Chapter 1459 Another Year


The snow is falling, and another year has passed.

Guo Jia stood on the city wall with his hands behind his back, looking down at the scene inside the city.

Half a year has passed, and the entire north has fallen into a virtuous circle.

First, Zhuge Liang served as the school lieutenant of Sili, and opened the government to discuss affairs.

This person's strategies and tactics are very superb, and he put forward many useful suggestions, Guo Jia adopted them one by one, and then let Zhuge Liang do it by himself.

Zhuge Liang lived up to expectations, and solved many problems one after another, which was treated differently by officials big and small.

The people in Chang'an also knew that a good official had come, and they trusted the government even more.

Jia Xu also took office in Chengdu and began to deal with the chaos in Yizhou.

He attacked Ma Chao with Zhang Ren, defended Jingzhou with Li Yan, and asked Yan Yan to attack Nanman together, and soon stabilized the situation.

In the same year, the high-yield crops of sweet potatoes and potatoes popularized around Yizhou and Chang'an had a big harvest, and people realized that there was such a high-yield food in the world.

For a time, the famine in Yizhou was lifted, and a bumper harvest of grain was also obtained.This thing can be planted in the spare time of the staple food, and the harvest is very rich, and it will soon be popularized in the four northern states.

Not only that, people in Liangzhou, Liaodong, Yunzhou and other places with poor soil have also begun to grow sweet potatoes and potatoes.

Such high-yielding crops quickly solved the food crisis in the North.Not only that, but also made by craftsmen to follow the opening of the food.

The family has surplus food, so they don't panic. People have surplus food in their hands, and they start to pursue a higher level of life.

After having enough food and clothing, the people thought about passing on the family line and having children from generation to generation.Anyway, there is more than enough food at home, and one more bite means one more pair of chopsticks.

In just one year, hundreds of thousands of babies were born throughout the north.

A smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

Children are the hope of the future. With the backing of high-yield crops from America, he can afford to support more people.

Population is the destiny of the country.

A woman came in a hurry, it was Xin Xianying.

Now she has successfully succeeded Cai Yu as the new person in charge of Skynet.

"Sima Yi regained the whole of Qingzhou, Yuan Shu died of illness, Gongsun Du was killed, Sima Yi ordered Zang Ba to guard Qingzhou, and led the army back to Xudu."

"Lü Bu rebelled against Yuan Shu and joined forces with Jiang Jiong to attack Yuan Shu. Ji Ling led the army to attack. Ji Ling lost to Lu Bu and lost Lujiang. Yuan Shu had no choice but to use Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu used tricks to lure the two to chase after him. Draining the river to irrigate it, Lu Bu and Jiang Jiong were defeated and retreated to Nanyang."

"Sun Quan has conquered Shanyue, and now he is heading north with a victorious army. The tiger is watching Xiangfan, and Kuaiyue dispatches troops to defend Xiangfan."

This is a major event that happened in a year, and Xin Xianying had sorted it out a long time ago.

What she brought was not only news, but also some speculations of her own.

"After Sima Yi captured Qingzhou, his next target should be Yuan Shu in Huaihuai. Sima Yi's replacement of Cao Cao is enough to make the princes. Yuan Shu's proclaiming himself emperor will definitely challenge his prestige. Now that Qingzhou has been established, Sima Yi will definitely not let Yuan Shu go."

"Lv Bu and Jiang Jiong seem to have received support from Sima Yi, and are dealing with Yuan Shujun in Nanyang."

"Sun Quan will not attack Yuan Shu for the time being. His target seems to be Xiangfan. Among the surrounding princes, only Kuai Yue is the weakest."

After more than a year of tempering, this woman has become more mature, and she is impeccable in doing things.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction.

"What's the difference in the Battle of Qingzhou?"

Sima Yi wiped out Yuan Shao's main force in the first battle in Qingzhou, and regained the entire Qingzhou in just one year.

This battle can be said to be a classic.


Xin Xianying said confidently: "Sima Yi has [-] soldiers, and Yuan Shao has [-]. Sima Yi lost three games in a row with arrogance. , Sima Yi left his supplies, food, grass and finances to induce Wen Chou's army to scramble and disrupt the formation, and then swung his troops to defeat Wen Chou's army in one go. Once Yan Liang and Wen Chou died, Yuan's army disappeared. Sima Yi took Qingzhou without any effort."

Guo Jia's eyebrows twitched.

"Did any firearms show up in the Battle of Qingzhou?"

That's all he cares about.


Xin Xianying said with certainty.

Skynet has eyes and ears all over the world. She had carefully investigated the Battle of Qingzhou, and Sima Yi did not use firearms during the whole process.

This is weird!

Guo Jia said to himself.

Back then, Sima Yi had been aliased as Ah Chou and had stayed in the Yunzhou gunpowder workshop for a long time, so he must have learned how to make firearms with his intelligence.Guo Jia suspected that the artillery that killed Cao Cao was from him.

This is a weapon beyond the times.

Since Sima Yi can make it, why don't you see him use it?
Even if bronze and steel are scarce in Xudu, there is still no problem in making a crock bomb similar to a trebuchet.

But why didn't Sima Yi use it when he regained Qingzhou?
Guo Jia's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Didn't Sima Yi learn how to make firearms at all?
But how can Cao Cao be bombarded to death?
"Then what..."

Guo Jia suddenly took a step forward, scaring Xin Xianying back again and again.

She has always been very wary of Guo Jia.

Guo Jia was dumbfounded.

It seems that in this regard, this girl has not changed.

"After you go back, you will closely monitor Xu Du's every move, and find a way to find out whether they have gunpowder weapons?"

Guo Jia said in a low voice.

After a year of silence, Yunzhou is basically self-sufficient in food. As long as it continues to cultivate sweet potatoes, in another year or two, Yunzhou will have enough food to prepare for war.

At that time, it will be the day when Guo Jia will send his army south.

Swinging his army south, the first person Guo Jia wanted to destroy was Sima Yi.

Because this person has learned the technique of making gunpowder, he will surely be able to build a large number of artillery in time.

At that time, Yunzhou's advantage will be gone.

So Guo Jia planned to make a quick decision and destroy Sima Yi first.

However, during the Battle of Qingzhou, no traces of Sima Yi's use of firearms were found.

Guo Jia didn't know whether he didn't use firearms or whether he couldn't mass-produce them at all.

If it's the latter, then there's no need to move him first.

Is it easy first and then difficult?
Guo Jiada can destroy Xiangfan first and then plan for Xudu.

Xin Xianying's face turned red.

She knew she had misunderstood something.

Although her teacher Cai Yu instilled in her the idea that Guo Jia was a scumbag since she was a child, in the past two years, this general has always behaved well to herself.


Guo Jia suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile, "Girl, if I remember correctly, you must be eighteen now!"

Xin Xianying froze for a moment, then nodded.

Guo Jia rubbed her chin, and said to herself, "Well, at eighteen, she's a big girl, and it's time to get married."

(End of this chapter)

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