Chapter 1437
In order to curb the ever-increasing land price, Su Qinglian gave Guo Jia a note. Guo Jia went to Jia Xu immediately without saying a word. The two discussed it and immediately started to implement it.

Soon Captain Sili began to issue announcements.

Land is for planting, not for frying.Food is the most important thing for the people, and the people still need to use the food grown in these fields to feed themselves.

Therefore, anyone who buys land but does not plant it, or delays farming time, will be charged vacant land tax.

One mu of land is charged at 20.00% of the market price.

This is not a small amount. Some businessmen who hoarded land panicked because they had a lot of land hoarded in their hands.

The increasing value of the land has made them a lot of money, so naturally they don't look down on the small profits from farming.

So after these people bought the land, they put it there to store it. This thing is a one-time investment, and there is no cost.Then just wait for the land to appreciate in value and resell it to make a fortune.

However, once the vacancy tax of the Sili Xiaowei Department was introduced, it immediately hit the key point of the businessmen.

It is no longer a matter of high profits to keep the land in the hands, it will incur costs.

If you don't use it, sorry, then you have to pay land vacancy tax.

One year is 20.00% of the market price, and in five years, the land will be gone.

In order to reduce losses, businessmen hired people to farm the land one after another.

But although there are many people in Chang'an City, most of them are dignitaries and businessmen from all over the world. Not many people actually come here to farm, and even if there are, they are hired by others at a high price.

In the current market, the cost of hiring people to farm the land is also close to 20.00% of the market price.Some people have calculated that although hiring people to cultivate land does not require paying vacancy tax, it also requires a certain cost, which is almost the same as the cost of paying taxes.

The rich and powerful businessmen simply stopped hiring and handed over the vacancy tax happily.

As long as the value of the land in their hands continues to increase, they can continue to make money.

But not every businessman is rich and powerful, and there are some small businessmen who have lost their entire family in order to buy land.

They don't have that much money to pay taxes at all, so they have to sell some land to pay the fee.

There are two ways to sell land, one is private sales, the government takes a cut, and the other is to sell the land to the government.

Half of the government's purchase price is lower than the market price, so few people sell the land to the government.

But when they traded the land in their hands in private, they suddenly understood the true meaning of the government's first announcement.

After the land changes hands, it takes half a year before it can be traded again.

As a result, nearly half of the land and funds have been locked up.

Some small and medium-sized businessmen are about to cry, they are about to face huge vacancy tax fines, how can they have time to wait another six months?

As a last resort, they had to sell part of the land to the government at a discount, which was used as a penalty for the vacancy tax.

Due to the blockade of land transactions, land prices in Chang'an rose again, almost several times a day.

The merchants who paid the vacancy tax found that not only they had no losses, but also made a lot of money, so they became even more unscrupulous.

Ever since, the most discussed issue in Chang'an is the issue of land prices.

When you go out, you don’t ask if you have eaten, but how much the land price has risen today, and how much money I made from the land I bought.

Even the watchmen, coachmen, and bearers who empty toilets don't work anymore. Everyone pools money to buy land, and the value will appreciate when they buy it back.

If you have land, you have money. If you have money, who will do the work of serving people?



Looking at the ever-increasing land prices, Guo Jia couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded.

This land price is like a rubber ball, the harder you press it, the harder it bounces.

Before the implementation of the New Deal, the land price in Chang'an was still 15 yuan per mu. After Guo Jia implemented the New Deal, the land price quickly jumped to [-] yuan per mu, and there was a sharp increase in the situation.

I can't control it at all!
Jia Xu was also a little helpless.

"My lord, can this method work? I think we might as well make an example to the monkeys. First, find a reason to lock up the leading businessmen and confiscate their land and illegal gains. In this way, we may be able to suppress these red-eyed people." businessman."

As the highest civil affairs officer in Chang'an, Jia Xu didn't have any good feelings for these businessmen.

I can't wait to kill the chickens to make an example to the monkeys and relieve Chang'an's worries.


Guo Jia couldn't help shaking his head.

Businessmen are the foundation of economic development, and the reason why Yunzhou is able to exist today is the prosperity of the country by business.

Besides, arresting businessmen for no reason will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the businessmen and damage Yunzhou's integrity.

It was Yunzhou's insistence on never collecting taxes at the beginning that established absolute integrity in the hearts of businessmen. No businessman has ever questioned Yunzhou's integrity.

Guo Jia would never do such a thing of killing a chicken and taking its eggs.

It is also a war.

A war without gunpowder.

Guo Jia suddenly took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Continue to implement the New Deal, and resolutely control this matter with peaceful means."

The land price bubble in Chang'an was very big, and it suddenly burst, and the loss was not only the businessmen from other places, but also the local people.

So you can only draw it slowly, you can't kill it with a slap, and you can't let it go. If you want to fish, you can collect the net bit by bit.

Subordinates do their best!

Jia Xu nodded helplessly.

With his ability, he also felt that there was nothing he could do.

The more control this thing gets, the higher it gets. Do you think it's evil or not?

People also tend to believe in evil.

They have to buy land even if they go bankrupt, and they don't even think about it. The current land price of one mu of land is equal to the output of one mu of land for 40 years.

Buying an acre of land means that you have no income for the first 40 years, and you will be able to make money after 40 years.

How many 40 years are there in life?

From Jia Xu's point of view, these people rushing to buy land are either madmen or fools. How can normal people be like this?


Guo Jia suddenly said: "After the land has changed hands, you are not allowed to trade it again within half a year. You must control your subordinates, and you must not allow anyone to take advantage of you. No matter who he is, you must not violate this rule. Anyone who asks you to intercede, Push it all over my head."

The Chinese all value favors, and the Han Dynasty was no exception.

There are policies and measures to counter.

Policies are often good, but when they are promoted and implemented, they often change their taste.

The reason why Guo Jia formulated the measure of not being able to change ownership within six months is to put a lock on free trade.

His only concern is that the law enforcement below is not strict, causing huge losses.

In this way, fairness is lost.

Jia Xu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said meaningfully: "This subordinate understands."

During this period of time, especially after the New Land Deal was withdrawn, countless people came to Jia Xu to intercede, and Jia Xu was also extremely annoyed.

Many people are still unwilling to offend him.

Now with Guo Jia's words, Jia Xu can be reassured.

It won't be easy for anyone to come here in the future. If you have any questions, you can go to Guo Jia.

(End of this chapter)

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