Chapter 1528 Strange Orders
Shanglinyuan Barracks.

This is where the cavalry battalion of the General's Mansion is stationed.

The cavalry battalion is one of the five armies under the General's Mansion, and the governor is Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun is a rigorous person who is meticulous about his work.

Although there is no war for the time being, his training of cavalry is still very strict.

A day of training had just been completed, and the soldiers all returned to the camp to rest.Zhao Yun stayed in the camp to formulate future training plans.

At this moment, a slender figure appeared in front of the barracks.

As soon as she reached the door, she was stopped by the guards.

"This is where the cavalry battalion is stationed. Girls are not allowed to enter."

The guard said calmly.

Zhao Yun was very kind to the people and never disturbed them during his stay, so the soldiers of the cavalry battalion were also very polite to the people.

The woman didn't answer, but just took out a token.

"Skynet Xin Xianying has an important meeting with General Zhao!"

The person who came was Xin Xianying, the No. [-] figure in Skynet.

"It turned out to be someone from Skynet!"

Seeing Xin Xianying coming, several guards became tense, and while sending someone to notify Zhao Yun urgently, they hurriedly let him go.

Skynet has the function of supervising officials, and their tokens are passports. No matter when they enter any place, they don't need anyone's instructions.

This is Skynet's prerogative.

So this Xin Xianying also drove all the way straight into Zhao Yun's camp.

Over there, Zhao Yun was also notified by his subordinates, and he walked out of the camp to greet him.

"Little girl Xin Xianying paid a visit to General Zhao."

Seeing Zhao Yun coming out, Xin Xianying was blessed.

dare not!

Zhao Yun also cupped his fists and said, "Miss Xin, please come inside!"

Although this Xin Xianying is white and does not have any titles, she is the number two figure in Skynet and an outstanding woman after Cai Yu.Guo Jia is full of praise for it.

So Zhao Yun is also very polite.

After entering the big tent, Xin Xianying looked around and found that the furnishings in the tent were very simple, not even a decent animal skin.

I have long heard that Zhao Yun is simple and simple, but seeing him today, his reputation is indeed well-deserved.

Miss Xin!
After the two of them sat down as guests of honor, Zhao Yun smiled and said, "I don't know what's the purpose of coming to the cavalry camp?"

In view of the particularity of Skynet, officials of all sizes in Yunzhou trembled when they saw the people from Skynet, lest these people would come to their door.

Zhao Yun didn't take it seriously, he was not afraid of the slanting shadow, and he was not so afraid of Skynet.

Xin Xianying suddenly looked at the surrounding guards, Zhao Yun understood, and immediately waved for everyone to leave.

Everyone had to walk away resentfully.

General Zhao!
Seeing that everyone had left, Xin Xianying's expression suddenly changed, and he said, "By order of the General, deliver this secret letter to General Zhao!"

As he spoke, he took out a letter, which had already been translated by Skynet.

In order to convey secrecy, Cai Yu and Guo Jia specially designed a password system, even if the enemy intercepted Skynet's secret letter, they would not be able to understand what was written in it.

Letter from the Lord!
Hearing Guo Jia's instructions, Zhao Yun immediately stood up, took the letter with both hands, opened it and glanced at it, with a puzzled look on his face.


Seeing the contents of the letter, Zhao Yun looked at Xin Xianying with some hesitation.

He was suddenly a little confused.

Xin Xianying shook his head helplessly, and said: "We translated this according to the general's meaning. As for what it means, we don't know. Alright..."

She stood up slowly, and said calmly: "The news, the little girl has already passed it to General Zhao. We Skynet will not participate in the next thing."

Zhao Yun immediately stood up and said, "Come here, send Miss Xin out of the camp."

After Xin Xianying and his party left, Zhao Yun fell into deep thought again.

Guo Jia asked him to lead three thousand white horses from Chang'an to Hanzhong quietly, hiding day and night all the way so as not to reveal their identities.

Faced with this request, Zhao Yun was somewhat at a loss.

He didn't know what Guo Jia wanted to do.

Besides, it is not a simple matter to dispatch a large army, and the logistics of military supplies need to be guaranteed by the rear.

But from Guo Jia's point of view, he wanted Zhao Yun to send troops quietly without disturbing anyone, including the General's Mansion.

In this way, it will be difficult.

Although Zhao Yun is the commander of the cavalry, he only has the right to command the troops, not the right to deploy them.

If you want to transfer troops, you must get the consent of the general's mansion, otherwise there will be no guarantee for equipment and food.

In any case, he couldn't get around the hurdle of Chang Shi Xi Zhong.

When Jia Xu designed this system at the beginning, it was to prevent the generals from dominating one family.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Yun had no choice but to call a group of his subordinates for a meeting.

The cavalry general had already rested, but when he heard the commander's call, he quickly returned to the barracks.

After so many years of development and growth, the number of generals in the cavalry battalion has also increased a lot, and there are still many old faces.

Yang Fan, Guan Hai, and Huang Zhong and Pound in Yizhou are all generals of the cavalry battalion.

"Captain, why did you call us here so late?"

Yang Fan sat down beside Zhao Yun carelessly. He was one of the first generals to follow Zhao Yun, and now he is also the veteran of the cavalry battalion.

Zhao Yun also treated him very kindly, so Yang Fan was also very casual in front of him.

"See for yourself!"

Zhao Yun trusted these subordinates very much, and took out Guo Jia's letter without hesitation.


Seeing the contents of the letter, Yang Fan and others were dumbfounded.

3000 people secretly sneaked into Hanzhong?
This is simply not possible!
Not to mention that without the order of the general's mansion, they would not be able to leave the barracks at all. Even if they could steal out of the barracks, but without the customs clearance, they would definitely be blocked by the guards.

But this order needs to be kept secret, and they can't show it openly.

What about swollen?
Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all at a loss.

How can we send troops reasonably and avoid these troubles?
A group of people fell into deep thought.

After a long time, Yang Fan slapped his thigh: "Captain, why don't you just take the letter to Mr. Chang Shi, he will definitely find a solution."

In contrast, these civil servants have many ideas, and they may be able to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds.


Zhao Yun shook his head.

If Guo Jia wanted Xi Zhong to know, this letter would definitely be written to Xi Zhong, not to himself.

Now that this letter is in his hands, it shows that Guo Jia has thought about it.

Back then, when the two young masters were fighting, Guo Jia had no doubts about Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun lived up to expectations and suppressed the matter in one fell swoop at the critical moment.

"I know the Lord very well. Everything he asks us to do has a reason. We don't need to question anything, we just need to find a way to complete it."

Zhao Yun made a final decision.

He is very loyal to Guo Jia, no matter what Guo Jia says, he will try his best to complete it.

"I'm going to find Mrs. Cai Er!"

Zhao Yun stood up slowly.

So far, only Skynet knows about this matter. Even if Zhao Yun wants to find some help, he can only find a way from Skynet.

(End of this chapter)

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