Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1436 Su Qinglian's Damaged Move

Chapter 1436 Su Qinglian's Damaged Move
In Dahan, transportation is extremely inconvenient, and merchants usually bring a lot of money or equivalent goods to buy or replace goods when they go out.

Not to mention that it is not safe to carry so many bulky things when going out.

Su Qinglian was keenly aware of this drawback, so she started pawn and mortgage business in the commercial banks in various places in Yunzhou.

This is the embryonic form of the bank of later generations.

Merchants in Xudu want to go to Yunzhou to do business, they can put money or assets in Yunzhou's commercial firm in Xudu, and then take the money ticket issued by the commercial firm to prove that they will go north to Yunzhou.

This bill is similar to the banknotes of later generations, and has the function of purchasing.

The commercial banks stationed in various places in Yunzhou are similar to the early banks.

That's why businessmen from all over the world can come to Chang'an to buy land and properties without taking a penny.

The reason is all because Yunzhou Commercial Bank launched new business.

Although he was amazed by Su Qinglian's talent, Guo Jia's worries remained undiminished.

"They bought the land in Chang'an for a hundred dollars, and sold it for tens of millions. Chang'an is still the same Chang'an, with so much land, and they went back with a lot of money. Didn't you lose your pants? "

Will not!
Su Qinglian said confidently: "Sir, we only accept mortgage and cash, and it is ten to seven. That is to say, his mortgaged assets are worth [-] yuan, and we only issue him a bill of [-] yuan. Secondly, on the day of the mortgage There will be a lot of expenses during this period until the end of the contract. Even if he can't pay it back, the local business firm will sell the mortgaged assets at the market price, no matter how it is calculated, it will be profitable. Therefore, in this process we It will only make a profit and not suffer a loss.”

Su Qinglian carefully considered this system for a long time, and tested it in some places for half a year. When she found that it worked, she immediately spread it to the whole country.

It has been in operation for two or three years so far, and given Yunzhou's strong military strength, there have been no problems.


Guo Jia said helplessly: "There will be no problems on your side, but there are problems on Chang'an. The reason why these businessmen can participate is not because of you?"

Fortunately, Su Qinglian didn't think of the harmful trick of issuing money invoices indiscriminately, otherwise the matter would be even more difficult to control.

How many banks in later generations went bankrupt because of the excessive issuance of banknotes.

and so……

Su Qinglian looked at Guo Jia meaningfully, and said with a smile: "I will never sit back and watch this happen. Businesses have always made money from others, and others want to make money from us. That's not easy."

Hearing this, Guo Jia completely understood.

The purpose of Su Qinglian's return this time is to help Guo Jia to solve the Chang'an matter, otherwise if something happens in Chang'an, they will bear the brunt of it.

In other words, even if Guo Jia didn't come to beg her, she would volunteer to help Guo Jia.

be cheated!
Guo Jia was a little annoyed, he had tossed this girl all night in vain, and now his waist is still sore?
Su Qinglian seemed to sense Guo Jia's displeasure, and immediately took his hand with a smile.

"Husband, in fact, it is not difficult to solve this matter, as long as it is so."

Hearing Su Qinglian's words, Guo Jia couldn't help but gasped.

It really is the most poisonous woman's heart.

Su Qinglian's series of tricks will definitely kill those speculative businessmen.

If Chang'an is saved, the land price will return to normal, and along the way, he will make a fortune.

Three birds with one stone!
A brilliant move, definitely a brilliant move.

Guo Jia couldn't help feeling a little scared.

Fortunately, this Su Qinglian is his woman, if she is his enemy, Guo Jia will be so worried that he can't sleep.

There is a door!

Guo Jia thought about it carefully for a while, then left immediately, found Jia Xu, the two discussed it, and quickly made a decision.


Early the next morning, notices were posted throughout the city.

In order to ensure the stability of Chang'an, the Chang'an area has temporarily suspended the approval of new land transfers, and the deadline for second-hand transactions has also been changed from unlimited to half a year.

In other words, the Chang'an government has no new land to sell, and if you want to buy land, you have to buy private land.

Although private individuals have land, the delivery deadline has also been extended, from the original unlimited deadline to the current half a year.

In other words, if you want to buy and sell land privately, you must be at least half a year old.

As a result, most of the land transactions were frozen.

The merchants were happier.

As a result, land prices skyrocketed.

The reason is that there is no new land entering the market, and no new land for sale means that the future land will only rise but not fall. If you want to buy land, you have to buy it from others.

No one wants to sell their land cheaply.

As a result, there has been an overwhelming price increase in the land market.

Anyway, this thing will not run, and they are not in a hurry.

Looking at the price of the land in their hands every day, they naturally blossomed.

The first step is to lock up liquidity.

Then came the second step.

Lieutenant Sili issued another announcement.

Land is used for planting, and wasting land is tantamount to wasting life. All land must be planted, otherwise it will be delayed in the autumn.

Delay in autumn will be punished, and from now on the government will charge land desolation fees.

The standard is [-]% of the market price of one mu of land.

Hearing this news, those businessmen were dumbfounded.

Although they made a lot of money in the front-end time, it still hurts to ask them to spend [-]% of the fine.

They naturally don't know how to plant, so they have to recruit people to cultivate.

Many people have recruited tenants and started planting.

But now they discovered that no one came to farm at all.

The entire city of Chang'an is crazy, everyone is busy speculating on land prices, who wants to farm?

Soon, a ridiculous phenomenon appeared in Chang'an City.

Landlord A: "Come, come, you have planted the land, you have planted the land, the food you planted has been paid for by the government, and the rest will belong to you. I will not charge any rent."

Landlord B: "Come, come, let's farm, let's farm. There is a lot of land here for tenants to cultivate. Not only do they not charge a penny, but they also provide farm tools and cattle for free."

Landlord C: "Come, come, plant the land, plant the land, as long as you come to plant the land, I will cover all the expenses and pay the wages."

The landlords yelled around, but no tenant came to apply.

The tenants are also busy speculating land, so no one cares about you.

The landlords couldn't find anyone, so they had to increase their chips.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man.

I saw that the landlords did not charge a penny for recruiting people to cultivate, and some even paid wages.

Where to find such good things.

Many farmers in the surrounding area poured into Chang'an and began to cultivate the land one after another.

However, the number of farmers in the surrounding area is limited, and it is impossible to fill the wasteland around Chang'an. In order to avoid punishment, the landlords had to desperately raise their bargaining chips.

In previous years, it was the tenants who fawned on the landlords, and it was indeed the landlords who fawned on the tenants.

I have to say, this is a kind of irony!
(End of this chapter)

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