Chapter 1533

On the official road in Hanzhong, a group of people came galloping, and the leader was Guo Jia, who was dressed as a businessman.

The father-in-law is about to die of illness, so naturally he wants to come back as the son-in-law.

It is more than a thousand miles from Chengdu to Chang'an, and he also traveled day and night to come back.

It went smoothly all the way, and Xu Hu and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"My lord, this place is only five hundred miles away from Dasan Pass."

The Tiger Guard soldiers in front pointed forward.

Sanguan is the end of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Ancient Road. After entering Sanguan, you will enter Guanzhong, which is Guo Jia's land.

Don't be careless!

Guo Jia glanced left and right. The mountain road here is muddy and rugged, which is very suitable for ambushes.


Xu Hu and the others nodded.

Along the way, they all carefully protected Guo Jia.

The crowd moved on.


In the dense forest, a group of men and horses were lurking inside. The leading general, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd and a red rabbit horse under his crotch, was Lu Bu who hadn't seen him for a long time.

There is a charming woman beside him, it is Han E, the lord of Chixiao, and Jiang Jiong is following her.

At this moment, Han E's eyes were full of evil spirits, staring at a general with a silver spear.

That person was Ma Chao.

Speaking of which, the two used to be husband and wife, but after the Battle of Peishuiguan, Ma Chao abandoned Han E, and the two have turned against each other ever since.

Husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

After the two separated, they also did their own thing, each side of the world, no one can do anything to the other?
It's a pity that there is no coincidence without a book.

Now in response to Sima Yi's call to intercept and kill Guo Jia halfway, the three groups of people came together like this.

Lu Bu is better, and he doesn't have much grievances with the rest of Xiliang.

This is different between Han E and Ma Chao, the two can't wait to do it now.

Ma Chao looked indifferent. With the support of Kuai Yue, he was strong and strong, and he didn't put Han E and Jiang Jiong in his eyes.

"I said two!"

Lu Bu Fangtian gave a sharp halberd, and said, "I don't care about the grievances between your two families. But this time, the King of Jin asked us to ambush Guo Jia. I'll put my ugly words first. If someone does something wrong, I will Fang Tian's painting halberd doesn't recognize people."

As he spoke, his tone became extremely cold.

Although it is nearly fifty years old, the majesty is still there, and everyone who is talking is silent.

But not everyone is afraid of Lu Bu.

Ma Chao snorted, and said, "General Lu, Ma Chao is not a ignorant person. He also wants to get rid of Guo Jia, but someone is stalking me behind my back, so Ma Chao has to guard against it."

Back then when they played under Zhang Yang's command, the two had a competition, and Ma Chao only lost one move.

Now Lu Bu is already very old, but Ma Chao is in his prime of life, one goes up and down the other, so he is not afraid of Lu Bu.

is it?

Lu Bu couldn't understand what Ma Chao meant, so he narrowed his eyes.

"This trip is to eliminate Guo Jia. We must work together. If someone dares to use the knife behind his back, I, Lu Bu, will be the first to let him go. Of course..."

He changed the subject and continued: "I believe that everyone's hatred for Guo Jia is not much worse than that of my Lu Bu. Kill Guo Jia, and the affairs of your two families have nothing to do with me. Before that, we still have to cooperate sincerely .”

These words touched everyone's heart.

The three families used to be the princes who dominated one side, but now they have fallen into this field, and they are more or less related to Guo Jia.

it is good!
Han E said coldly: "Kill Guo Jia and settle accounts with that shameless villain."

Although Jiang Jiong didn't speak, he nodded heavily.

Now, he has already become Han E's vassal, and their children have grown up.


Ma Chao held the hook and sickle gun without hesitation.

A Jiang Jiong is not in his eyes yet.

Speaking of beating, who has Ma Mengqi never been afraid of?
very good!

Seeing this, Lu Bu nodded in satisfaction.

In fact, he came here this time only to rob and kill Guo Jia, and he was not interested in anything else.

These two are not good birds, and it is better to fight hard.

Just don't ruin his good work.

"Since that's the case, everyone just wait patiently. Counting the days, Guo Jia will be here soon."

When they came, they got the exact news that Guo Jia and his party of more than 100 people returned to Chang'an along the ancient road.

This was a great opportunity, the three families sent [-] soldiers each, and they were all elite cavalry, just waiting for Guo Jia to send them to their door.


On the hill not far away, a group of men in black was arranged in full swing. They felled trees, set up many trebuchets, and set up several rows of small tents.

The leading man in black just looked at the venue coldly.

A man in black came to him.

"Report to the commander, Guo Jia and his party have come twenty miles away. With their horsepower, they can reach here at dusk."

Twenty miles?
The man retorted: "What's happening with Lu Bu and the others?"

"They have ambushed around the mountain road, and they can launch an attack once Guo Jia steps in."

Come to report.

very good!

The man nodded in satisfaction.

"Pass down the order and keep an eye on the battlefield. Once you find Guo Jia, shoot and kill him immediately! The King of Jin has an order that anyone who kills Guo Jia will be rewarded ten thousand gold and be made a Marquis."

The crowd responded in unison.

They were the killers sent by Sima Yi, and they brought a lot of firearms.

This time, Sima Yi had no intention of letting Guo Jia go back alive.


The subordinates on the side were puzzled and said: "If they start a melee, wouldn't we accidentally injure our own people by firing the cannon?"

Although the artillery is powerful, it is easy to accidentally injure.

Once the two sides start a melee, this cannon can kill a lot of people.

The man suddenly hooked his fingers, and the subordinate who asked the question immediately rushed over.

The man slapped his hand hard.

"You are so stupid. Who are we? We are the direct descendants of King Jin, the trump card of the trump card. These mobs can also be called their own people? Let me remember it. Once you find Guo Jia, aim and fire immediately .As long as Guo Jia is killed, we have made meritorious service. As for the others, don’t worry about it so much. As long as Guo Jia is killed, it doesn’t matter if those people are dead.”

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other.

The person who had been beaten for a long time asked again: "Lu Bu and the others are not good people. If we kill their people, how can they let it go?"

Although they have artillery, they can't outrun the cavalry of these people.


The commander scratched his head a little, this is really a problem.

Even if Guo Jia is killed, they cannot escape.

Got it!

The commander thought hard for a while, then suddenly slapped his thigh, and said with a smile: "Well, let's kill them together. Doesn't this way no one bothers us?"

Kill them together!
Everyone was shocked again, the wind blowing the balls was a bit cold.

What are you talking about!

The commander is angry, work, work!

Everyone was obedient and went down to work, fearing that if they were not careful, they would also be killed by this commander.


On another small hill, Zhao Dachui picked up the binoculars and watched it carefully for a long time, then said frustratingly: "My lord, my lord, come quickly, my cannon is already hungry and thirsty."

 The screen of the computer went black again. This chapter was posted on my mobile phone. I am too tired and there is no more.

(End of this chapter)

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