Chapter 1478

Fazheng's expression darkened completely when he saw the delivery receipt Jiang Wan provided.

This is not a loss, it is simply entrainment.

What made him even more angry was that all the delivery orders were stamped with the official seal of the prefect's mansion.

In other words, someone is doing things under Fazheng's nose.

Who is so courageous?

Fazheng narrowed his eyes, and many figures flashed in his mind.

Few people could use the official seal of the prefect's mansion. In the end, his eyes stayed on a figure.

Meng Da!

Only he has the chance.

However, Fazheng was a little doubtful again.

Meng Daming knows that sweet potatoes are forbidden, and he wants to carry them in private. Is he desperate?

Even if he could use the official seal of the prefect's mansion, how could those transportation teams cooperate with him?
Don't they know that the entrainment in private is to lose their heads?

Another figure appeared in Fazheng's mind.

Li Yan!

He has always been in charge of the logistics and transportation of Shu County.

If Meng Da wanted to carry private goods in private, he had to ask Li Yan to nod, otherwise, even if these things were out of the treasury, it would be difficult to get out of the city.

It seems that the two have reached an agreement in private to resell these forbidden items behind their backs.

Fazheng's heart suddenly became cold.

The relationship between the three has always been very good, and Fazheng has always regarded the two as brothers.

Unexpectedly, the two of them did such things behind their backs.


Fazheng gritted his teeth and said, "Call Master Meng and Li Youcao!"

Since Fazheng entered Shu County, he promoted these two friends as right and left hands, responsible for the affairs of Yiying Mansion.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that the two of them worked hand in hand and took the forbidden things out of the city.

Fazheng wanted to ask Meng Da and Li Yan face to face, why did he do such a thing because he treated him well.

My lord!

Jiang Wan said in a low voice: "There are some things you may not know yet. Many merchants came here after hearing about the beauty of our Yizhou sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes and potatoes have already fetched sky-high prices on the black market."

For money?

Fazheng nodded blankly.

Meng Da is a bit greedy for money, but can this money be greedy?

It's just downright stupid.

Would he dare to risk his beheading just for a little profit?
My lord!

Jiang Wan reminded again: "According to the records of my subordinates, the loss of the transportation team is at least tens of thousands of catties. At the current black market price, it is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. This is not a small sum."

Hundreds of millions of wealth!

Fazheng couldn't help being startled.

On the one hand, he was amazed that Meng Da and others had brought so many sweet potatoes in private, and on the other hand, he was amazed by the price on the black market.

If this sweet potato is really so valuable, wouldn't it be an astronomical figure to sell the millions of catties in their treasury?
Of course Fazheng is just thinking about it.

The reason why these things cannot be sold is because it is related to the national destiny of Yunzhou.

Now it is in Yunzhou, but not in other places.

The people in Yunzhou can eat enough and have a surplus, while the people in other places will go hungry.

Those who are full will have nothing to eat.

There is no need to fight this battle at all, just say hello that there is enough food here, and ensure that the people on the opposite side will come over without hesitation.

This is the advantage of Yunzhou, and it is also the national destiny of Yunzhou.

Selling sweet potatoes at this time is selling Yunzhou's advantages and Yunzhou's national fortune.

Guo Jia understands this truth, Jia Xu understands this truth, and Fa Zheng also understands this truth.

But the people below may not understand it, and even if they understand it, they feel that it has nothing to do with them.

Meng Da and Li Yan thought so.

The more Fazheng thought about it, the angrier he became, wishing he could arrest Meng Da and Li Yan and interrogate them.

Jiang Wan is a caring person, and has long been wary of Meng Da's trick.

"My lord, if you really want to investigate this matter, I suggest you go to the ten-mile freight station outside the city."

Cheng family?

Hearing this, Fazheng suddenly narrowed his eyes.


"Lord Inspector, today's carts, they have stockpiled tens of thousands of catties of sweet potatoes, and the same amount of potatoes. It's time to do something."

Pan Yin said in a low voice.

act recklessly!

Jia Xu smiled coldly.

From the first day he came here, he has a very good understanding of the situation in Yizhou.

Yunzhou has been operating Skynet for nearly 30 years and is not a vegetarian.

These idiots are doing things under his nose, do you really think that the governor is just a display?

"How about Fazheng?"

Jia Xu suddenly asked.

He still admired this young man very much.

Let's hope he wasn't involved in this.

If Fazheng also participated, Jia Xu would naturally not show mercy.

However, the current evidence does not prove that Fazheng was involved.

"Fazheng went to the warehouse at this moment, and seems to have discovered the problem."

Pan Yin said in a low voice.

Skynet is not only responsible for inquiring about news, but also responsible for monitoring the ministers.

Ever since they found out that someone was hiding sweet potatoes, Fazheng and others have been under the surveillance of Skynet.

very good!

Hearing this, Jia Xu was relieved.

This method is just a personal talent, if he participates in it, it will prove to be a short-sighted person, not worthy of reuse.

Since Fazheng did not participate, Jia Xu was not polite.

"Meng Da, the master of Shujun's prefect's mansion, and Cao Liyan, the right of Shujun's prefect's mansion...the former Cheng family, a merchant in Chengdu."

Pan Yin reported one name after another.

These are people suspected of reselling prohibited goods.

Except for Meng Da and Li Yan, the rest of the participants were all former Yizhou officials.

Whether it was Zhuge Liang or Jia Xu, they did not go to war after entering Yizhou, but chose to continue using the original officials.

This is also no way.

Because Yizhou at this time is very fragile and cannot stand the toss at all.

Ha ha!

Jia Xu sneered a few times: "When I first came to Yizhou, my master told me to treat the people of Yizhou with kindness and treat the former officials with magnanimity. But I found that being kind and magnanimous alone is not enough. You have to be serious. Otherwise, they will still think that I am that dead ghost Liu Zhang."

Lord Inspector said yes!
Pan Yin responded, "The reason why Yizhou has become like this is that the government is too bad. Now that Yizhou has changed hands, naturally we can't follow the old path."


Jia Xu stood up slowly.

"I can't wait any longer, order the governor's guards to dispatch and surround Cheng's goods station."

For convenience, Guo Jia equipped Jia Xu with [-] assassin guards.

These guards were selected from the elite of the Yizhou army and were only under the command of Jia Xu.

This time it was an internal disturbance. In order not to startle the snake, Jia Xu decided to do it himself.

At this moment, a member of Skynet hurriedly came to Pan Yin, took out a token, and whispered a few words.

Hearing this, Pan Yin's expression changed drastically.

Skynet Token!

Seeing this token, Jia Xu was also taken aback.

As the long history of the General's Mansion, he is naturally no stranger to this token.

There are only two people who can hold this token, one is Cai Yu and the other is Guo Jia.

Cai Yu had just given birth, so it was naturally impossible for her to come, and there was only one person who could come here.

That is Guo Jia.

Guo Jia is coming to Yizhou!

 The book friends over at the starting point raised a bug, the age of Princess Wannian.The author has forgotten the previous setting, and it has been changed in Chapter [-].Liu Yan is younger than Liu Xie!
(End of this chapter)

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