Chapter 1452 Disgraceful literati

Zhuge Liang finally bowed his head, and the food from Hanzhong was being transported to Chengdu in an orderly manner to help the victims of the disaster in Chengdu tide over the difficulties.

Guo Jia specially ordered someone to secretly transport a batch of sweet potato seeds from the experimental field to Yizhou.

With the improvement of seedling cultivation technology, large-scale planting can already be carried out.

The reason why I chose Yizhou is because this place is relatively closed and the secrecy is better.

It can be regarded as a meeting ceremony for Zhuge Liang.

Under the governance of Zhuge Liang and Fazheng, Yizhou gradually recovered its vitality.Zhang Ren and others also prepared their troops and prepared to attack the rogue Ma Chao who was circling in Pakistan.

Guo Jia also breathed a sigh of relief as Yizhou competed for favor, but the situation in Chang'an was tense at the moment.

Since Jia Xu threw out the land value-added tax, he instantly became the public enemy of all major landlords.

They didn't dare to do it openly, but secretly used various means to deal with Jia Xu.

These people all have strong backgrounds, and for a while Jia Xu became the target of public criticism, and also became the target of Shilin's impeachment.

The power of the people is great, and soon Jia Xu's bad deeds were sorted out.

From the fact that he collaborated with Dong Li to bring harm to Chang'an, from corruption and bribery to rampant lawlessness, even the fact that he was captured by thieves when he was a child and pretended to be a relative of the Duan family was also revealed.

Many people came to Guo Jia to complain, but what they said had their noses and eyes.

On a certain day in a certain year, Jia Xu received 500 taels of gold from his men.

On a certain day of a certain year, Jia Xu used public funds to go to a restaurant to eat, drink and gamble.

On a certain day in a certain year, Jia Xu peeked at the widow Madam Zou taking a bath.


Guo Jia looked at the pile of complaint letters and was a little bit dumbfounded.

He now understands a truth.

When some people want others to die, they do everything they can.

From assassination and poisoning, to spreading rumors and slandering.

It really is the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Peeking at the widow taking a bath, fortunately these guys figured it out.

This Mrs. Zou is Zhang Ji's widow, who later became Guo Jia's wife.

They also wanted to arouse Guo Jia's anger through this incident.

Of course, Guo Jia knew that this was unlikely.

Even if Jia Xu had actually seen Mrs. Zou take a bath, Guo Jia would not say anything, after all Mrs. Zou was not his woman at that time.

Besides, Jia Xu is completely taking the blame for Guo Jia.

very good!

Guo Jia got up and walked a few steps.

It seems that the villain Jia Xu has done too well.

Maybe this guy has a temperament of attracting hatred.It actually attracted [-]% of the hatred all of a sudden.

Jia Xu probably offended the entire gentry now.

In order to keep the old fox, Guo Jia sent Wang Yue and the Tiger Guards early in the morning.

With these people around, the old fox must be as stable as Mount Tai.

At this moment, a figure hurriedly came, it was Xu Chu.

"My lord, there is news from Yunzhou. The second lady announced in public that she will give the Cai family's land to the surrounding people for free. The old man also agreed."

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

Cai Yu broke his wrist just in time.

Once she announces that all the land under the name of the Cai family will be given to the people free of charge, those who hoard land under the banner of the Cai family will have a headache.

Either they followed suit and gave the land away, or they changed the assets and transferred the land under the name of the Cai family to their own name.

In this way, the Cai family can be saved from this crisis.

"Pass down the order, and don't let those who are hoarding land under the banner of the Cai family be easily let go."

Guo Jia snorted.

It's really unreasonable for these bastards to do bad things under the banner of the Cai family.

If Guo Jia didn't deal with them, I would really feel sorry for Cai Yu who rushed to Yunzhou to deal with the crisis while pregnant.

Xu Chu responded and was about to leave.


Guo Jia suddenly stopped him.

"Come with me for a walk outside the city!"

Hearing this, Xu Chu was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

He and Dian Wei were Guo Jia's generals in the early morning, responsible for Guo Jia's daily life and safety.

At that time, the two of them were the Second General Heng Ha beside Guo Jia. No matter where Guo Jia went, the two of them would follow.

Later Xu Chu joined Skynet and became Skynet's armed force, so he naturally had no time to protect Guo Jia.

Now that Guo Jia suddenly made this request, Xu Chu was flattered.

"Since the lord has this elegance, the subordinate will naturally accompany him."

Xu Chu grinned.

Ha ha!

Hearing what Xu Chu said, Guo Jia also showed a smile on his face.

Soon, the two changed into casual clothes and walked out of the General's Mansion.

This time, Guo Jia also made a private visit via Weibo.

Guo Jia was in front, and Xu Chu was half a pace behind.

At this time, the best position to protect the lord is not to block the lord's sight, but also to be able to block him in front of him at the first time.

After so many years, Xu Chu still hasn't forgotten.

At this moment, Chang'an City is staged a drama of crusade against Jia Xu.

The whole street is full of sufferers.

Some even wore filial piety clothes and denounced Jia Xu's numerous crimes.


Guo Jia suddenly said: "You have been with me for 20 years."

Xu Chu was subdued by Guo Jia after he took office in Zhongshan, a little shorter than Dian Wei and the others.

It has been more than 20 years now.

23 years!

Xu Chu laughed.

He remembered it clearly, because when his son Xu Yi was born, he went north to Yunzhou to report, and now his son is already 23.

It's 23!
Guo Jia nodded slowly.

23 years is enough to grow two generations.

But in the past 23 years, Xu Chu has not changed much, and is still very loyal to himself.

"The people with you have already been appointed officials and knights, and Dian Wei has also become a general in charge. You are the only one who has been staying in Skynet. Because of work problems, you have rarely shown up. But your credit, I I know it in my heart."

Guo Jia said apologetically.

At the beginning, Guo Jia was a little worried about Cai Yu, so he let the loyal Xu Chu enter Skynet and become Cai Yu's deputy.On the one hand to protect Cai Yu, on the other hand to monitor her.

This progress is more than ten years.

Xu Chu also changed from a strong man to gray temples.

Needless to say, my lord!

Xu Chu clasped his fists and said, "It's Xu Chu's honor to be able to share my lord's worries."

His loyalty to Guo Jia has not changed.

"Look at these people!"

Guo Jia pointed at the actors on the street, and said coldly: "It's all fake, and it's all at the instigation of those bastards. In order to achieve their goals, these people don't hesitate to turn black and white into falsehoods."

Xu Chu thought so.

He was originally a low-level peasant, and he respected the aristocratic family and scholars very much, but after entering the Heavenly King, he saw the true colors of these people clearly.

Many scholars are a bunch of hypocrites, full of talk, full of male robbers and female prostitutes.

In order to keep his one-acre three-point land, he poured all the dirty water on Jia Xu.

Literati shameful~!

(End of this chapter)

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