Chapter 1479
Ten miles outside Chengdu!

This is Cheng's freight station.

The Cheng family is now the largest grain merchant in Chengdu.

It was heard that the Cheng family had cooperated with the government and was responsible for transporting the government's food.

At this time, Yizhou was still waiting to be rebuilt, and many supporting measures from the government were not in place, so it had to cooperate with the Cheng family.

The Cheng family naturally enjoyed it.

This is a beautiful job.

For this reason, the Cheng family built a large cargo depot ten miles outside the city.

At this time, the freight station was already surrounded by merchants.

They also heard that there are sweet potatoes for sale here, and they all ran here to try their luck.

Guo Jia is naturally among them.

"The manager of the Cheng family came out. I heard that you have sweet potatoes for sale here. We all came here specially for this."

"Don't worry, our company has plenty of money. As long as you have the goods, our family can afford them all."

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't delay our important event."

Everyone shouted.

Seeing the bustling businessmen here, Guo Jia was suddenly dumbfounded.

Sweet potatoes are a forbidden item, and the Cheng family is still making such a big splash, either looking for death or having a hard background.

But no matter how hard the background is, such a big fanfare is not a good thing.

Is it a rumor?
Sure enough, a guy came out.

"Everyone, general food is a forbidden item. How dare we sell it in private. Besides, there is no source of supply if we want to sell it. Could it be that everyone has been deceived by others. Our Cheng family is a serious voice of food. General food, no!"

This man said it very simply.

Everyone quit.

"Your Cheng family cooperates with the government, and what you transport is sweet potatoes. If you say you don't have any, who will believe it?"

"That is, you must have sweet potatoes if you are close to the water. Take them out quickly, and we will eat as many as you have."

"Who doesn't know that the backstage of your Cheng family is the prefect of Shu County. Others may not, but you must have a way."

Everyone yelled at each other.

The guy simply closed the door, and he didn't listen to him.

The merchants yelled for a long time, but the door of the Chengjia cargo terminal remained closed.

Many people started to leave.

Although they had heard that the Cheng family had goods, they had heard about it after all. They hadn't seen it with their own eyes, and there were rumors.

Soon, there were only a few people left in front of the door.

Seeing this, Guo Jia couldn't help shaking his head.

It is really not good to spread falsehoods.

Maybe he also misunderstood the Cheng family.

Maybe they didn't commit crimes.

Just as Guo Jia was about to leave, his eyes fell on a person, and suddenly he couldn't leave.

Without him, that person is too short and too ugly.

The Han ruler was shorter than the current ruler.

The general height of a big man is six feet to seven feet, and there are relatively few people who are more than eight feet tall. A nine-foot figure like Guan Erye is rare.

But the person in front of him is only about five feet long at best, and he looks very wretched.If it weren't for Dahan, Guo Jia still thought he had met Wu Dalang?

Guo Jia's heart suddenly moved, and he thought of a person, Zhang Song and Zhang Yongnian in Yizhou.

This person is also relatively short, and he is also from Yizhou.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly walked over.

"This dear friend invited?"

Seeing Guo Jia approaching, although the man was a little surprised, he still saluted.

"I heard that the Cheng family is cooperating with the government and has sweet potatoes in their hands. I want to try my luck. I just don't know why the Cheng family refused to accept it. It's a waste of time."

Guo Jia guessed right, this person is Zhang Song.

Zhang Song got bored from Fazheng, and immediately found the Cheng family.

At the beginning, he still had some contacts in Chengdu.

Ha ha!

Zhang Song just smiled slightly, thinking: "This is a brain-dead thing, the Cheng family naturally dare not be careless. Give them ten guts, and they can't buy and sell forbidden things in broad daylight."

But he is not familiar with Guo Jia, and he is unwilling to say more.

"Perhaps the Cheng family doesn't have general rations either! There are too many people spreading rumors outside."

Zhang Song said with a smile.

That's it!

Guo Jia nodded, and his eyes fell on Zhang Song again.

"Since that's the case, why did you come here, brother? You are also here to buy the general's rations, right?"

No, no!
Zhang Song hastily denied it.

He used his connections to find the Cheng family. Seeing that they were about to meet, he didn't want to be entangled by Guo Jia.

"I just want to do some common food business with the Cheng family."

Zhang Song explained.

very good!

Guo Jia volunteered and said: "I can't come here in vain. If you can't buy general rations, then buy some ordinary rations. I need more advice from my brother."

Zhang Song couldn't laugh or cry immediately.

He never expected that Guo Jia would stick to him like a plaster.

Please, we don't know each other well, don't make it look like we know each other well.

Zhang Song wanted to avoid Guo Jia, but the latter seemed to be following him. No matter how he dodged, Guo Jia always appeared behind him steadily.

In order not to startle the snake, Zhang Song had no choice but to suppress his anger, and he would get rid of this person when the door came.

At this moment, Guo Jia suddenly sighed, and said: "People say that there are many heroes in Shu, but now it seems that they are only mediocre."

Zhang Song originally planned to ignore Guo Jia, but when he heard what he said, he felt a little unhappy.

"This brother!"

He said displeased: "Since ancient times, there have been many heroes in Shu, not to mention Cancong Yufu Wangdi. Isn't Sima Xiangru from Shu?"

As a member of the Shu people, Zhang Song was still very upset when he heard Guo Jia belittle the Shu people.

Ha ha!

Seeing Zhang Song's reaction like this, Guo Jia couldn't help being happy.

Originally, he just suspected that the three-inch man was Zhang Song, but now he has confirmed it.

Short in stature, but high in ambition, looking down on the world, he must be Zhang Song.

"Brother Tai's lesson is that I underestimated the Shu people. In fact, in my heart, there is only one person who can be regarded as a genius."

Guo Jia said with a smile.

Zhang Song originally prepared a big argument to refute Guo Jia, but he didn't expect that this person would not follow the routine and just provoked a debate, and now he immediately called a truce.

This made Zhang Song vomit blood a little, and felt like he was exhausted after all his efforts.

But after hearing Guo Jia's words, he suddenly became curious.

"May I ask the name of that handsome man?"

Zhang Song was originally a talented person, he had been in Sichuan for so long, and the only friend he could look up to was Fazheng.

Hearing that Guo Jia said that Shu was a talented person, I couldn't help being curious.

Zhang Song, Liu Zhang did not drive Zhang Song and Zhang Yongnian in the past.

Guo Jia said with a smile.

Zhang Song couldn't help being taken aback, looked at Guo Jia suspiciously, and was relieved to see that there was no abnormal expression on his face.

"This person is kind and capable, so absurd to be a young master?"

Hearing that Guo Jia praised himself as a flower, Zhang Song was very satisfied, but he put on a nonchalant expression on his face.

After all, you can't be too ostentatious.

Now he is from the Nanman side.

(End of this chapter)

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