm going!

Guo Jia couldn't help shivering.

He suddenly discovered a serious problem.

Although he closed one channel of Cai Yu's ambition, he opened another channel for her ambition.

It seems that this girl won't quit until she gives birth to someone with a handle.


After finally convincing Cai Yu of his job, Guo Jia returned to his carriage angrily.

"What happened to Zhen Ji, is she still complaining about her concubine?"

Cai Yan on the side asked cautiously.

In view of the dishonorable role played by her older sister some time ago, Cai Yan has always been ashamed to see her younger sister, and just inquired about her recent situation.

rest assured!

Guo Jia smiled wryly and said, "I've already thought about it, and I've already called several old ladies to take care of me."

That's good!
Hearing this, Cai Yan felt relieved.

If the younger sister is safe and sound, she, the older sister, will feel at ease.

Guo Jia suddenly cast a sidelong glance at Cai Yan, feeling deeply moved.

Born to the same parents, the two sisters have completely different personalities.

Cai Yan's generosity was born, and Cai Yu's generosity was forced.

Now Cai Yu's generosity is gone, replaced by selfishness.

He didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse for Cai Yu to have selfishness?

Cai Yan suddenly remembered something, and said in a low voice: "Diao Chan sent someone to look for you, saying that she wanted to leave. I think it's okay for her to be alone, so why not let her stay. Let it go."

At the critical moment, Cai Meimei still showed the demeanor of a big woman.

Diao Chan once kidnapped Cai Yan, although the two have reconciled now, but facing Cai Yan, this girl is still a little uncomfortable.

Although she has always been under the same roof, she rarely appears in front of everyone.


Guo Jia nodded and said, "I'll go and talk about it."

But he knew that Diao Chan might not choose to leave just because she was ashamed of everyone.


Diao Chan's beautiful figure leaned against the car window, her eyes fixed on the front.


Xiaomei at the side whispered: "Are you really willing to leave?"

Guo Jia has moved more than half of Yunzhou into the Chang'an area this time, and within a few years, he will become the emperor of the new dynasty.

Diao Chan followed him, even if she couldn't become a queen, she must be a favored concubine.

Although a concubine is also a concubine, she is also the emperor's concubine, and the treatment is different, and the children born are also the prince's son and grandson.

In this way, Diao Chan can be counted on for the rest of her life.

It's such a pity to leave at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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