Chapter 1530 Skynet Sky
Then the problem comes again!
What is the purpose of Guo Jia's secret deployment of troops?
Cai Yu's eyes suddenly narrowed.

She is the founder of Skynet and has a natural sensitivity to news.

Just from a simple letter, she vaguely guessed Guo Jia's purpose.

It seems that this guy is going to make a big deal!

Cai Yu cursed in her heart.

Not too big, only three thousand cavalry were used.

Thinking of this, she already knew it.

"General Zhao, it's not that I don't want to help you. It's just that this letter has nothing to do with me. If I intervene rashly, if he blames it, wouldn't it be a disaster?"

Cai Yu said hypocritically.

In Guo Jia's team, Zhao Yun was a loyal one. When the capital was moved back then, this guy detained the people from Skynet without even saying hello.

This is the first time since Skynet was built.

They have always bullied others, and no one dares to bully them.

This Zhao Yun slapped Tianwang severely.

Because of this, Cai Yu had no chance for politics, and obediently married into the Guo family.

Although a year or two has passed, Cai Yu is still a little upset.


Zhao Yun pleaded again and again: "My lord is a genius in the world, and this letter is full of words. Zhao Yun is a martial artist, with a dull temper, and he is afraid that he will miss a big deal, so he came here to ask his wife for guidance. Looking at the world, anyone who can know the lord is none other than his wife." .”

He knew that Cai Yu had a problem with him, so he reminded her of the importance of this matter, and at the same time praised Cai Yu.

Just after praising Guo Jia for being a genius in the world, he said that the only one who knows Guo Jia is Cai Yu, which puts Cai Yu and Guo Jia in the same position.

Zhao Yun seldom flattered and flattered in his life, and today is an exception.

Because he knew that Cai Yu was the only one who could help him in Chang'an.


What Zhao Yun said made Cai Yu very happy, and the little unhappiness towards him disappeared.


Cai Yu looked at Zhao Yun jokingly: "It's really flattering to be praised by General Zhao. If this is the case, then I will join in the fun. Come with me!"

Said and walked out.

Only then did Zhao Yun let out a sigh of relief, and followed Cai Yu to leave.

The two entered a remote courtyard one after the other, where Skynet's office in the General's Mansion was located.


Just entering the warning area, several figures suddenly rushed out, and the leader shouted: "This is a confidential place, no one else is allowed to enter."

Although they all work in the general's mansion, Skynet is heavily guarded and no one is allowed to enter or leave at will.

After all, it is also a confidential department.

Cai Yu snorted, and said, "I've only been away for a few days, and now I'm turning a blind eye. You little bastards, open your eyes wide and take a good look at who this lady is? Xin Xianying, get this girl out quickly." .”

Although she stepped back, she has held the power of life and death in Skynet for many years, and her power is still there. Her words frightened the legs and feet of the few raw melon eggs.

What is it, what is it?

The people inside heard the movement and hurried over, and the leader was Ye Feng.

"It turns out have arrived."

Ye Feng rushed up to meet him.

When Cai Yu founded Skynet, he was just an unknown spy in the frontier fortress. Later, he made great contributions to the suppression of Xianbei, so he was promoted.

After years of experience, Ye Feng has also become a senior executive of Skynet.

"It turned out to be you, a barbarian!"

Cai Yu said coldly: "Why, the wings are stiff, and I don't even know my old lady?"

How dare you dare!

Ye Feng broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly scolded those people.

Those subordinates were even more wronged.

They are also newcomers, so naturally they don't recognize Cai Yu, let alone deliberately stop them.


After Ye Feng scolded his subordinates, he smiled and said: "They are all newcomers, and they have no eyesight. You must not be as knowledgeable as them. Otherwise, I will immediately transfer them to the front line as spies. "

The faces of those subordinates were miserable, and cold sweat broke out.

This Skynet is also divided into three, six, and nine grades. The ones directly under the central government are naturally the first grade, and the local governments are the second grade. The most miserable are the frontline spies.

In order to enter this gate, they also used all their strengths, and now Cai Yu sent them back to the [-]th floor of hell with a single sentence.

That's a narrow escape, can they not be afraid?

never mind!

Cai Yu waved her hand. Naturally, she would not give ordinary knowledge to a few little people.

"Where is Xin Xianying, I have something to look for her."

After speaking, he took Zhao Yun and walked in.

Ye Feng naturally didn't dare to stop him, and even trotted all the way to lead the way.

Guo Jia sealed up a separate courtyard in the General's Mansion and gave it to Skynet.

This courtyard has a separate portal leading to the outside, without going through the gate of the General's Mansion, and the buildings inside are also very complicated.

Although Cai Yu is the founder of Skynet, this is the first time she has entered the General Mansion's stronghold. If Ye Feng hadn't led the way, she really couldn't find the location.

It took a while to arrive at a quiet courtyard, and Xin Xianying had already greeted him.

"Godmother, why are you here, old man?"

Xin Xianying shook Cai Yu's hand in surprise.

She was taught by Cai Yu.

When Cai Yu was in Skynet, she was called Master Cai Yu, but now that Cai Yu has retired, Xin Xianying changed her name to Ganniang.

You girl!

Cai Yu smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to pat her on the head, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a while, and I've grown taller again. I still remember you godmother!"

Damn, look at what you said!
Xin Xianying smiled and said: "You gave my daughter's life, if you forget her, no one can forget your godmother!"

Her eyes suddenly fell on Zhao Yun, and then she was slightly taken aback.

Not long ago, the two had just met.


Cai Yu whispered: "This time, the godmother has something important to ask you."

Xin Xianying understood immediately.

"Godmother please!"

As he spoke, he helped Cai Yu into his room.

General Zhao!
Cai Yu also waved and said, "Come in together."

Zhao Yun clasped his fists together and went in together.

Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two went in, his back was already sweating.

Don't look at the awesomeness of Skynet, if you meet this person, you will be the grandson.

Fortunately, this one was not angry, otherwise he would not be in a good position.

Several subordinates behind him were puzzled: "Boss, our place is a confidential place, and no one from the general's mansion is allowed to enter. Who is this lady? Why did you send it in yourself?"

These people entered Skynet after the capital was moved. They only knew Xu Chu and Xin Xianying, but not Cai Yu.

Who is she?
Ye Feng suddenly pointed at their noses and said: "I remember everything, the general is the sky of Chang'an. This is the land of Chang'an. Without her, there would be no us, you know?"

Everyone was a little confused.

How could heaven and earth be created? Could it be that Nuwa created man?


Ye Feng cursed: "This is the founder of Skynet, the master of the general, the most beloved woman of the general, the second lady of the Cai family. No matter who you are, it can easily crush you a hundred times. In the future, you will be open." If you have big eyes, don't make trouble for me. How many more years do I want to live?"

She is Cai Yu!

Hearing this name, everyone's expressions changed.

In Skynet, no one may know who Guo Jia is, and they definitely don't know who Cai Yu is?

In some respects, Cai Yu is their god.

(End of this chapter)

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