Chapter 1463 Cao Pi's Defeat
Cao Pi was escorted in front of Sima Yi covered in blood, his face was full of unwillingness.

Fall short!
Everything that originally belonged to him now belongs to Sima Yi.

"Ziheng, what else do you have to say now?"

Sima Yi looked at Cao Pi with a smile.

He had known for a long time that Cao Pi was not a subservient person, so he made arrangements when he left.

This fraud is to make Cao Pi throw himself into the trap.

Don't you get complacent too early?
Cao Pi said viciously, "Is it still a winner?"

The army of Xia Houyuan and Cao Hong was attacking the camp. With their bravery and skill in fighting, together with the dead soldiers of the Cao family and Zhong Yao's soldiers and horses, they were enough to fight against Sima Yi's three thousand soldiers.

is it?

Sima Yi's smile remained unchanged, and he said, "I'm afraid I've disappointed you."

He walked a few steps in front of Cao Pi with his hands behind his back.

"I ordered Guo Huai to dispatch 1000 elite soldiers to ambush outside. What do you think Xia Houyuan and Cao Hong's [-]-odd men have to win?"

Hearing this, Cao Pi's face changed drastically again.

It turned out that Sima Yi had seen through his plan a long time ago.

Five thousand troops!

The corner of Cao Pi's mouth twitched.

Not long after, a general came in a hurry.

"Report to Duke Jin, the rebellion is all wiped out, and the heads of Xia Houyuan and Cao Hong are here."

As he spoke, he held up two heads, which were Xia Houyuan and Cao Hong.

The two of them died unrepentantly.

Zhong Yao!

Seeing this general, Cao Pi's body trembled, and he understood everything in an instant.

He always had a question in his mind.

Sima Yi cheated himself into a trap by cheating on his illness, obviously because he had learned of Cao Pi's plan.

Cao Pi has been planning for so long, and the preparations are very sufficient, why does Sima Yi know everything about it?
Now, he understands.

It was Zhong Yao, the bastard, who told the secret.

Zhong Yao didn't look sideways, but just looked at Cao Pi coldly.

very good!

Sima Yi nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Cao Pi's rebellion is a heinous crime. Yuan Chang, you immediately lead your troops to Xudu and surround Cao's family. No one will be left behind."

Zhong Yao responded, turned and left.

Zhong Yao's husband!

Cao Pi said angrily, "My father treated you well, why did you betray him?"

He really couldn't figure it out.

Cao Cao has always put great emphasis on the Yingchuan gentry.

Xun Yu, Chen Qun, Zhong Yao are all in high positions.

How could this bastard seek refuge with Sima Yi?


Hearing this, Sima Yi couldn't stop laughing.

"Ziheng, do you know how Cao Cao died?"

Cao Pi was stunned, and said angrily, "Of course Guo Jia killed him."

Cao Cao was killed by shelling.

Among the princes of the world, only Guo Jia has artillery in his hands.

If it weren't for Cao Pi's weak style and lack of power, he would have started war against Yunzhou long ago.

No, no!
Sima Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "Your father died from the shelling, and everyone in the world thought it was Guo Jia who did it. In fact, this is wrong. Because artillery is not unique to the Yunzhou family. Our Sima family can also make it. "

Hearing this, Cao Pi's body trembled, and he lost his voice: "You..."

Sima Yi snorted, without saying a word, suddenly came to the handsome seat, and opened the screen behind him.

A cannon was revealed.

He is a cautious person. Just in case, he set up artillery in the large tent of the Chinese army.

Reluctantly, Cao Pi got hotheaded and came in with a small number of people. Naturally, Sima Yi's artillery was of no use.

It's you……

Cao Pi roared angrily, "It was you, a treacherous villain, who killed my father?"

Only then did he understand.

It turns out that his father died under the plot of Sima Yi.

"I'm letting you in on a little secret."

Sima Yi looked at Cao Pi proudly, "It was Zhong Yao who personally planted the cannon at the head of Mengjin City. It's not good for you to seek rebellion, but to find Zhong Yao. This is completely suicidal. If you find out that he and your father are related It's about death, can you let him go? So, he can only rely on me."

Only then did Cao Pi understand why Zhong Yao took refuge in Sima Yi. It turned out that his hands were stained with his father's blood.

I hate it!
Cao Pi roared, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Scenes from the past echoed in his mind.

"Cao Cao is a hero, and I, Sima Yi, admire it very much. But you are an idiot. Not only did you kill your own brother, but you also helped me get rid of Xun Yu. If you stay in Xudu and be your Wei Gong, that's all. , I can still save your life. Now you don’t know how to rebel, how can I tolerate you?”

Sima Yi snorted, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He had long wanted to kill Cao's family, but he never found a chance.

Now Cao Pi is willing to die by himself, and he is also happy to push the boat along.

"Sima Yi, you bastard who is neither male nor female, you will die! I, Cao Pi, will not let you go even if I am a ghost."

Cao Pi cursed a few words.

you wanna die!
Sima Yi's face twitched, and a frightening and fierce light flashed in his eyes.

When Sima Yi was undercover in Yunzhou, he rolled down the mountain and injured his lower body, and he has been inhumane ever since.

This will always be a thorn in his heart.

Now that Cao Pi brought it up, how could Sima Yi not be angry.

"What, was it right? Hahahaha!"

Cao Pi laughed wildly a few times, and said: "Even if you monopolize the power, you are not a useless person. Even if you conquer the country, who can you give it to? Although you are married, you can only watch it. Your wife's heart Extremely resentful, seduce men everywhere. You don't know it, she has already given you a cuckold. There are not a hundred men who have slept with her in Xudu City, and there are eighty or ninety. Do you know how your wife is in bed? The sensuality? I can't stand it anymore. Hahahaha!"

A long sword pierced Cao Pi's chest and protruded from his back.

Blood flowed down the tip of the sword to the ground.

Sima Yi's face was ferocious, and his hands trembled a little.

Cao Pi couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and said with a big laugh, "Sima Yi, you are a treacherous villain without eggs, and you will be punished sooner or later. I, Cao Pi, will go first and wait for you on Huangquan Road."

As he said that, he pulled out forcefully, the long sword left his body, and blood immediately spurted out.

The reason why he wanted to provoke Sima Yi was to seek a quick death so as not to be humiliated.

Cao Pi stood up staggeringly, and murmured: "Father... Cao Pi is incapable and cannot revive the prestige of the Cao family. Brother...don't...don't blame me!"

As he spoke, he fell to the ground and died.

Liu Xie on the side was scared out of his wits.

"Jin Gong, Jin Gong, Cao Pi's rebellion is not reconciled to me!"

He was only coerced by Cao Pi, and did not participate in the rebellion.

Sima Yi wiped the blood from the hilt of his sword, and said calmly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I don't mean to blame you."

As he spoke, he gently helped Liu Xie up.

Liu Xie breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Sima Yi said, and stood up unsteadily.

"It's getting late, Your Majesty should rest earlier!"

Sima Yi waved his hand.

Liu Xie was still in shock, and nodded immediately.With the support of Sima Yi, he was about to leave.

Liu Xie suddenly felt a sharp pain in his back, and the tip of a sword protruded from his chest.

Sima Yi drew his sword from behind, piercing Liu Xie's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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