Chapter 1527 Surging Emotions
Guo Jia wants to return to Chang'an?

Lu Bu and Jiang Jiong had already received the news, and they also hated Guo Jia to the bone, so they sent elites to infiltrate Hanzhong.

At the same time, Ma Chao's department also received a notice from Kuai Yue that Ma Chao's fall from one side of the princes to another was because of Guo Jia. Now that he learned that he was going to pass through Hanzhong, he naturally would not let this opportunity pass by.

At the same time, the army also secretly departed from Xudu, crossed Nanyang Xinye and entered Hanzhong. This was Sima Yi's secret guard.

The three families have already made preparations and are waiting for Guo Jia to be arrested.


Chang'an City General's Mansion!
Zhuge Liang, Xi Zhong and others anxiously waited for the news.

Cai Yong was seriously ill, and Guo Jia went to Yizhou again. The General's Mansion also had no leader. Some things had to be decided by Guo Jia himself, and they were waiting for Guo Jia's latest instructions.

"The news is coming, the news is coming!"

A soldier came galloping, holding a scroll in his hand.It was an urgent message from eight hundred miles in Yizhou.

"The general has pacified the three southern counties, and when he got the news, he rushed back to Chang'an day and night."

The General is back!

Hearing this news, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why they had to wait for Guo Jia to come back was also for another purpose.

Cai Yong is a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty, Guo Jia's father-in-law, and the father of Mrs. Cai and Mrs. Cai. He has a great reputation among scholars in Yunzhou.

Many people think that the reason why Guo Jia did not accept the suggestion of his officials to proclaim himself emperor is largely because of the Cai family, and Cai Yong was a famous Confucian in the world, a model of Confucianism, and he valued inheritance very much.

If Cai Yong died, the scholars in Yunzhou would lose a major backer, and Guo Jia would not be obsessed with this matter and refuse to proclaim himself emperor.

Therefore, they all waited for the old man to die, and then forced Guo Jia to become emperor again.

The big man is long gone, and Liu Xie has been dead for a year or two.

Sima Yi called Jin, Sun Quan called Wu, coupled with Guo Jia's power, history once again entered the situation of the Three Kingdoms contending for hegemony.

This time, Guo Jia had no reason to shirk.

If the name is not correct, the words will not go well, and if the words are not good, then things will not happen.

Once Guo Jia plays the banner and ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, with Yunzhou's strength and Guo Jia's prestige, the heroes of the world will inevitably lead the crowd to vote.

Great news!

Zhuge Liang stood up immediately: "Everyone, since the lord is coming back, let's perform our own duties and do our own things well."

Guo Jia is not here, and he, Captain Sili, is the second person in charge of Chang'an's affairs.

Kong Ming is right!
Xi Zhong on the side also praised it.

Cai Yongde is highly respected, but time is not forgiving, if he dies of illness, the next funeral will naturally be handled by them.

What Zhuge Liang meant was to remind everyone to do this well first, and then talk about other things.

All the courtiers nodded and went to work.

Zhuge Liang breathed a sigh of relief and was about to leave just now.

"Kong Ming, please stay."

Xi Zhong on the side caught up.

"It turned out to be Mr. Zhicai!"

Zhuge Liang clasped his fists.

Although he is the number two person in Chang'an, the General's Mansion has its own system and is not under his jurisdiction.

The General's Mansion is in charge of the soldiers and horses of the seven prefectures of Yun, Ji, Bing, You, Yong, Liang, and Yi, and Chang Shi is the head of all the officials in the General's Mansion, which can be said to be the most important.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang still respects this opera loyalty.

Xi Zhong made a gesture of invitation, and Zhuge Liang followed him out tactfully.

Xi Zhong is in the front, Zhuge Liang is in the back, half a step behind.

Xi Zhong is Guo Jia's old team, Zhuge Liang is a newcomer, so naturally he dare not keep pace with him.

The two walked a few steps in tandem, and Xi Zhong suddenly stopped.

"This time, if the lord comes back, the old man is going to unite with other governors to bring up what happened last year."

Zhuge Liang didn't speak, he understood what Xi Zhong meant.

At this time last year, they proposed that Guo Jia be enthroned as emperor, but Guo Jia refused and left Yizhou with nothing to lose.

Now back, these guys are bringing it up again.

I know!
Xi Zhong shrugged, and said: "You must think that I, an old man, only want to be supported by the dragon and think about the glory and wealth, so I force the lord to do things I don't want to do over and over again."

dare not!

Zhuge Liang clasped his fists again and said, "I understand Mr.'s painstaking efforts."

Although Yunzhou is powerful, it still has great hidden dangers.

Although the eldest son inheritance system is not a good inheritance system, it is at least stable. The problem in Yunzhou right now is that there are too many unknowns about inheritance.

Those courtiers who supported Guo Jia were also feeling ups and downs.

Who knows what will change in the future?
Can they still enjoy the present glory and wealth?
These all change with the change of inheritance.

If something goes wrong with Guo Jia, everything will be messed up.

Therefore, Xi Zhong suggested more than once that Guo Jia should establish a status, so that those veterans who followed him could feel at ease.

As long as the Guo family's blood lineage is stable, the status of their courtiers will be stable.That's why they will support Guo Jia with peace of mind and support the rule of the Guo family for generations.

From this point of view, Xi Zhong really has no selfishness.


Zhuge Liang shook his head.

Although he understood Xi Zhong's worry, he was not very optimistic about their plan.

Before, he had always been Guo Jia's opponent, and he knew this boss very well.

If Guo Jia wants to become emperor, you don't need to persuade him at all.

If he doesn't want to be emperor, even if you kneel on the ground and die on the ground, it will have no effect.

Moreover, looking at the world, only Sima Yi and Sun Quan are qualified to be Guo Jia's opponents.

To deal with Sima Yi, Guo Jia will inevitably play the banner of avenging the emperor of the Han Dynasty to drive apart those aristocratic families who supported Sima Yi.

Once Guo Jia proclaims himself emperor, this excuse can no longer be used.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang speculated that Guo Jia would not become emperor for the time being until Sima Yi was completely defeated.

and so……

Xi Zhong suddenly took Zhuge Liang's hand: "Kong Ming, you have to help me."

Zhuge Liang was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Sir, what can I do, how can I help?"

The root of this matter lies in Guo Jia, and others cannot force it to come, and it is not beautiful to talk too much.

So Zhuge Liang didn't want to get involved in this muddy water at all.

you can!
Xi Zhong said sincerely: "Right now, you are the most trusted person of the lord. You are also the highest leader of Chang'an. This matter is none other than you."

Now whispered the plan.


Zhuge Liang was a little dumbfounded.

He suddenly came to his senses and shook his head hastily: "Master Changshi, think twice. If something goes wrong, it will become a big joke."

Will not!
Xi Zhong smiled faintly and said, "I have everything to do with me? If someone really needs to be in charge, this old man is obliged to do so."

If one person needs to take responsibility for this matter, Xi Zhong will stand up and bear it.

He has already made plans.

(End of this chapter)

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