Chapter 1534
The sound of kicking horseshoes sounded, and Guo Jia and his party finally came to the front of the mountain road.

It was almost dusk.


Xu Hu stepped forward and said: "It's getting late, and the mountain road is difficult. Why don't you stay here for one night and start your journey tomorrow morning."

Guo Jia waved his hand and said, "No, just go in."

As he spoke, he rode his horse and rushed into the mountain road.

They are equipped with glass lanterns from later generations, so they are not afraid of not being able to see the road when driving on the mountain road.

Seeing Guo Jia's insistence, Xu Hu had no choice but to lead the crowd to follow.

Kankan entered the mountain road, suddenly there was a loud noise, and huge boulders rolled down the mountain, blocking them behind.

"It's not good to have an ambush!"

Xu Hu and others immediately stepped forward, surrounded Guo Jia, and looked around vigilantly.

Whoosh, there was a sound of bow and crossbow, and countless feathered arrows flew towards him.


Xu Hu shouted loudly, and everyone pulled out a big umbrella from behind, opened it to cover their bodies.

This umbrella is a foldable shield specially made by Yunzhou blacksmiths for them. Each umbrella leaf is made of iron sheet, which supports it to form a strong defensive shield.

Clinking, countless feather arrows hit the shield, bursting out sparks one after another.

The shield was not damaged at all.

This is a complex and well-made sharp weapon specially made by skilled craftsmen in Yunzhou for the Tiger Guards.

Whoosh, whoosh, another sound.

Countless stones hit the Tiger Guards.

In order to eliminate Guo Jia, Lu Bu and others also prepared trebuchets.

line up!

Xu Hu roared again, and the tiger guards hurriedly dismounted, and the shields were superimposed on each other to form a semicircular umbrella.

The defensive power of one shield is not enough to fight against flying stones, but dozens of shields added up are enough to resist these flying stones.

咣 咣 咣!
The flying stone hit the shield, making a loud noise, piercing the eardrums.

Seeing that it was difficult for Guo Jia to be threatened by flying stones from bows and crossbows, Lu Bu was a little angry at the moment.

"Get my general's sun-shooting crossbow?"

Several Xiao generals came forward carrying a huge crossbow.

Lu Bu went into battle himself, picked up three long spears, and put them on the bowstrings.

With a loud shout, he pulled the giant crossbow into a full moon, and the three spear heads shone coldly.

So much strength!
Ma Chao on the side shuddered.

He originally thought that Lu Bu had already lost his courage in his early fifties, but he didn't expect to be able to pull this ten-stone crossbow.

Whoosh whoosh!
As soon as Lu Bu let go, three long spears flew into the Tiger Guards' formation.

not good!

Xu Hu, who was in charge of the command, turned pale with shock.

Although their shields can block flying rocks, they can't do anything about this kind of crossbow with strong penetrating power.

The three crossbows were like lightning, and they quickly entered the army formation.

The Tiger Guards immediately let out a scream.

The ten-stone crossbow was extremely powerful, and it was controlled by fierce generals like Lu Bu, breaking through their shields immediately.

The three tiger guards on the outermost layer were pierced by the crossbow, followed by the second layer, the third layer, and stopped until they penetrated the guards on the fourth layer.

In just an instant, more than a dozen tiger guards were killed or injured.

"Spread out, use ten people as a unit, and fight each other."

Xu Hu hurriedly changed his formation.

Since the opponent has such a strong crossbow, they can't form a dense formation.

The remaining Tiger Guards formed a unit of ten people, each forming a semicircle to protect Guo Jia layer by layer.

The formation is broken!

Lu Bu put down the huge crossbow and said, "Rush over and kill Guo Jia."

Kill it!

A group of people shouted and rushed towards Guo Jia.

Good to come!
Xu Hu lifted his spirits and said: "Brothers, leave a shooting hole, let them taste the power of Zhuge Liannu."

As the guards around Guo Jia, the equipment of the Tiger Guards is always the most advanced. Originally, Yunzhou seldom used bows and crossbows, but with the arrival of Zhuge Liang, the heaven-defying melee weapon of Zhuge Liannu is also It has become the standard equipment of the Tiger Guards.

This thing is smaller and lighter than firearms, powerful, and can provide continuous firepower, which immediately won the favor of the Tiger Guards.

Whoosh whoosh!
Numerous crossbow heads flew in all directions, knocking the enemy to pieces in an instant.

Zhuge Liannu is different from ordinary crossbows. It uses a crossbow box to feed ammunition, which can provide continuous firepower.

A box of ten crossbow arrows, a wave of scattering hits the opponent with his head in his arms.


Ma Chao was furious.

He never expected that 3000 people beat more than 100 people, and they were beaten by others.

This Yunzhou army is also so monstrous.

"The sword and shield hand is in front, the spearman is back, and the spear-thrower is on me!"

Ma Chao ordered immediately.

With the sound of horseshoes, teams of spear throwers appeared on the periphery, each carrying five to ten short spears on their backs.

These spears are projectiles, and the interruption distance is very lethal.

This is no longer a feature of the Xiliang Army, and other princes have also been equipped with these arms.

Whoosh whoosh!
The spear thrower began to show his power, and countless short spears were thrown over.

Xu Hu ordered again, and the small circles merged into one again to resist the short spears falling from the sky.

Although the short spear is very lethal, it has no power at all in front of dozens of shields.

"It's not rude to come and go!"

Xu Hu sneered and said, "Brothers, let's give them some gifts too."

The ten stone crossbows shot a thousand paces, they had no choice but to shoot the short spear only a hundred paces, it was all for delivering food.

Everyone responded in unison, and the circle opened again.

Whoosh whoosh!
Numerous small black dots were thrown out of the circle.

This is……

Seeing those little black dots dyed with sparks in mid-air, Ma Chao suddenly became a little silly.

No, go back!

Lu Bu's face changed drastically.

But it is already late.

Boom boom boom!

Numerous small black dots exploded in mid-air, creating a sea of ​​flames within a hundred paces, enveloping hundreds of spearmen in it.

The spearman let out a wail.

This is Yunzhou's improved hand-throwing firearm.

It was originally brought to deal with the Nanman, but it was not expected that the Nanman surrendered without using the bottom of the box.

Didn't expect it to come in handy.

In terms of numbers, Lu Bu and others were [-] to [-] times their number, and in terms of equipment, the Tiger Guards beat them up.

Neither the Zhuge Liannu nor the hand-throwing bomb incendiary bombs are comparable to the opponent.

Lu Bu and the others were also ashamed, and they said viciously: "You, more than 100 people, can find anything. Pass the order and continue to charge. I don't believe that these people are made of iron."

The rest of the generals had no other choice, so they had to use the most primitive method, taking human lives to pile up.

Anyway, there are many of them.


"Commander, a fight has broken out below, and Lu Bu and the others have all pressed on."

A man in black reported excitedly.

very good!

The leader said: "The time has come, brothers, show our guys. Aim at Guo Jia and hit me hard."

A series of dark cannons were exposed, and they were already aimed at the foot of the mountain.

They're ready right now.

These cannons were all shipped from the workshop of Sima's family in Xudu.

It is also one of the few copper and iron cannons in Sima Yi's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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