Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1458 Crouching Dragon Submits

Chapter 1458 Crouching Dragon Submits
After entering the city, Guo Jia personally supported Zhuge Liang and walked down, and the civil servants and generals of Chang'an greeted him on both sides.

Originally, Guo Jia planned to let the people come to welcome them, but the land price collapsed some time ago. Although the people did not lose much, they were also very upset. If any troubles were caused, it would be a bit ugly.

"Kong Ming, what do you think of the newly built Chang'an?"

Guo Jia asked with a smile.

Majestic atmosphere!

Zhuge Liang praised sincerely.

After Jia Xu's efforts, the architecture of New Chang'an is better than ever.

Guo Jia suddenly sighed, and said with a wry smile: "The big man has been riddled with holes for hundreds of years. I, Guo Jia, have the heart to help the Han family, so as to be a trial listener. But the building is about to collapse, and there is no way to support it alone. I don't know if Kong Ming is willing to help me .”

As he spoke, he looked at Zhuge Liang eagerly.

The acting is almost done, it's time to show the original intention.


Zhuge Liang is also sincere and fearful.

He also knew that Guo Jia wanted to be a corporal and wanted to recruit himself.

But doing so seems a bit too much.

Too much too!

Zhuge Liang suddenly didn't dare to say anything.

Guo Jia choked suddenly.

He said the last sentence, you should say something at least so that it can go smoothly.

Zhuge Liang didn't speak, so Guo Jia couldn't ask and answer by himself, right?
One exaggerated, and the other was frightened, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.


Everyone also looked at each other in blank dismay.

It seems that the two of them did not call.

Could it be that the opening posture is wrong?
At this moment, Cai Yan dragged Huang Yueying out of the carriage.

"Tell your husband the good news."

Cai Meimei said calmly: "Sister Huang and I hit it off right away, and we have sworn sisters of the opposite sex."

Guo Jia quickly stayed there.

Everyone was silent at first, and then applauded loudly.

"Congratulations madam!"

Xi Zhong took the lead in worship.

Everyone also sent their blessings.

Guo Jia was also overjoyed.

This lady still has a way.

Now he is eating the hedgehog by the tiger and has no way to start?

Over there, Cai Meimei actually managed Huang Yueying.

Knocking their heads on the ground, they are good sisters. Zhuge Liang is Huang Yueying's husband, and now she has become her own family.

The co-author made a lot of trouble by himself, but a few words from his wife did not work.

Zhuge Liang also looked at his wife in shock.The latter nodded shyly.

Who is Cai Yan?

That is Guo Jia's wife.

In the future, when Guo Jia ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, Cai Yan must be the queen.

Huang Yueying became Cai Yan's sworn sister, so naturally all boats will rise with the tide in the future.

Although Zhuge Liang didn't like this kind of nepotism, he was very moved in his heart.

"General Meng loves wrongly, Liang has nothing to repay, and is willing to use his humble body for his orders."

Zhuge Liang finally cupped his fists and said.

Everyone has done this, if he pretends to be stupid again, it will be a little unreasonable.

In fact, when he came to Chang'an this time, Zhuge Liang had the intention of surrendering.

Seeing Guo Jia's sincerity now, Zhuge Liang naturally no longer hesitated.

good good!
Guo Jia hurriedly helped Zhuge Liang up.

Wolong finally arrived.

Obtaining Wolong, half of the hegemony is completed, this is a unique military and political talent.

"From today onwards, this general has appointed Kong Ming as the Colonel of Sili, and he can open the government to discuss matters and choose his own officials. It will take effect immediately."

Zhuge Liang's expression changed, and everyone was even more surprised, and they all looked at Jia Xu.

Guo Jia is thirsty for talents, so he can only use Zhuge Liang again. Why did he give such an important position as soon as he came up.

You must know that the Sili Xiaowei, the Shang Shuling, and the Yushi Zhongcheng are collectively known as the Sanduzuo, which is the authority in the court.

This is Chang'an, not Xudu, there is no Shangshu Ling and Yushi Zhongcheng, Sili Xiaowei is the highest civil affairs officer in Chang'an, and his official position is only second to that of a general.

Originally this position belonged to Jia Xu, but now it is given to Zhuge Liang, where should Jia Xu be placed?

Zhuge Liang knelt down on the ground.

"Liang came to Chang'an for the first time, how can he take up such an important position? My lord, please take back your orders quickly. Liang is willing to start from a small official."

He also knew that Captain Sili belonged to Jia Xu, so it would be too unkind to try to take the position of senior brother as soon as he came.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia helped him up again, and said, "Kong Ming, I know your ability and your fear. If possible, I will let you start from the grassroots step by step, so as not to cause gossip. But... "

His face darkened, and he said seriously: "Time is too tight, and there is no time left. Chang'anfu suffered a serious setback, and it is time for a capable minister to set things right. Looking around, only you have this ability. A good knife must Use it wisely, I hope you will take office immediately, and don’t disappoint my painstaking efforts. The people of Chang’an, please!”

Say goodbye!
Zhuge Liang fell to the ground again, weeping uncontrollably.

"Since the lord loves you so much, Liang is willing to go all out and devote himself to death."

At this moment, he was completely overwhelmed by Guo Jia.

There are many corporals who are courteous and virtuous, but it can be said that there is no one who can do what Guo Jia did.

As soon as he made a move, he was the captain of Sili, which was the second highest official position in Yunzhou after the general.

Even the old man who has been with him for many years does not have this opportunity.

Zhuge Liang was heartbroken.

With such a master, how could he not go all out?
very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

Finally caught the dragon.

Crouching dragon and phoenix young, one can win the world.

With the help of Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia's hegemony has naturally become half.

Wen and...

Guo Jia suddenly turned his head and said to Jia Xu: "Chengdu is newly established, and there are still Ma Chao and Meng Huo who are ready to move. We just need someone who can take charge of their own affairs. I appoint you as the governor of Yizhou, with full power to handle Yizhou's military affairs. Within a year, Ma Chao and Meng Huo will be wiped out."

Jia Xu was indifferent and didn't express anything.

Only then did everyone feel relieved.

It turned out that Guo Jia had long wanted to send Jia Xu to Sichuan.

Although the governor of Yizhou is no better than Sili Xiaowei, he is better than the initial decision, which has a lot of promise.

In addition...

Guo Jia suddenly lowered his voice.

"Zhang Ren is stable and reliable, and he can be entrusted with important responsibilities. Fa Zheng is resourceful, but he has some vengeance, so don't discredit him. As for Li Yan and Meng Da, they have their own selfish intentions, and they must not be left alone."

This is the experience of later generations.

After Liu Bei entered Sichuan, all Liu Zhang's subordinates surrendered, except Zhang Renning, the prefect of Shu County, who refused to surrender.

Meng Da repeated several times in his life, he is a villain.

As for Li Yan, although he was not bad in the first half of his life, he was a little too selfish in the second half of his life, and because of his own selfishness, he sabotaged Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, so that Zhuge Liang's years of preparation were wasted.

Subordinates understand!
Jia Xu nodded and listened carefully.

He admired the protagonist's ability to see people.

Since he said that, he has his reasons, and Jia Xu must be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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