Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1526 Cai Yong is seriously ill

Chapter 1526 Cai Yong is seriously ill
With Nanman's surrender, the three southern counties completely recovered their peace.

Jia Xu quickly dispatched officials to form large and small government offices. Under Meng Ying's call, 10,000+ barbarians walked out of the mountains and accepted Guo Jia's rule.

Guo Jia and his party returned to Chengdu soon, and it was a happy situation for all.

Of course, there are also unhappy ones, such as Zhao Dahammer.

This guy came here full of hope, thinking that he could make a contribution on the battlefield, but who knew that the old fox was superior, and he established the overall situation in a short time, making Guo Jia's ace artillery useless.

Zhao Dachui felt very ashamed, and was depressed all day long.

He felt aggrieved that he had no chance to pretend to be aggressive.

This fellow approached Guo Jia many times in private, wanting the lord to give him a chance to show his face, but Guo Jia didn't bother to pay attention to him.

The three southern counties have been recovered, and Yizhou has stabilized.

Next, Guo Jia set his sights on Xiangfan.

This place was originally the place that Guo Jia was bound to win. Now that Yizhou has been pacified, Guo Jia naturally takes Xiangfan as his next plan.

Before, he had let the navy intervene in Jiang Xia's affairs, and successfully inserted a nail in the local area.



Xu Hu came in a hurry and said with a serious face: "There is news from Chang'an that Mr. Cai is seriously ill and there is no cure for it. Madam has taken him to Chang'an."

Hearing this news, Guo Jia couldn't help standing up.

"Where is Miracle Doctor Hua, isn't he here?"

Hua Tuo is a genius doctor in the world.

"Doctor Hua is also helpless, saying that time is running out."

Xu Hu said in a low voice.

Time is running out?
Guo Jia's face was a little ugly.

Although he changed Cai Yong's fate, he was still no match for the arrangement of fate.

Now, this old man is nearly eighty years old, which is considered a long life in this era.

Cai Yong is his official father-in-law, out of emotion and reason, his son-in-law must go back.

But once he goes back, the attack on Xiangfan will be postponed.

The old fox may be able to help, but after the last stimulation, he probably won't give his best.

But if he doesn't go back, it will be difficult for Cai Yan to explain.

Guo Jia can't let Cai Yan be wronged.

"Come on, get ready and go back to Chang'an immediately."

Guo Jia was going to put aside the matter at hand and rush back to Chang'an immediately.

After all, the old man is his father-in-law, so his son-in-law should go back to fulfill his filial piety.

The Cai family sisters have always been loyal to him, if nothing else, he would have to think about these two sisters.

Xu Hu responded.

He also felt that this matter should go back.

After all, filial piety is still very important in this era.

Guo Jia stopped him suddenly and said: "Huang Zhong Pangde and other 3000 troops will stay in Chengdu to wait for orders. We will march forward lightly and return to Chang'an as quickly as possible."

It's really not the right time for this old man to be seriously ill.

After dealing with the old man's descendants, he has to hurry back and deal with the affairs here, so the troops brought this time will stay here first, so as not to follow him back and forth.


Xu Hu hesitated.

The Tiger Guards who followed Guo Jia this time had only a hundred or so people. Although there was no danger from Chengdu to Chang'an, this number of troops was still a bit unsafe.

"How about we transfer some cavalry from General Zhang?"

Xu Hu asked tentatively.

The trip was thousands of miles away, and Guo Jia's identity had been made public. If something went wrong along the way, he couldn't bear the responsibility.

The best way is to bring more people back.

No need!

Guo Jia shook his head.

There is a shortage of horses in Yizhou, and there are not many cavalry, which are usually used in places where there is a shortage.

Right now, the three counties have just been pacified, and it is time for all to be done. Without these cavalry, the local work will be difficult.

"Let's leave quietly without fanfare."

Guo Jia lowered his voice.

He's used to this sneaky way of traveling.


Xu Hu had no choice but to make arrangements as soon as possible.

The actions of the Tiger Guards did not hide from the eyes of those who cared, and a carrier pigeon flew to the north in the dark that night.


"You want to go back to Chang'an?"

After hearing the news, Diao Chan immediately rushed back with the child.

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded.


Diao Chan shook her head resolutely, and said: "There is only Zhang Liao in Hanzhong, and they can't take care of them at all. Even if you want to go back, you have to bring more people."

Although she was a bit uncomfortable with Cai Yu, she still had a big picture.

After all, Mr. Cai was seriously ill, so it was only natural for Guo Jia, the son-in-law, to go back.

It's just that Diao Chan didn't agree with Guo Jia taking so few people back.

This is too dangerous.

"no problem!"

Guo Jia said with a smile: "I didn't go out secretly that time all these years, and there was no problem."

Now and then!
Diao Chan shook her head and said, "When the battle started in the three southern counties, everyone knew that you were here. You listen to me, bring more people back, it's not bad."

alright, alright!

Guo Jia kept her helplessly, and said with a smile: "You wait here obediently, I will come back soon."

He was quite disapproving.

The princes of the world are frightened when they hear his name. Who dares to slap a fly on a tiger's head?
Diao Chan couldn't stop persuading her, so she had to say: "Okay, then I will choose some people to follow you."

She has absorbed most of the power of Heishui, and she also has a lot of power in her hands.

In the end, Guo Jia couldn't beat her, so he had to nod.

Diao Chan immediately dispatched dozens of dead men from the black water to go with Guo Jia, of course Xiao Mei and Meng Xiang also went together.

The two have been promoted to Guo Jia's women, so they will naturally follow wherever Guo Jia goes.


Guo Jia left Chengdu?
Sima Yi immediately received the news.

In fact, he is also very concerned about the affairs of the three southern counties.

Originally thought that it would take Guo Jia a long time to pacify the Southwest, but he did not expect it to be completed in just one month.

This made Sima Yi vigilant.


Sima Yi took a deep breath and said, "Immediately fly the pigeon to pass the letter, let Kuai Yue do it."

In fact, after receiving the news that Cai Yong was seriously ill, Sima Yi concluded that Guo Jia would return to Chang'an, and he was ready.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

From Chengdu to Chang'an, Hanzhong is a must.Although Zhang Liao is guarding Hanzhong now, his influence is only within the scope of Nanzheng.

Shangyong and other places are still in the hands of Jiang Jiong, the remaining tribe in Xiliang, and now they have formed an alliance with Lu Bu.

Whether it is Lu Bu or Jiang Jiong, they all hate Guo Jia.

Sima Yi only needs to tell them the news that Guo Jia is going to pass through Hanzhong, and they will naturally not let it go easily.

In addition, Kuai Yue from Xiangfan also defected to Sima Yi. Xiangyang is not far from Hanzhong, and three groups of people ambushed him. Guo Jia was doomed this time.

Once Guo Jia died, the entire Yunzhou would be torn apart, and no one would be able to compete with Sima Yi.

Not only that, Sima Yi also arranged a group of surprise soldiers to ambush Guo Jia's only way, and he has made up his mind to get rid of Guo Jia.

(End of this chapter)

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