Chapter 1500 No more mistakes
Shangxiang, Shangxiang!
Sun Quan said with a smile: "You put out the fire, put out the fire."

Where is Sun Shangxiang willing to put out the fire?

She had been aggrieved in Soochow for so many years, and she finally had a chance to vent, so how could she let it go so easily?
"Let me put out the fire, you can stretch out the dog's head, the old lady will cut you with a knife, and we will clear up."

Sun Shangxiang said angrily.

Sun Quan naturally refused to stick his head out.

He knew this girl very well, if he really dared to stick his head out, this girl would really dare to chop.

"Shang Xiang, I haven't treated you and my nephew badly these years, so why do you hate your brother so much?"

Sun Quan smiled bitterly.

You still have the face to say?
Sun Shangxiang said angrily: "If you hadn't tricked us to come back, how could we have been wronged for so many years? If we can't go back to our family, Jiang'er will lose his position as the crown prince."

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and her face became hideous.

Ha ha!

Sun Quan smiled lightly and said, "Shang Xiang, you are still too young. Even if you have been in Yunzhou all these years, it is impossible for Jiang'er to succeed you as the crown prince."

He took a deep breath and said, "You don't understand Guo Jia at all."


Sun Shangxiang scolded angrily: "Even if Jiang'er may not be able to succeed the crown prince, it is better than living a life of confinement here. Sun Quan, what do you want to do, isn't it enough to hurt us?"

Her voice trembled a little.

She has been miserably harmed by Sun Quan these years.


Sun Quan hesitated for a moment, then said, "Believe me, I really have no ill intentions towards you and Jiang'er."

Sun Shangxiang roared.

Now that she still believed Sun Quan's words, she was really stupid.

"The reason why I tricked you back was to let you avoid the disputes in Guo Jia's backyard. You have also seen that whether it is Cai Yan or Zhang Ning, it was all in vain in the end? Guo Ji. Don't you find it strange?"

Sun Quan is still persuasive and persuasive.

Sun Shangxiang was slightly taken aback, she is a simple person after all, how can she compare with such old and cunning people as Sun Quan?

She also finds it strange.

In terms of blood, Cai Yan's son Guo Si is Guo Jia's legitimate son, and Zhang Ning's son Guo Ye is Guo Jia's eldest son.

Sun Shangxiang once thought that an heir would be born between these two people, but to everyone's surprise, both of them lost the election. In the end, the position of heir fell to a newborn Guo Ji, and his mother even disappeared. .

Ha ha!

Only now did Sun Quan show a smile.

"This is Guo Jia's selfishness. You may not know that Guo Ji's mother is Liu Yan, the daughter of Emperor Ling of Han."

Hearing this, Sun Shangxiang couldn't help being surprised.

The daughter of Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, isn't that the princess of the Han Dynasty?

How could she become Guo Jia's woman?
Why did Guo Jia pass on the crown prince to her son?

A series of questions appeared in Sun Shangxiang's mind.

Seeing Sun Shangxiang behave like this, Sun Quan nodded in satisfaction.

"So, from the beginning, he didn't treat you sincerely. It's ridiculous that you still think about him wholeheartedly."

To shut up!

Sun Shangxiang glared at him, and said coldly: "Even if Fengxiao has all kinds of wrongs, it's not something you, a bastard, can say."

good good!
Sun Quan shook his head helplessly, as if he was kindly acting like a donkey's liver and lungs.

"I know you don't believe me, but it doesn't matter. Can I make Jiang'er regain the position of crown prince?"

Sun Shangxiang looked at him in disbelief.

Not bad!

Sun Quan nodded with a smile.

"Looking at the world, the only ones who can compete with Guo Jia are Sima Yi and me, Sun Quan. We, Soochow, are your strong backup. As long as we are here, Guo Jia will not dare to underestimate you two."

is it?

Sun Shangxiang obviously didn't believe it.

"So you're going to let us go back?"

What she wants most at the moment is to go back and reunite with Guo Jia.

The mother died, and the last concern in her heart was gone, and she didn't want to stay here for a moment.

I can let you go back!

Sun Quan said with a smile: "But you must do one thing for me."

"What's up?"

Sun Shangxiang was not surprised to hear that Sun Quan let his mother and daughter go back.

Because Guo Jia's power continues to expand, Sun Quan will definitely not be able to lock her up for a lifetime.

Very simple!
Sun Quan said something in a low voice.

Sun Shangxiang looked at Sun Quan in shock.

"You want the formula for gunpowder and the method for casting cannons?"

Not bad!

Sun Quan nodded.

"The biggest backup for you two is our Jiangdong. As long as our Jiangdong exists, your backyard in Guo Jia will be as stable as Mount Tai. You also know that the Yunzhou Army has very powerful firearms. If our Jiangdong Army also has firearms, their Yunzhou Army will take it." Jiang Dong has no other choice, when the time comes, the three legs will stand together, and Guo Jia may pass on the position of heir to Jiang Er."

Sun Shangxiang was stunned, and suddenly burst out laughing, tears streaming down her face.

What, you don't want to?
Sun Quan's face was a little ugly.

The reason why he came to see Sun Shangxiang was to open a door for his sister.

Sun Shangxiang was out of breath and said, "Do you really dare to think? Gunpowder and artillery? That is the lifeblood of Yunzhou. Even if you kill our mother and daughter, he will not take it out."

Only now did she understand Sun Quan's purpose.

But she won't be fooled again.

She had already wronged Guo Jia once, how could she make the same mistake?

Gunpowder and artillery are the capital of Yunzhou's arrogance to the world, so how could Sun Shangxiang be so stupid to ask for it for Sun Quan, a white-eyed wolf?
She would never do that.

Don't regret it!

Seeing Sun Shangxiang's straight refusal, Sun Quan became a little annoyed.

Ha ha!

Sun Shangxiang smiled lightly and said, "Although I, Sun Ren, am not a great person, I am very fortunate to have married a heroic man. Unlike you, you are a wimp who knows how to hide in corners and use tricks and schemes."

She has long hated Sun Quan.


Sun Quan trembled with anger.

At this moment, bursts of roars suddenly came from the surface of the river.

Sun Quan was so frightened that his face turned pale.

Hearing this familiar voice, Sun Shangxiang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said pleasantly: "It's artillery, it's the sound of artillery. The ships from Yunzhou are coming, the ships from Yunzhou are coming."

After the Yunzhou ship was successfully built, Sun Shangxiang followed Guo Jia on board, and also experienced the power of artillery in the offshore.

How could she not recognize these voices now?


Sun Shangxiang looked at Sun Quan proudly.

"I said, why did you come here? It turned out that the gunboats from Yunzhou came. Sun Quan, Sun Quan, your good days are coming to an end."


Sun Quan was furious: "I can kill you, so that your family can never be reunited."

That's a good feeling!

Sun Shangxiang shrugged and said with a smile: "I know Fengxiao very well. If you kill us, he will definitely kill your whole family. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, he will never let you go."

After speaking, he laughed and left, leaving only Sun Quan gnashing his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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