Chapter 1499 Goodbye Sun Shangxiang

In Jianye City, Sun Quan was restless.

Lu Meng on the river bank is also living like a year.

But he didn't dare to just let the Yunzhou army go there.

After entering the Yangtze River, there is not much distance to Jianye.

In case the Yunzhou sea ship came to Jianye City so many times, wouldn't Sun Quan be doomed?
How much Lu Meng wanted to fight with the Yunzhou army.

For people like them, death on the battlefield is a worthy death.

But he can't.

Because he knew very well the power of Yunzhou gunboats, Jiangdong Army's possessions were no match for them at all.

Even if Lu Meng and his [-] sailors fought to the death, they would not be able to stop Yunzhou's ships, and would at most cause them some trouble.

This little trouble is not troublesome to others.

Lu Meng was anxious to get angry, and Gan Ning was also a little impatient.

"I said the surname is Lu, what do you mean? If you want to fight, hurry up and prepare, we in Yunzhou will not bully you. If you don't fight, get out of the way, we have other things, we don't have time to waste time with you with."

Lu Meng's face darkened, and he couldn't bring himself to mention the aggrieved feeling in his heart.

Isn't this called bullying?
Don't use artillery if you have the ability?

Who is afraid of you is the grandson.

But he didn't dare to say it, for fear of offending the Yunzhou army.

"General Gan, don't be impatient. We have already reported to the lord, and I believe we will send a reply soon."

Lu Meng swallowed his anger and said with a smile.

He can bear it.

Gan Ning was annoyed: "Sun Quan doesn't reply for a day, we wait for a day? If Sun Quan doesn't reply for a year, can we wait for him for a year? It's unreasonable. Commander!"

He clasped his fists and said, "I don't think you should wait any longer, just kill him, it won't take much time anyway."


Lu Meng was anxious.

At this moment, a Jiangdong Army general ran over out of breath.

"Captain, Commander, letter from my lord, letter from my lord! Order us to let go of the blockade and let the friendly troops pass."

finally come!

Hearing this news, Lu Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

He took the letter and read it carefully several times before clasping his fists and saying, "The governor of Lu, General Gan, the king of Wu has ordered me to let go of the blockade and let the friendly troops of Yunzhou enter the Yangtze River. If the friendly troops need it, all the counties and counties along the way will respond. .”

Lu Su and Gan Ning looked at each other and nodded with a smile.

Sure enough, as they expected, Sun Quan bowed his head.

He couldn't help but bow his head. This time, Guo Jia transferred all the wealth of the navy, especially the new sea ships. There were only twenty ships in the entire Yunzhou.

"Let go of the chain, open the pontoon, and let the friendly troops pass."

Lu Meng hastily ordered.

He was afraid that if it was too late, it would cause dissatisfaction with the Yunzhou Army.

It's almost there!
Gan Ning snorted, and said, "You guys are smart, let's go!"

As he spoke, he signaled a semaphore to the front.

Eight new sea-going ships and fifteen building ships slowly entered the Yangtze River.The rest of the fleet stayed at the mouth of the sea, just in case.

You must know that the waterway of the Yangtze River is narrow, and if the Jiangdong Army blocks the exit, it will be a little troublesome to catch a turtle in an urn.

So keep some firepower here.

To deal with Jiangdong's navy, two gunboats are enough.

Seeing the Yunzhou navy sailing into the Yangtze River mightily, the Jiangdong navy was a little speechless.

The same navy, why is there such a big difference?

Look at the navy in Yunzhou, with sharp boats and guns, and feel proud.

Look at yourself again, old ship and old equipment, you have to keep a smile on your face.

This job can't be done.


Let's say that after Sun Quan came down to rest assured, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and immediately moved to the palace on Zizhong Mountain. This is the place where Sun Shangxiang's mother and child were imprisoned.

He was afraid.

After all, Sun Shangxiang has been imprisoned for such a long time, it is impossible to say that Guo Jia is not angry.

If Guo Jia gets angry, wouldn't it be bad for the fleet to bombard Jiankang City.

Since Wu Guotai's death, Sun Shangxiang's mother and son have been imprisoned here by Sun Quan, and it has been some years now.

In these years, Sun Quan came here for the first time.


The general in charge of guarding Sun Shangxiang was Sun Quan's confidant Zhu Ran.

Zhu Ran was Sun Quan's childhood friend and classmate, and also a famous Soochow general in the post-Three Kingdoms era.

Sun Quan trusted Zhu Ran very much, so he entrusted him with the task of confining Sun Shangxiang's mother and son. The latter lived up to expectations and kept monitoring Sun Shangxiang's mother and son.

However, Zhu Ran is also a kind person. Although Sun Shangxiang's mother and son were grounded, there was never any shortage of supplies. He even invited people to the Xinggong to teach Guo Jiang to study.


Seeing Sun Quan coming, Zhu Ran was a little surprised.

In his memory, Sun Quan hadn't been to the palace for a long time.

"What about Shangxiang and the others?"

Sun Quan asked hastily.

"The young master is attending class, and the princess is by his side."

Zhu Ran said respectfully.

Sun Quan nodded and walked in.

As soon as he entered the palace, he heard the sound of reading books coming from inside.

A slender figure stood outside the door, looking lovingly at the child inside, it was Sun Shangxiang.

After being imprisoned by Sun Quan, Sun Shangxiang had to put all his body and mind on his son and let him study literature and martial arts.

Fortunately, his son is also very competitive, and has achieved a little success in both academics and martial arts.

Sun Shangxiang watched her so engrossed that Sun Quan didn't even notice when he came behind her.


Sun Quan coughed all over.

Hearing this voice, Sun Shangxiang was shocked and turned his head suddenly.When she saw the person coming, she suddenly became furious.

"Sun Quan, you bastard, you still have the face to see me!"

Sun Shangxiang roared and rushed forward screaming.

How much wronged she has suffered in these years.

Now seeing this culprit, how could she bear it.


Sun Quan was a little guilty at first, and when he saw Sun Shangxiang baring his teeth and claws, he rushed over.Subconsciously turned and ran.

His younger sister was very hot-tempered back then, and she would hit her whenever she disagreed with her.

Among the brothers, except for Sun Ce who is older, which one of the others has not been bullied by this girl?
Don't be rude!

The guards beside Sun Quan rushed forward.

Get out!

Sun Shangxiang gritted her teeth and said, "I'm going to kill this bastard."

As he spoke, he started fighting with the guard.

Although many years have passed, his kung fu has not fallen behind.Several guards fought for a long time, but they couldn't do anything to him.

When they came, Sun Quan had already said that this precious sister must not be hurt, so these guards did not dare to come seriously.

"Shang Xiang, don't get excited, listen to me."

Sun Quan was still in shock.

"Talk about your mother's size!"

Sun Shangxiang cursed: "You still have the face to see me?"

She swears in a rage.

Anyway, she has cursed Sun Quan a lot these years.

Besides, the two were not born of the same mother.


Sun Quan laughed and said, "It's all my brother's fault, my brother's fault. Isn't this a lot of things, and my memory is not good. You have been wronged."

You still have the face to say it!
Sun Shangxiang's anger remained undiminished, and her hands were not idle, wishing to tear this bastard into pieces.

It's a pity that her skills are not as good as these guards, and she can't touch Sun Quan at all.

(End of this chapter)

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