Chapter 1464
Liu Xie looked at the tip of the sword on his chest in disbelief.

Obviously Sima Yi promised to let him go, why is he still throwing the sword behind his back.

"You miserable fellow!"

Sima Yi sneered and said, "You've already lost all the face of the big man. Rather than slumping around and lingering, it's better to die early and be reincarnated."

As he spoke, he drew out his sword.

"Sima you dare to kill the king?"

Liu Xie hugged his chest in pain.

you are wrong!
Sima Yi put the long sword back into Cao Pi's hand.

"It was Cao Pi who killed the king. He knew that he had committed a serious crime and committed suicide."


Liu Xie suddenly yelled, fell to the ground and died at the age of 30.

His death ended the 400-year history of the Han Dynasty.

You should thank me!

Looking at Liu Xie who was dying with regret, Sima Yi said contemptuously.

Liu Xie is a sad existence. He was bullied by powerful officials from the beginning of his succession. Dong Zhuo was like this, Li Jue was like this, and so was Cao Cao.

It can be said that Liu Xie never really became an emperor in his life.

His existence is just a doll in the hands of powerful officials.

Sima Yi's sword completely liberated him.

Since then, Dahan is over.

In fact, Sima Yi didn't want to kill Liu Xie this time, after all, this person is still useful.

But before Cao Pi died, he revealed Sima Yi's secret and confessed Mrs. Sima Yi's promiscuous life, and the latter had to kill him to silence him.

It's a man who spreads his scandals.

Liu Xie was also unlucky, but he heard something he shouldn't have heard, otherwise he could go back and continue to be his own puppet emperor.


Sima Yi calmed down and shouted.

After a while, the guards of the brigade broke in and were shocked to see the situation of the big tent.

There is nothing wrong with Cao Pi's death.

If he wants to rebel, Duke Jin will naturally not let him go.

But the emperor died too.

Although after Sima Yi took power, the people under him didn't think of Liu Xie as the emperor very much.

But after all, it is the orthodoxy of the big man.

Sima Yi said in a deep voice: "Cao Pi knew that he had committed a serious crime, so he stabbed His Majesty to death and then committed suicide. Open the tent immediately, let the courtiers in, and let them mourn for His Majesty."

Several confidants responded.

In fact, no one is stupid.

Cao Pi was defeated and captured, and he was beaten to death long ago, so he still has the strength to grab the sword and stab the king?
Most of the emperor died in the hands of Duke Jin.

But so what?

They are already Sima Yi's people, so naturally they cannot accuse their master of killing the king and usurping the throne.

Soon, the ministers of the DPRK flocked.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"Cao Pi rebelled against the thief, dare to kill the king and usurp the throne? This old man and he are at odds with each other."

"Poor my last bit of blood, is it just gone?"

Everyone also knew that Cao Pi wanted to kill Sima Yi, and there was no reason to kill Liu Xie.

But what about knowing?
Which of them dare to speak out?

Today's Sima Yi has pacified the rebellion of the Cao family, and has long been monopolized.

Naturally, they didn't dare to feel uncomfortable.

Otherwise, the Cao family is a role model.

Sima Yi changed into white clothes, and said in a deep voice: "Cao Pi rebelled, murdered the king and usurped the throne, a great rebellion. Now Cao Pi is being punished, but His Majesty is also killed. I am sorry for Your Majesty, I am sorry for the previous emperors of the Han Dynasty. I am willing to resign for the people and atone for my sins for life."

As he spoke, he squeezed out a few tears.

When it's time to pretend, you have to pretend, Sima Yi is also a good showman.

Duke Jin doesn't have to blame himself!

Several confidantes immediately persuaded: "The late emperor died, and the country collapsed. It is the Duke of Jin who needs to turn the tide. How can Duke Jin retreat bravely?"

Not bad!

Another person said: "The imperial court has accumulated evils for a long time. Thanks to Jin Gong's hard work, it has improved. Now Jin Gong has recovered the whole Qingzhou, and he has worked hard. The imperial court cannot be separated, and neither can the people!"

Everyone dissuaded Sima Yi one after another.

Many courtiers who were quick to see the opportunity also consoled him one after another.

After repeated dissuasion by the courtiers, Sima Yi reluctantly complied.

At this time Yang Biao suddenly stood up.

"A country cannot be without a king for a day, and the first emperor died. Our first priority is to establish a new monarch first. The old man proposes that the eldest prince Liu Feng inherit the throne."

Although Liu Xie died, there are descendants.

After arriving in Xudu, Cao Cao married three daughters into the palace successively and gave birth to several sons to Liu Xie.

The eldest son Liu Feng is already six years old.

Yang Biao is an old minister of the Han Dynasty, and also a big family in Guanzhong in the past.

After Cao Cao's death, he, together with Xun Yu, proposed to return the government to the king.

But before it could be implemented, Xun Yu died suddenly, and the plan naturally came to nothing.

Later Sima Yi came to power, and Liu Xie became a puppet again.

Now that Liu Xie is dead, in order to prevent other people from having ulterior motives, Yang Biao proposed to appoint the eldest prince Liu Feng as the king to continue the lineage of the great man.

Inappropriate, inappropriate!

A scribe stood up.

"Situ's words are wrong. Liu Feng is from the Cao family, and the Cao family is Cao Pi's younger sister. Now the Cao family is rebelling, killing the king and causing chaos. How can the son of the Cao family inherit the rule?"

It was Sima Yi's confidant Niu Jin who spoke.

Hearing what Niu Jin said, everyone couldn't help whispering.

What Niu Jin said makes sense.

The Cao family rebelled, killed the king and caused chaos, so the sons of the Cao family naturally could not inherit the great rule.

Otherwise, how could the dead Liu Xie close his eyes?

Yang Biao frowned, and said: "Since Liu Feng can't do it, then the second prince Liu Xi."

Liu Xie has several sons.


Niu Jin still shook his head and said, "Liu Xi is also the son of the Cao family."

This time, Yang Biao was speechless.

Because Cao Cao had already left behind, he killed Liu Xie's queen and nobles, as well as Liu Xie's two sons.

Now Liu Xie's sons are all nephews of the Cao family.

Three daughters of the Cao family were married into the palace. Cao Jie was the queen and was abolished later, and the other two were nobles.

Later, Liu Xie accepted the daughter of the great Confucian Song Hong as a nobleman.

It's a pity that Song Guiren entered the palace for a short time and only had one daughter.

As a result, no one is eligible.

Yang Biao was a little displeased, and said, "This won't work, and that won't work either. Is it possible that Han Tong will be broken?"

This is God's will!

Niu Jin smiled slightly, and said: "The great man has been passed down for more than four hundred years. Since there is no more orthodox blood, let's establish a new master."

His face suddenly straightened, and he said: "I am looking at the sky at night, and Ziwei is bright and angry. It is a great time for the old king to go to the new one. I invite Jin Gong to ascend the throne, long live, long live, long live."

Said and fell to his knees.

Seeing Niu Jin kneeling, Sima Yi's confidants immediately knelt down, and finally the soldiers outside knelt down too.

Seeing this situation, many courtiers also knelt down one after another.

They too go with the flow.

Sima Yi holds great power and is no different from the emperor.

Kneeling who is not kneeling?

Yang Biao's face was a little ugly.

"Even if the son of the Cao family can't inherit the great line, the blood of the Liu family is still there. Why do you want to establish a new master? Aren't you trying to usurp the throne?"


Niu Jin's face changed, and he said: "It is the will of the heavens for the old emperor to go to the new one, Yang Biao, are you going to go against the sky?"

(End of this chapter)

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