Chapter 1453

The introduction of the land value-added tax quickly made Jia Xu a thorn in the side of various interest groups.

These people used the energy in their hands to attack Jia Xu.

Their energy is so great that everyone in Chang'an City is counting Jia Xu's crimes.

Xu Chu, who is the leader of Skynet, knows it very well.

Ninety percent of this is slander.

Jia Xu is not a gregarious person, and he has some bad habits, but he is definitely not insane as these people slander him.

Interests, everything is driven by interests.

For their own benefit, these people did not hesitate to put Jia Xu to death.

"Zhongkang, you have to remember!"

Guo Jia pointed at the angry people.

"These people are ignorant, they don't know what they are doing, they are just tools used by others."

Xu Chu thought so.

People are simple-minded and easily exploited.

There is a method called kidnapping public opinion.

Now those land owners are very smart, knowing that their strength is not enough to fight against Jia Xu, so they try to kidnap public opinion to deal with the government.

These people have been kidnapped by them.

But the sad thing is that Guo Jia and others are helpless when they know that these people have been kidnapped.

Because their role is to protect these common people.

and so……

Guo Jia sighed, and said: "Politics is a deception. Sometimes, we also need to deceive them."

Xu Chu stopped talking.

He was born in poverty at the bottom of the society and had no education, so he won Guo Jia's favor by virtue of his martial arts skills.

Politics is another world to him.

Like Dian Wei, he doesn't have much political savvy, but he has been in contact with Skynet to some extent.

Originally, Xu Chu thought that the villains in the world were the most hateful, but after more than ten years of scrambling in Skynet, he realized that those sanctimonious hypocrites are even more hateful than villains.

Guo Jia looked at the sky and said to himself, "It's about time."

As he spoke, he went straight to the Sili Xiaowei's yamen.

At this moment, the Sili Xiaowei's yamen has been besieged by the common people.

No matter how powerful Jia Xu was, he didn't dare to compete with the people in the whole city, so he had to take a defensive position.

The common people besieged the gate of Wei's Yamen in Sili School and greeted all eighteen generations of Jia Xu's ancestors.

What's more, pick up stones and throw them in through the gate.

"Come out, come out, Jia Xu, you shy turtle."

"If you don't come out again, I will burn your den."

The crowd was furious.

A daring commoner picked up a larger stone and threw it with a swish, hitting the plaque on the gate of Sili Xiaowei's yamen.

With a bang, the door plaque was smashed and fell to the ground.

This time everyone was startled.

Although they besieged the government and threw stones, it was the first time someone knocked down the plaque on the Sili Xiaowei's yamen.

This time, I'm afraid something is not very good.


The city guards ambushing outside were dispatched.

A tall general walked over with a murderous look.

"You guys, do you want to rebel? Lieutenant Sili is the government,"

The one who came was naturally Dian Wei from the City Guards, he had received a secret message from Jia Xu long ago and came to help out.

Seeing the city guards coming in with a murderous look, the people suddenly became a little afraid.

For the people in the government, they are still a little scared in their bones.

At this time, the gate was opened, and Jia Xu came to the gate under the protection of the official.

"General Dian came at the right time. These unruly people surrounded the government, prevented officials from enforcing the law, and attacked the government in defiance of the king's law. General, please take them all down."

Throwing stones at the government is not a rebellion, but knocking down the plaque of the government is a bit too much.

Jia Xu also insisted on this point and asked Dian Wei to arrest him.

Dian Wei also responded.

"Come here, take down all these rioters, his grandma's, dare to attack the government, I think they have eaten the bear's heart and leopard."

Hundreds of elite soldiers immediately surrounded and began to arrest people.

They also arrested people with a purpose, and arrested those who hid among the people and made a fuss.

Those people were bought by the landlords to confuse the people against the government.

"Why catch me, did I throw anything?"

"If you want to arrest, you must also arrest Jia Xu. Didn't you see that the city is full of sufferers?"

"Let go of me, you arrested the wrong person."

These people shouted one after another, and some even took the opportunity to boo.

"Look, everyone, the officers and soldiers have joined forces with Jia Xu. They are disregarding human lives."

"Everyone is united, don't be intimidated by them, the general will decide for us."

"These soldiers must have taken their money. Don't be fooled, everyone."

Some people took the opportunity to yell and continue to fish in troubled waters.

When they heard that the soldiers had been bribed by Jia Xu, some people couldn't bear it anymore, and began to push and push the officers and soldiers in a bad temper.

Reverse, reverse!
Dian Wei was furious.

He originally thought it was just a riot, but he didn't expect that after being bewitched, these people also showed their sharp fangs.

Those who are in chaos shall be beheaded!
Jia Xu said coldly: "General Dian, what are you still doing?"

Dian Wei also gritted his teeth: "Come here, arrest these rioters, and if they resist, they will be shot to death."

He was also a little upset.

Hearing what Dian Wei said, all the soldiers under him showed their swords and guns.

This time, those who followed Dian Wei were all elite soldiers of the City Guards.

Just when the conflict between the two sides was about to break out, a thick voice suddenly roared.

"Stop it all!"

Then a big man escorted the young man to the gate of the yamen.

Seeing this young man coming, Dian Wei and Jia Xu saluted and said, "My subordinates greet the general."

The ones who came were naturally Xu Chu and Guo Jia.

Only now did Xu Chu understand Guo Jia's purpose for letting him come.

It is impossible and impossible to suppress the chaotic voices of hundreds of people.

Guo Jia suddenly waved at Dian Wei.

Dian Wei hurriedly came to him.

With a snap, Guo Jia slapped him.

"You bastard, you've got a lot of patience. You've only been out for a few days, and you dare to point your weapons at these unarmed ordinary people."

Speaking of this, Guo Jia's tone suddenly became severe.

"Who gave you the guts!"

Dian Wei was startled, and quickly fell to his knees.

"General, this subordinate knows it's wrong."

Guo Jia ignored him and let Dian Wei's tall figure kneel on the ground.

"Everyone, I, Guo Jia, govern the world with benevolence and righteousness, and will never wrong the people."

The mighty general!
Seeing Guo Jia coming, the people immediately became excited.

"General, you have to make the decision for us. Jia Xu has cleverly set up a name to levy taxes wantonly, and even bought soldiers to beat us to death."

"Yes, General, we know that you love the people like your own son, so please order them to stop."

"General, general, value-added tax is unbearable! Land is our lifeblood."

Everyone started to complain with every word you said.

The value-added tax moves their interests, so they are naturally not happy.

(End of this chapter)

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