Chapter 1523 The Fury of the Old Fox
Zhang Renming knew that it was Jia Xu who deliberately tripped him up, so he couldn't tell what was going on at the moment, so he had to resist by himself.

Anyway, he has rough skin and thick flesh, so he can withstand a few blows from the military stick.

The generals couldn't help looking at each other, what's going on, it's obviously Jia Xu's fault, why did General Zhang take this matter over?

Seeing General Zhang pleading guilty, some generals felt a little embarrassed and stood up one after another.

"General, we are guilty and willing to be punished together with General Zhang."

"We are willing to be punished together with General Zhang."

"General Zhang is innocent, we are the ones who are guilty."

The crowd excused Zhang Ren one after another, almost telling about Jia Xu's affairs in a hurry.

Shut up!
Zhang Ren roared, and said: "I am the chief general in the army, and I will bear this responsibility. You don't want to add to the chaos, otherwise the military law will follow."

He clasped his fists again: "My lord, please punish me."

"It's to punish you!"

Guo Jia said lightly.

There was a sudden chill in everyone's heart.

This matter can be big or small, if it is small, it is disrespectful, if it is big, it is self-respect, and generally those who support self-respect will not end well.If Guo Jia really pursued it, Zhang Ren might be doomed this time.

Guo Jia changed the subject and said with a smile: "After such a big victory, how can you drink so much wine? This general will punish you for drinking a few more glasses. Come on, have a big feast and reward the three armies."

When he came this time, he brought a large amount of beef, mutton, pork and dried meat of various animals from Zhu Bao's lair, which happened to be useful.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then cheered and jumped up.

"The general is mighty!"

Everyone cheered in unison.

It seems that the general didn't take it seriously.

Zhang Ren also breathed a sigh of relief, the current crisis has temporarily passed.

"You two go down and help too."

Guo Jia said to Meng Xiang and Xiao Mei beside her.

The second daughter also nodded obediently.

"My lord..."

After the crowd dispersed, Zhang Ren stopped talking.

He really wanted to say something to Guo Jia, but he didn't know where to start.

Guo Jia glanced at him and said, "Where is Wen He?"

He knew that Jia Xu was responsible for all this, and Zhang Ren was just trying to force his fault.

Zhang Ren hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice, "It's in the tent behind."

Although he had some complaints about the boss, he still didn't want any conflict between the two.

I see!

Guo Jia nodded and walked towards the tent.

"You stay outside and no one comes in."

After leaving this sentence, Guo Jia quickly entered the big account.

Zhang Ren raised his heart again.


Jia Xu was sitting in the tent, with a letter and official seal in front of him.

He is ready.

Seeing all this, Guo Jia couldn't help being angry and funny.

"What's the matter, are you going to resign?"

Taking out the official seal usually means resigning.

Not bad!

Jia Xu said lightly.

When he planned to do it, he was already ready.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly, came to sit in front of him.

"I've always been a little strange. Why did you ignore me when I asked you for advice, but secretly planned to take down the three southern counties in one fell swoop. Can Wenhe tell me why?"

This is also what Guo Jia has always wondered about.

No why!
Jia Xu still said calmly: "I'm afraid you will take my credit."


Hearing this, Guo Jia laughed out loud.

It was the best joke he had ever heard.

Guo Jia is the general and the supreme ruler of Yunzhou, so what is the use of his credit?How can he grab the credit for his work?


Guo Jia reluctantly picked up the official seal, glanced up and down, and said softly: "You knew I was outside, but you didn't come out to greet me, which made Zhang Ren feel ashamed. Are you also afraid that I will take credit for you?"

Jia Xu disagreed: "Maybe Zhang Ren is arrogant and rude. He is the supreme commander. This is the master's personal identification."

Guo Jia was dumbfounded.

The old fox pushed it cleanly.

Zhang Ren is a general, not so much fancy.This thing must have been done by the old fox.

Guo Jia's eyes suddenly narrowed.

What on earth is the old fox trying to do by disobeying him again and again?
"Here is my letter of resignation!"

Jia Xu said slowly: "Yizhou is settled, and my subordinates don't have any thoughts anymore. They are willing to return to their hometown in Liangzhou to take care of themselves."

He can't go back to Chang'an, and he doesn't want to stay in Yizhou, so he can only go back to his hometown in Liangzhou.

This old fox!
Guo Jia was angry and funny, he looked at Jia Xu jokingly.

"Are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

Having said that, it's already stern.

So what about death?

Jia Xu said lightly: "I should have died a long time ago. I have owed too many people in my life, and now it's time to pay it back."

He closed his eyes in pain.

His life was very helpless.

Originally, he wanted to be a good person, a good official, and benefit the common people, but fate played a huge joke on him.

Under the city of Chang'an, in front of the battle of the two armies, countless people died without a place to be buried because of him.

Originally, he was good at being a righteous soldier, but it was those crooked ways that made him famous, and he became known as a poisonous warrior.

This is definitely an irony for Jia Xu.

Hearing Jia Xu's desolate voice, Guo Jia's heart trembled suddenly, and in an instant, he suddenly came to his senses.

The old fox killed too many people in his life, and felt guilty in his later years, trying his best to make up for it.

It's a pity that I let him make bad moves one after another.

The land value-added tax is the fault of Jia Xu, and his hard work was destroyed by himself.

This is a heavy blow to the old fox.

That's why he tried his best to organize himself to intervene in the affairs of the three southern counties, because he didn't want Guo Jia to commit another crime.

But the irony is that in order to prevent Guo Jia from interfering in the affairs of the three southern counties, Jia Xu had to make another bad move and calm down the three counties in a short time.

During this period, tens of thousands of people died under Jia Xu's plan.

The poisoner's name is also resounding again.


Guo Jia stood up calmly, and said: "I understand your thoughts, I promise you, as long as the Han people and barbarians in the three southern counties submit to me, I will not kill them all."

Jia Xu clasped her fists together, but didn't make a sound.

It is not difficult to guess Guo Jia's mind based on his IQ, so Jia Xu didn't intend to explain anything at the beginning.


Guo Jia changed the subject and said: "You must not resign if you want to. Since you joined me, Guo Jia, you had to work for me, and you will die. So don't even think about resigning and going home. Live a stable life. I can’t work without working hard. Anyway, I leave Yizhou to you. If something goes wrong, I will be the first to chop off your head. Then marry your wife and daughter to others , Let others occupy your property, sleep with your wife, beat your baby. Let you, an old fellow, die without peace."

This is a bit insidious, and most people will definitely not be able to bear it.

Sure enough, Jia Xu roared in the camp: "Guo Jia, I'll kill you bastard."

(End of this chapter)

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