Chapter 1522 A false alarm

handsome account.

Jia Xu sat in the middle, and a group of generals stood on his left and right sides.The leading general is Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren was a little restless at the moment.

The lord, Guo Jia, was just outside the barracks, and logically they all had to go out to greet him, but the governor asked everyone to stay in the barracks.

Zhang Ren was a little uneasy.

As the mainstay of Yizhou Group, he is still very loyal to Guo Jia.

The lord came, and if they didn't greet him, it would be rude not to say anything, which would easily lead to misunderstanding.

In case the lord thinks that they support their own self-respect, Zhang Ren will not be able to wash himself away by jumping into the Yellow River.

But at the same time, Zhang Ren didn't understand Jia Xu's intentions.

Why not let them out?

Being able to survive several changes of ownership in Yizhou, Zhang Ren is no longer the stunned young man he used to be.

He faintly felt that there seemed to be something wrong between his boss Jia Xu and his lord Guo Jia.

Is this boss going to rebel?
Zhang Ren's heart suddenly sank.

If this is the case, he will have to choose between Jia Xu and Guo Jia.

This is a pity for Zhang Ren.

Needless to say, Guo Jia has shown great kindness to the Yizhou people, and Zhang Ren will never betray them.

But Jia Xu is also a very good person, he pacified the three counties with a few words, and put down the rebellion without a single soldier.

Such feats are also unique.

For this boss, Zhang Renke sincerely admires him.

But admiration is all admiration, Zhang Ren is loyal to Guo Jia, not Jia Xu.If Jia Xu rebelled, Zhang Ren would destroy him without hesitation.

The [-] army has always been under Zhang Ren's control, but now Jia Xu has not shown the opposite, so Zhang Ren has not acted rashly.

At this time, a messenger hurried in.

"Report, the general and his party have entered the camp."

The general is in!

All the generals raised their hearts and looked at Jia Xu in unison.

Zhang Ren also breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the general came in without hesitation, it proved that he had no doubts about himself, and there was still room for maneuver.What Zhang Ren is most worried about at the moment is that Guo Jia will turn around and leave. If that happens, Zhang Ren and others will not be able to clean up even if they jump into the Yellow River.

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Jia Xu just nodded without saying anything.

Lord Inspector!

Zhang Ren couldn't help reminding: "Since the general has come in, we should go out to greet him."

Although they didn't know what Jia Xu thought before, but now that Guo Jia has arrived, they must not hesitate any longer.

It's not too late to go out now.

The generals also looked at each other and nodded slowly.

In all fairness, they don't want any trouble between their boss and the lord.

Ha ha!

Jia Xu just smiled lightly and said, "You mean to let me go out to meet the general?"

Zhang Ren was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jia Xu puzzled.

You and I are both the subordinates of the great general, so naturally we have to go out to greet you. Could it be possible that the lord should come to greet you?

Isn't this a mess?
Jia Xu stood up slowly, and said: "General Zhang, you forgot one thing. You are the main general in this trip. I am only helping you in a private capacity. Whether you welcome the lord or not is up to you."

Zhang Ren was dumbfounded.

For a moment, he didn't understand Jia Xu's meaning.

Jia Xu couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "My lord wrote you a letter when I came here, do you still remember how I said it?"

of course!

Zhang Ren took the letter with him, and he hurriedly took it out after hearing this.

"With Zhang Renfazheng as the coach, march into Yuejun."

Seeing this, Zhang Ren suddenly realized.

Guo Jia's order was to let Zhang Ren fight this battle as the general, and Zhang Ren was the supreme commander.Although Jia Xu is his boss, he has no command over this matter.

It's just that Zhang Ren had preconceived ideas and felt that Jia Xu was his boss and naturally the highest commander, so he obeyed Jia Xu's words.

It now appears that he was wrong from the very beginning.

Although Jia Xu knew that he was wrong, he didn't point it out.

Having figured this out, Zhang Ren hurriedly stamped his feet and said, "Hurry up, go out to meet the lord. And put down all the weapons and helmets, and go to the lord to plead guilty."

The generals were also in a panic and hurried out.

"Lord Inspector, did you do this on purpose?"

Zhang Ren had a mournful face.

He also knew that he had been tricked by Jia Xu.

It was Zhang Ren's fault if he didn't go to meet Guo Jia, and Jia Xu didn't have much responsibility if he really pursued it.

Ha ha!

Jia Xu just smiled slightly and said: "It's too late to go now. If I were General Zhang, I would definitely think of a decent reason. Our lord is still very magnanimous. Of course magnanimity belongs to magnanimity, and he will also Displeased. He is displeased. Although he won’t hurt you, General Zhang will be lucky if he gives you a few shoes to wear.”

Only then did Zhang Ren realize how powerful Jia Xu was, and he had scolded Jia Xu's ancestors all over the place.

People not only cheat their enemies, but even their own people.

He didn't have time to argue with Jia Xu, so he left in a hurry.

Seeing Zhang Renqi leave in a hurry, Jia Xu was relieved.

This is what he wants.

Zhang Ren is a talented general, and he can completely handle it on his own.Guo Jia put him here to let him guard Yizhou.

Jia Xu flattered the three counties in a few words, and instantly subdued Zhang Ren and won his respect.

What this group of bloody men admire most is those who are capable.

It is a remarkable feat to pacify the three counties without moving a single soldier.

It is a beautiful thing to reconcile generals and prime ministers, but Jia Xu doesn't think so.

As the highest officer and general in Yizhou, Jia Xu must not get close to Zhang Ren, otherwise it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the upper class.

On the contrary, the more the two disagree or are afraid of each other, the higher ups will not doubt it, which is good for Jia Xu, Zhang Ren and Yizhou.

This is also the fundamental reason why Jia Xu did this.


Zhang Ren brought a group of generals to kneel down on the ground, guiltily said: "The guilty minister Zhang Ren pays his respects to the lord. He knew that the lord was outside, but he didn't come out to meet him. This is an unforgivable crime. Please punish the lord."

Everyone dropped their helmets and armor and knelt down on the ground.


Guo Jia couldn't help being a little stunned.

Which one did the old fox sing?

But seeing these generals show up one after another, the crisis was naturally resolved.

"You guys are so brave!"

Xu Hu and others immediately surrounded Zhang Ren, and said angrily, "You know that the lord is outside the tent, but you pretend to hide in the camp and don't come out to greet him. It's really rude. What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel? "

It is said that Guo Jia lost face, and the Tiger Guards were naturally unhappy.

My lord, forgive me!

Zhang Ren said with a miserable face: "A while ago, I won a big victory, and my subordinates were happy, so they drank a few more glasses of wine, and didn't wake up until the general came. All mistakes are Zhang Ren's fault, please punish me, my lord." , don’t blame other generals.”

As he spoke, he untied his armor, knelt down in front of Guo Jia, revealing his hardcover upper body.

After thinking about it, he could only pour dirty water on himself.

(End of this chapter)

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