Chapter 1524

Jia Xu was angry, very angry.

Guo Jia's mouth is so vicious that even a man can't stand it.

But Guo Jia was his boss, so he didn't dare to do anything, and he didn't bother to attend any dinner party, so he went back overnight in a huff.

Guo Jia was relieved at this moment.

The old fox didn't object, and he slept soundly this time.

Now that the old fox is in Yizhou, Guo Jia can rest easy.

Right now, Yizhou has been preliminarily determined, and the only thing left is the head of that bastard Yongkai, Guo Jia is not worried, this guy has already suffered heavy losses, and the army will definitely be able to wipe them all out.

"General, general, my brothers are here, and they brought the head of Yongkai. I told them your request, and they agreed. Do you want to keep your word? Forgive the sins of my people .”

Meng Xiang suddenly came to Guo Jia excitedly.

is it?

Hearing this, Guo Jia was completely relieved.

Yongkai is over, and the barbarians have surrendered, and Yizhou will not be in any risk from now on.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction, admiring the old fox's methods.

From the beginning to the present, Yizhou has completely pacified the three counties with almost no soldiers.

"Come here, host a banquet for the envoys of the barbarians."

Guo Jia waved his hand.

Since the barbarians are so obedient, he doesn't have to kill them all, anyway, they can't afford to cause any trouble.


"General, I would like to offer you a glass of wine for our people."

Meng Ying raised his wine glass respectfully.

He is a little more cheerful than his father Meng Huo, and he also has a heart for Sinicization. It is also a good thing for the barbarians that Guo Jia let them come out of the mountains to accept Sinicization.

After all, the current barbarians are very backward, and some tribes even live a primitive life of slash-and-burn farming.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia also readily accepted Meng Ying's toast.

"Your father's rebellion is an unforgivable crime. But you brothers and sisters know the general situation, which is very good. Since they were killed by Gao Ding, Gao Ding is now also killed. This matter will not be pursued anymore. From From now on, you must treat the imperial court sincerely, and the imperial court will not treat you badly."

Yes Yes Yes!
Meng Ying and a group of leaders nodded hastily.

After Meng Huo died, all the elite of the barbarians were lost, and they had no confidence to compete with the imperial court. Submission was the best outcome.

Meng Ying suddenly clapped his hands, and a group of savage girls appeared around the campfire.

Singing and dancing is a must if you are full of wine and food. These barbarian girls are good at singing and dancing, hot and bold, with flying eyebrows and eyes, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Guo Jia's generals were also a little fiery, if it wasn't for the military order, they might have swarmed up at this moment.

You can't do it by hand, but you can feast your eyes.

By the way, these savage girls are all wearing short skirts, showing their slender thighs, and they also look white, very seductive.

The savage girls danced and suddenly parted. A girl came out from the middle. She was wearing a wreath on her head and a long skirt, her feet were bare, and she was holding a cup in her hand. come.

Everyone took a breath at the same time.

Although there were so many savage girls in the arena, only this one was the most beautiful and had the hottest figure. Many people looked at her with fiery eyes.

Isn't this Meng Xiang?

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, and immediately recognized it.

This girl had always been dressed like a tomboy, but suddenly she changed into a long skirt, and Guo Jia suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Meng Xiang didn't say a word, she walked up to Guo Jia, knelt down slowly, and offered the cup in her hand.

What do you mean!

Guo Jia looked at Meng Ying puzzled.


Meng Ying smiled and said: "General, this is the custom of our tribe. Give the most precious things to the most noble people. This cup is the spring water of the sacred spring that our tribe has guarded for generations. After drinking it, all diseases will not grow. Life is a hundred years old. This villain specially brought it back from the clan, please accept it with a smile."


Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, and said: "I only heard that there are four springs in the territory of Nanman: Poisonous, Dumb, Black, and Soft. People and animals will die if they drink them. Where does this divine spring come from?"

The general has heard of poisonous dumb black soft four springs?
Meng Ying was a little surprised.

These four springs are located in remote places, even the barbarians may not all know about them, how did Guo Jia know about them?

However, he explained: "This spring was discovered by our ancestors. The spring water is sweet, and drinking it has the effect of strengthening the body. The reason why my tribe has more warriors is because of drinking this spring water. It's just that the spring water has been drying up over the years. , the production is not much, and only those who have made great contributions to the clan will be rewarded with a few drops by the elders of the clan. The production in the cup is already the water volume of the Shenquan for a year."

That's it!

Guo Jia nodded slowly.

He also felt that the southern barbarians would not commit such murders so quickly.

Perhaps this spring water is really rich in some special minerals, drinking it can strengthen the body, but Guo Jia is still a little worried about drinking it like this.

Who knows how many bacteria there are in it, what to do in case of stomach trouble?
"Thank you for your kindness, the master is not used to drinking raw water, I will cook it for him."

A figure appeared in front of Guo Jia was Xiaomei.

At this moment, Xiaomei also changed into a short-sleeved tight-fitting long skirt, revealing her perfect figure. Her hair was coiled on top of her head and tied into a high bun, and she also put on a little makeup on her face, making her look even more charming.

Standing forward like this, she immediately took away Meng Xiang's light.

What a beautiful woman!
Everyone was immediately attracted by Xiaomei, and their eyes became hot.

It's a pity that this is the general's food, so they naturally didn't dare to make any plans, they could only take a hard look and feast their eyes.

Meng Xiang frowned, she had other purposes in offering the divine water, and she was naturally unwilling to be interrupted by Xiaomei's attack.

"This divine water is dedicated to the general, and you, a servant, don't make trouble."

She knew that Xiaomei was making trouble on purpose, so she was not polite.

Xiaomei just glanced at her contemptuously: "When I came here, Madam ordered me to be responsible for all the general's food and living. So I also accepted this divine water."

This girl didn't trust Meng Xiang at all, and she was afraid that she would do something in the water.

Meng Xiang snorted and said to herself: "This is a treasure passed down from generation to generation in our tribe. It is a great honor for our tribe to drink it. You are still pushing back and forth. You really don't know good people."

Guo Jia stood up suddenly, picked up the glass of water and drank it down.

Some things should not be overly careful, since the barbarians sincerely surrendered, Guo Jia would naturally not be too careful.

Why is it necessary to make both parties feel bad because of this?


Xiaomei exclaimed and looked at Guo Jia worriedly.


Guo Jia waved his hand and said, "Thank you for your kindness, I, Guo Jia, accept it. Come!"

He raised his glass and said, "If you don't get drunk, you won't go home!"

Don't get drunk!

When the barbarian saw Guo Jia's boldness, a big stone finally fell from his heart.

Meng Xiang was also in high spirits.

Guo Jia gave them a face in front of everyone, which made her very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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