Chapter 1460
Xin Xianying is a very good child, Guo Jia is at this age, so naturally he will not harm others.

So I plan to find a reliable husband's family for this girl.

In this era, women are already considered older youths, and it is time to find a husband's family.

You can't marry and have children in your 30s like her master.

Xin Xianying didn't expect Guo Jia to say such words suddenly, and immediately blushed.

"Xianying will never marry for life, and is willing to die of old age."

What words!

Guo Jia snorted and said, "It is an eternal truth that a man should marry a man and a woman should marry a man. Do you want to become an older youth like your master?"

Xin Xianying naturally didn't know what the older youth meant, but she still said cautiously: "My master is for you."

Xin Xianying is naturally aware of the matter between Cai Yu and Guo Jia. At the beginning, she thought her master was stupid for not marrying for the sake of a man.

Later she understood the greatness of Cai Yu.

It was precisely because of this man that she never married.

alright, alright!

Guo Jia waved his hand, he was too lazy to argue with Xin Xianying.

"I will leave this matter to the general, and I will definitely find you a good family."

He said with a smile.

Xin Xianying wanted to say something, but heard another cold voice.

"Xianying is mine, no one can touch her without my consent."

A graceful figure walked up to the two of them, it was Cai Yu.

After she was pregnant in October and gave birth to a daughter, Cai Yu's figure was slightly fatter, but her demeanor remained the same.

She was holding a baby in her arms, it was her daughter.

"Master, are you here?"

Xin Xianying greeted him in surprise.

The master and apprentice have not seen each other for some time.

Seeing Xin Xianying, Cai Yu's complexion improved a lot, and she said with a smile, "Very good, even better than I imagined."

This is all meritorious service taught by the master!
Xin Xianying said embarrassedly.

Cai Yu gave Guo Jia a sideways look, and said coldly, "Xianying, don't worry, as long as the master is here, no one will have any idea about you. Even if he is in a high position, the master will not agree."

This seems to be a bit of accusation.

I said Zhen Ji!
Guo Jia complained: "Your words are a bit harsh. I'm not doing this for this girl, okay? Do you want to see this girl grow old alone forever?"

It would be fine if it was Cai Yu, after all, she and Guo Jia had a constant relationship.

Now that Cai Yu came out, Xin Xianying went in again.

Guo Jia still couldn't bear to let a young girl in her blooming season live alone for the rest of her life.

Cai Yu sneered, and handed the child over to the maid beside her.

"Xianying, you go back first!"

Xin Xianying nodded obediently.

The master confronted the general, and she was also a little embarrassed here.

After Xin Xianying left, Cai Yu suddenly grabbed Guo Jia.

"Guo Fengxiao, you have no conscience. You started to dislike me as soon as they gave birth to a girl. You want to try to trick someone's apprentice. Hmph, let me tell you, don't think about it."

Xin Xianying is Cai Yu's career sustenance, and she will definitely not agree to Guo Jia's destruction.

It hurts!
This girl is in her 30s, and she still has the fiery temper she used to have, and she will make a fuss if she disagrees with her.

Guo Jia grinned.

"How dare I despise you, I'm happier that you gave birth to a daughter."

Most of the women who gave birth have some postpartum depression, Guo Jia naturally did not dare to offend, so he had to say it with a smile.

is it?

Cai Yu squinted at him before letting go.

of course!

Guo Jia rubbed her sore ears and said with a smile, "Don't you know that I named this girl Guo Bao'er. She is the same as Belle, and she is my heart and soul baby."

Coincidentally, Diao Chan also gave birth to a daughter, Guo Jia named her Guo Bei'er, a Bao'er and a Bei'er, they just made up a pair of babies.

It seems that the heavens are also watching a joke. These two women who tried their best to have a boy gave birth to a pair of daughters.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Cai Yu was relieved.

"Since that's the case, why do you want to marry Xianying? With Xianying's identity and the special nature of Skynet, she must never marry."

Xin Xianying is the actual person in charge of Skynet, and must be absolutely loyal to Guo Jia.Marriage is naturally impossible, the only way out is to become Guo Jia's woman, but Cai Yu has already blocked this way.

So Xin Xianying had no choice but to die alone.

Although Cai Yu also felt a little cruel, there was no other way.

Originally, she should be the one who died alone, but the world was unpredictable, and she finally jumped out.

But Xin Xianying would not have such good luck.

I know!
Guo Jia couldn't laugh or cry: "I know her importance, so I also considered this issue. What do you think of this child Guo Si?"

Guo Si?

When Guo Jia asked, Cai Yu couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Hearing that Guo Jia wanted to betroth Xin Xianying to Guo Si, Cai Yu's first thought was that Guo Jia was a little confused.

Let alone the age difference between the two, Guo Si's current status cannot be compared with Xin Xianying's.

Because of the dispute between Guo Ye and Guo Si a few years ago, Guo Jia passed the position of son to the unknown Guo Ji.

In other words, Guo Si had long since lost the power to inherit the Datong.

However, Cai Yu's heart moved again, and he asked in puzzlement, "You want to re-promote Guo Si?"

Now Guo Ji is just a kid, Guo Ye is far away in the northern fortress, Guo Jiang followed Sun Shangxiang to the south of the Yangtze River, and the only one under Guo Jia who can reuse him is Guo Si.

If Guo Jia intends to betroth Xin Xianying to Guo Si, it means that he will reuse Guo Si.

That's a good thing.

After all, Cai Yu is Guo Si's own aunt.

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded and said, "You know I'm old, and it's time for these kids to practice."

It's time for Guo Si to practice.

I have no objection!

Cai Yu shrugged and said, "As long as you want."

Betrothing an apprentice to a nephew is also a way of getting closer. Besides, with Xin Xianying's virtuousness, he will definitely be Guo Si's virtuous wife in the future.

Although the age difference is bigger, what's the problem?
Guo Jiake is much older than Liu Yan, and still a generation behind. Aren't the two together now?

Ten thousand for sure!
Guo Jia smiled and hugged Guo Baoer beside her.

"Be good, baby, give me a kiss from father!"

With a click, he kissed Bao'er on the face.

Guo Baoer was so frightened that he burst into tears.

look at you!
Cai Yu suddenly gave the boy a blank look, hurriedly carried the child back, coaxed him for a while, and then calmed down.


Cai Yu's face suddenly changed into embarrassment.

"The concubine must give you a boy first. Otherwise, you will never get Xianying's idea."

Is this one still thinking about having a son?
She also wants to fight for her son's name.

(End of this chapter)

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