Chapter 1532 I will be the villain

Cai Yu has a way out, she can be Guo Jia's woman, what about herself?
Xin Xianying fell silent.

Whether it is Cai Yu or her own reasons, it is impossible for her to be Guo Jia's woman. The best way is to marry Guo Jia's son and become a member of their family.

Guo Si is a good choice.

After all, he is Guo Jia's legitimate son, even if he may not be able to inherit the great line in the future, but with two Mrs. Cai around, he will not be wronged.

From this point of view, Cai Yu is really thinking about her.

However, Xin Xianying was unwilling to just lose Skynet and the rights in her hands.


Xin Xianying suddenly said: "I know you treat me well. But..."

She hesitated for a while, but still shook her head, and said firmly: "My daughter has long put her mind on her career. My daughter will not marry in this life, and she wishes to grow old alone in Skynet."

Seeing Xin Xianying's persistence, Cai Yu was also very pleased.

She is worthy of being her descendant, and she has a similar temperament.

If Guo Jia hadn't made her pregnant at the beginning, Cai Yu wouldn't have just stepped back.

All right!

Cai Yu waved her hand and said, "You can handle this matter yourself. The road is your own, and the godmother can't interfere with your freedom. But Xianying, you have to remember that this road has no end , Once you set foot on it, you can never turn back. You can either go all the way to the dark, or it is too late to quit now.”

On the day when Skynet was established, it was a road of no return, because they were on the opposite side of the officials.

Once he falls out of favor, he will die without a place to bury him.

The reason why Cai Yu was able to die well was because Guo Jia stood behind her, even if someone was dissatisfied with Cai Yu, they didn't dare to do anything to her.

As long as Guo Jia is still alive, she will not be in any danger.

That's different for Xin Xianying. If Cai Yu and Guo Jia are a hundred years later, she will definitely become the target of attack without a man as a backer.

"Daughter knows!"

Xin Xianying said in a low voice.

She had already made up her mind.Regardless of the difficulties and obstacles ahead, we will go on without hesitation.

This is her way.

No hesitation!


"Second Madam, is there anything you are in such a hurry for?"

Xi Zhong looked at Cai Yu puzzled.

As the long history of the General's Mansion, Xi Zhong has his own residence.

It was already the break time, Cai Yu rushed in regardless, and Xi Zhong was so scared that he put on his clothes and went out to greet him.

As the former head of civil servants, Xi Zhong and Cai Yu, the leader of the Skynet, are not very easy to deal with.

After all, Skynet is against the ministers.

Furthermore, Xi Zhong is the father-in-law of the eldest son Guo Ye, and he is not on the same level as Cai Yu, so it is normal for the two sides to have some quarrels.

However, Cai Yu has already retired, and her identity is Guo Jia's wife, so Xi Zhong will be more polite.

Xi Zhong can still tell the difference between being right and wrong about people.

Master Changshi!

Cai Yu said lightly, "I want to trouble you with something."

Please say!

Xi Zhong said kindly.

Knowing that Cai Yu wasn't here to cause trouble, Xi Zhong felt relieved.

Although this lady has retired, she still has great influence around Guo Jia, and Xi Zhong doesn't want to offend her.

"It's like this, the old man doesn't have many days left. Our Cai family can be regarded as a respectable person in Chenliu, so... I want to send someone to Chenliu to take care of it first."

Cai Yusi said slowly.

"It's natural!"

Xi Zhong nodded.

Death is great, and fallen leaves return to their roots.

The Cai family is also a well-known family in the local area, and it is only natural for the old man to return to his hometown after his death.Besides, his wife died early, so the two should be buried together.

Even if Guo Jia and Sima Yi did not deal with each other, this kind of thing would not be deliberately embarrassing.

"How about this, I will write a letter to the Jin State, and they should not refuse."

Xi Zhong said in a low voice.

No, no!
Cai Yu shook her head and said, "Lord Chang Shi misunderstood what I mean. I want to send someone to move the graves of our ancestors and mother over here."

Move the grave?

Hearing this, Xi Zhong couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

This is not easy to handle.

Will the Cai family on Chen Liu's side agree?

After all, moving the grave is not a trivial matter, it involves the face of the clan.

Cai's family moved their grave, which means they have to set up another family.

Even if they agree, Chang'an will send many people to Chenliu.

How can Sima Yi not be suspicious when a large group of people enters and exits Chenliu?


Cai Yu squinted at Xi Zhong, and said, "Master Chang Shi, is it difficult?"

Second lady!
Xi Zhong smiled wryly and said, "This is not a small incident. You also know that we don't deal with Sima Yi very much. If it arouses his vigilance, things will be difficult. Xi Zhong can't afford to delay the old man's business."

Don't worry about it!
Cai Yu said domineeringly: "You only need to lend me a little manpower, and I will handle this matter myself. Anyway, the two of us sisters have nothing to commemorate in Chenliu. Besides, we can't always go to Chenliu to pay homage to the old man in the future. Stay and run."


Xi Zhong smiled wryly in his heart.

Cai Yu's words also made sense.

In the future, Chang'an may not use force against Sima Yi, and moving the grave here is also a matter of once and for all.

"Okay! How many people does Second Miss want?"

Xi Zhong nodded.

Guo Jia is not here, he is the commander of the army, so it is not a big problem to find some people to use for Cai Yu.

Cai Yu stretched out five fingers of her right hand.

"500 people?"

Xi Zhong nodded thoughtfully.

This is not difficult to do.

Do not!
Cai Yu said lightly: "It's 5000 people, and they need cavalry."

Xi Zhong couldn't help being startled.

It takes 5000 people to move the grave?

Didn't this lady go to Chenliu to fight?
No no no!

Xi Zhong hurriedly shook his head, and said, "Ma'am, it's not that I don't agree. It's impossible. Besides, it doesn't take so many people to move the grave."

Five thousand cavalry is not a small number.

Sun Quan's subordinates probably don't have this number either.

It will be troublesome if there is a misunderstanding.

Now Xizhong is not ready to go to war.

"It's not only our Cai family! There are also Feng Xiao's family, and some other people who were borrowed from Chen Liu Yingchuan. By the way, isn't Mr. Chang Shi also from Yingchuan? You might as well move back with your family. To save trouble in the future .”

Cai Yu said indifferently.

Xi Zhongdeng was a little dumbfounded.

It seems that this lady is too whimsical.

Sending [-] cavalry over, Sima Yi probably won't even be able to sleep. What's the difference between this and starting a war?
But Xi Zhong didn't want to take Cai Yu's face away either.

Besides, moving the grave is also a serious matter, anyway, they will never go back in this life.

one thousand!
Xi Zhong said in a low voice: "With 1000 people, I can clear it up, and it won't arouse the other party's vigilance."

Five thousand, it is useless if there are fewer people, and it is easy to be manipulated by others!

Cai Yu refused to budge.

two thousand!

Xi Zhong backed down again, he could divide the people into two parts, one part went to Yingchuan and the other part went to Chenliu.

four thousand!

Cai Yu took a step back and said, "This is the minimum."

Three thousand!

Xi Zhong gritted his teeth and said, "It's too much, I really can't hold it."

Originally, he thought that Cai Yu would increase the price, but he had already prepared a lot of excuses.

make a deal!

Cai Yu suddenly smiled, and said: "3000 people need cavalry, and Zhao Yun is required to go in person. I can rest assured that he will handle the matter. Also remember to keep it secret, and don't leak the news, otherwise the grave will be swallowed up by others." .”

Xi Zhong was taken aback for a moment, suddenly feeling cheated.

(End of this chapter)

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