Chapter 1462
Let's say that Liu Xie and others hurried to Sima Yi's barracks.

But seeing the barracks guarding all sides, a large number of soldiers guarded outside, and faint crying could be heard inside.

The members of the Sima family entered the barracks first, while the others were blocked by the soldiers.

"Jin Gongzheng is in the camp with official business, and idlers are not allowed to enter."

The first general yelled loudly.

Several courtiers froze for a moment, puzzled and said: "I heard that Duke Jin is ill, so I will come to visit you."

"Duke Jin is in good health, so where is the disease? Don't talk nonsense!"

The leading general said impatiently.


Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other.

Where did Sima Yi make trouble?

You just said you were sick, but now you're not sick again, and you blocked everyone from going in, what's going on?

God helps me too!

Seeing this scene, Cao Pi finally lost his heart.

Crying was already heard in the camp, and the Sima family also entered first, but these soldiers kept the others out.

This shows that it is deceptive!

I'm afraid Sima Yi is really terminally ill, otherwise how could he keep everyone out?

If this is the case, he must have called his family and cronies to arrange the posthumous affairs.

Once Sima Yi died, the power structure of the imperial court would be reset again.

How could Cao Pi let go of this opportunity.

He wants to take back the power of the Cao family from Sima Yi.

If you don't go in now, when will you stay?
Thinking of this, Cao Pi suddenly became furious, separated from the crowd, and slapped the general in the face.

"You bastard, the one in front of you is His Majesty. Don't say that Sima Yi is not sick. Even if he is sick, he will respectfully welcome you in when His Majesty comes down. If you dare to keep Your Majesty out, I think you are tired of living." up."

The leading general was stunned by the beating, and he didn't dare to speak until he saw clearly that it was Cao Pi who had beaten him.

Although the Cao family has fallen, the remaining prestige is still there.

Most of the current army was built by Cao Cao alone. It has not been a few years since Cao Cao died, and they dare not turn against Cao Pi.


Cao Pi waved his hand and said angrily, "Protect Your Majesty and go in, I will see who dares to rebel?"

Liu Xie glanced at Cao Pi gratefully.

Although this little brother-in-law has never had a good face towards him, but this time he gave Liu Xie enough face.

Liu Xie was very satisfied.

"It's better that Duke Jin is not sick, I'll go in and have a look."

As he spoke, he walked in.

Several guards supported Liu Xie and entered the barracks.

Cao Pi also followed in with others.

He was sure that Sima Yi was seriously ill, and going in now was a good time to fight for power and profit.

When Cao Pi's men went in, the other courtiers also wanted to go in. At this time, the general who had been submissive suddenly turned his face.

"Duke Jin has orders, and idlers are not allowed to enter!"

As he said that, he immediately ordered his subordinates to close the gate of the village.

The courtiers were a little dissatisfied.

"Wei Gong can go in, why can't we go in?"

"We heard that Duke Jin was ill, so we also came to visit him."

"We are the close ministers of His Majesty, and His Majesty is still waiting for us. Hurry up and get out of the way, don't delay the big event."

They are also very clear in their hearts.

Once Sima Yi is finished, tonight will be an opportunity to divide up the power, and no one will be left behind.

Ha ha!

The general suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

"Everyone, I advise you to wait patiently outside. It may not be a good thing to go in now."

Then his complexion changed, and he shouted: "Everyone listens to the order and closes the gate of the village. The four directions are on alert, and anyone who dares to approach will be killed without mercy!"

Speaking of this, he was already stern.

The soldiers guarding the gate shouted in unison.

The bow is stringed and the sword is unsheathed, a scene of chilling.


Let's say that Cao Pi and others embraced Liu Xie and walked to the big tent of the Chinese army.

After walking a certain distance, Cao Pi felt that something was wrong.

The soldiers guarding the camp did not stop them, and allowed them to come in without encountering any resistance along the way.

Cao Pi suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

But in front of him was the large tent of the Chinese army, so he didn't think about it, and rushed in with his people.

As soon as he stepped into the door of the Chinese military tent, Cao Pi's eyes froze and his body trembled a little.

Sima Yi sat in the big tent, looking at him with a half-smile.There is wine and vegetables on the table in front of him, so why does he look sick?
"Jin Gong, are you alright?"

Liu Xie asked in surprise.

Until now, he still hasn't figured it out.

The minister is naturally not sick!
Sima Yi stood up slowly, and said with a sinister smile: "Why, let you down?"

"Damn bastard, who said that Duke Jin is seriously ill?"

Cao Pi cursed angrily, and forced a smile: "It's all those damned bastards talking nonsense. They said that Duke Jin is seriously ill. Your Majesty and younger brother are also worried about Duke Jin's condition, so they came here in a hurry. If we had known Zhongda Wuyou, The younger brother will not be so reckless."

is it?

Sima Yi picked up the wine barter beside him, and said slowly: "I don't blame them for this, it's my father who told them to say so. Otherwise, how could Ziheng come in so easily?"

Cao Pi's face changed drastically.

"Zhongda, what are you talking about?"

He forced a laugh, and said: "My little brother is also worried about your health, so I came here in a hurry. If there is a misunderstanding caused by this, I will apologize to Duke Jin here. There are still many things in the city. Since Zhongda is fine, little brother Don't worry, let's leave first."

Said a deep salute.

36 counting is the best!
Not in a hurry!
Sima Yi suddenly smiled and said, "Since Ziheng is here, then stay and have a drink."

Suddenly, a large number of soldiers poured out from around the camp, each pointing at Cao Pi and the others with bows and crossbows.

Countless arrows emit a faint cold light.


Cao Pi secretly groaned in his heart!

This time, he was careless.

The purpose of Sima Yi's explosion is probably to trick him into camping.

I'm afraid my plan has been exposed.

He was also greedy for profit, and entered the barracks with a hundred guards.

Running him over with Sima Yi's force is as easy as running over an ant.

"Sima Yi, what do you mean?"

Cao Pi hurriedly hid in the siege of the guards and shouted loudly, and took Liu Xie in his hand.

What do you mean?
Sima Yi said coldly: "Zi Heng, you have colluded with Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun in an attempt to kill the king and rebel. Today I will get rid of you, the traitor, on behalf of His Majesty."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the soldiers on both sides rushed out.


Cao Pi gritted his teeth!

The current strategy is to fight back with all their strength.

Whoosh whoosh!
Several rockets shot into the air.

The ambush soldiers of the Cao family and Xiahou family who were ambushing outside launched an attack immediately after seeing it.

Sima Yi's camp opened, and two groups of cavalry rushed out, facing the ambush soldiers of Cao's family and Xiahou's family respectively.

All of this was within Sima Yi's calculations.

When Xia Houyuan and Cao Hong led their private soldiers to the camp, there was a sudden panic from behind.

People reported that Sili Xiaowei Zhong Yao led his army to kill them from behind.

At the critical moment, Zhong Yao turned against him.

(End of this chapter)

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