Chapter 1529 Two Possibilities
Cai Yong is seriously ill, and has been living in the General's Mansion, and Cai Yan sisters also take turns to wait on him.

The old man was also very pleased.

Although he didn't have a son in this life, he gave birth to two excellent daughters and even found a son-in-law who is unparalleled in the world.

The only regret is that the son-in-law is not in front of him, and he is powerless to tell him a few words.

"Sister, you go back first, I will watch tonight."

Cai Yan said softly to her sister.

Since her father became seriously ill, Cai Yu has been busy taking care of her, and she handles everything by herself.

Although this girl has always been difficult to deal with the old man, she really didn't say anything about filial piety.

"I am not tired!"

Cai Yu shook her head, her eye circles turned red, and her body became thinner.

After all, it is her father, and there are not many days left now, so naturally she, as a daughter, should do more filial piety.

Let's go back!
Cai Yan stretched out his hand to hold the girl's little hand: "You haven't seen Bao'er for a few days, go back and see the child, I'm here to guard today. Don't worry, Uncle Hua is here."

Hearing that Cai Yan mentioned her daughter, Cai Yu felt a little sad. She hadn't seen her daughter for several days.


Cai Yu couldn't bear it and said, "You also have to take care of yourself and don't be aggressive. If you need something, send someone to the backyard to answer."

Cai Yan nodded.

After making arrangements, Cai Yu left the front yard.


Seeing Cai Yu walking out, a figure suddenly came up to meet him, it was Zhao Yun.

"General Zhao!"

Seeing Zhao Yun coming, Cai Yu nodded.

Mr. Cai has a high moral character and is Guo Jia's official father-in-law. Officials come to visit him every day.

As Guo Jia's number one general, Zhao Yun is no exception.

Sure enough, Zhao Yun cupped his fists and said, "I don't know how the old man is doing?"

Cai Yu couldn't help but darken his face.

Although there is a genius doctor like Hua Tuo by his side, Cai Yong's life still cannot be saved.

"Life and death are determined, wealth and honor are in the sky. The old man is over [-] this year, which is considered a long life. In our Cai family, his life span is still countable."

Cai Yu laughed at herself.

Indeed, in this era, the average life expectancy of people is more than 40 years old, and Cai Yong's 80 years old is considered a long life.

Zhao Yun didn't make a sound.

He didn't come here for Cai Yong at all, but he naturally wanted to ask a few questions when he met him.

Cai Yu was also very alert, and looked Zhao Yun up and down: "Isn't it so easy for General Zhao to come and see the old man?"

Although she is no longer in Skynet, her sense of smell is still very keen.

Zhao Yun probably waited for her here specially.

This surprised Cai Yu very much.

She has been in charge of Skynet for many years and has offended many people. Most of the courtiers don't like her very much, and so does Zhao Yun.

Because of the move of the capital, the two still had quarrels, but it ended with Guo Jia's intervention.

Therefore, even if Zhao Yun had something to do, he would not come to her.


Zhao Yun hesitated for a moment, but didn't know how to speak.

He knew very well the importance Cai Yu had in Guo Jia's heart, so it was Cai Yu who asked for help immediately.

It seems that something really happened!

Cai Yu was also a little curious, and immediately waved: "Come with me!"

As he spoke, he led Zhao Yun into a side hall next to him.

After lighting the candles inside, Cai Yu came to Hu's bed and sat down.

"There's no one here, just tell me if you have anything to say!"

Zhao Yun cupped his fists, and immediately took out Guo Jia's letter.


Seeing the imprint on the envelope, Cai Yu couldn't help but frowned. As the founder of Skynet, she could tell that this letter was the highest level of confidentiality.

Only Guo Jia and the head of Skynet know about letters of this level.

In other words, there are absolutely no more than four people who know about this letter right now.

Cai Yu didn't accept the letter either, and said displeasedly, "General Zhao, I have quit Skynet. This letter is top secret, and no one who has nothing to do with it should read it. What do you mean by coming to me?"


Zhao Yun put the letter in front of Cai Yu.

"You can tell at a glance."

Cai Yu hesitated for a moment, but couldn't resist opening the letter.

Of course, she doesn't have to watch it.

But curiosity killed the cat.

She was still intrigued by the letter.


After reading the letter, Cai Yu was also stunned.

Let Zhao Yun lead three thousand cavalry to Hanzhong silently?

How is this possible?
As a high-level executive of Tianwang, Cai Yu naturally knew the cumbersomeness of the General's Mansion's deployment of troops.

Without Guo Jia's authorization and loyal seal, no one can mobilize a single soldier.

Although Zhao Yun is the No. 1 general in Yunzhou, he is only a cavalry commander. It is impossible to dispatch 3000 troops quietly.


Cai Yu soon had doubts again.

Since it was Guo Jia who wanted to transfer troops, it would be over if he notified Xi Zhong directly. With Guo Jia’s authorization, Xi Zhong could complete the transfer with a single paper. Why did Guo Jia write a letter to Zhao Yun?

Does Guo Jia have any doubts about Xi Zhong?
Cai Yu's face was cloudy and uncertain for a while, and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

Zhao Yun bit the bullet and said: "Madam, you have followed the lord for many years, how should you deal with this matter?"

He really had nothing left to do, so he came to Cai Yu.

Ha ha!

Cai Yu sneered a few times and said, "I know you're in trouble. In Chang'an City today, it's impossible to quietly take away 3000 people without disturbing anyone. But I can't do anything about it. Who told him to get rid of it?" He took off his pants and farted, asking for trouble and making a general's mansion?"

Zhao Yun was greatly embarrassed.

But he was used to the lady too.

The person who can create Skynet is still a woman, so it can be understood with common sense.


Zhao Yun said sincerely: "The matter is of great importance, and I ask my wife to give me some advice."

The reason why he came to Cai Yu was because of Cai Yu's special identity.

Although Xin Xianying is the leader of Skynet, she never dared to go against Guo Jia's will and do something out of character.

But this second lady is different.

Speaking of which, there is no one else in Yunzhou who dares to sing against Guo Jia except this one.

Cai Yu didn't speak, she was thinking quickly in her mind.

Why didn't Guo Jia mobilize troops through play loyalty?
There are two possibilities, one is not to trust him, or even doubt him.

However, Cai Yu quickly ruled out this possibility. Xi Zhong was one of the first people to follow Guo Jia, and the two are like brothers.

Whenever Guo Jia went to war, Xi Zhong had to stay in the base camp, no matter what mistakes Xi Zhong made, Guo Jia would not punish him.

Now that Xi Zhong is appointed as the governor of the general's mansion, Guo Jia should still trust him a lot.

The second is to keep it secret, and the fewer people who know about it, the better.

The general's mansion needs to mobilize many departments, including equipment, ordnance, horses, and logistics.Even if Xi Zhong is cautious, it is inevitable that news will leak out and be discovered by the spies of other princes lurking in Chang'an.

That's why Guo Jia bypassed the General's Mansion and gave Zhao Yun the order directly.

(End of this chapter)

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