Chapter 1535

This team is Sima Yi's direct lineage, and also one of his few elite artillery.

Lu Bu and others were just a cover, this team of artillery and a dozen cannons was Sima Yi's real killing move.

In order to get rid of Guo Jia, Sima Yi can use any means.

When necessary, Lu Bu and others can also be sacrificed. Anyway, Yuan Shu's defeat is imminent, and there is no need for these bereaved dogs.

So these people waited for Lu Bu to charge all the way and fired when the two sides were fighting together, and they could kill both sides in one go.


The commander in black raised his right hand, and a group of his men skillfully loaded the ammunition.

They are the elite of Sima Yi's artillery, and they can easily do this kind of thing.

Just when everyone was ready, there was a sudden sound of cannon, which shook the heavens.

What's going on, what's going on?

The commander in black scolded angrily: "Didn't I say that, without my order, you are not allowed to fire."

Everyone also looked at each other in blank dismay, and one of his men bit the bullet and said: "Boss, it's not us."

Their artillery was well placed in place and never fired at all.


The commander in black was also stunned for a moment. Although there were noises down the mountain, they were just the sound of some hand-throwing bombs, not the same thing as the sound of cannons.

Are there other cannons?

At this moment, a shell suddenly fell from the sky and landed accurately in their gunpowder barrel.

With a bang, the gunpowder barrel exploded violently, knocking these people to the ground immediately.

Then several more shells fell on their heads, igniting other powder kegs.

Booming and booming, the artillery also exploded, and the entire position was plunged into a sea of ​​flames, immediately enveloping these people.

Sima Yi's artillery was completely over.

On another hilltop, Zhao Dachui held a thick cigarette in his mouth, and triumphantly touched a smoking cannon.

"Compared with Lao Tzu, you guys are younger."

He stared at the artillery position early in the morning and wiped it out before they attacked.

When it comes to shooting cannons, Zhao Dahammer is the master.

Let it go east and not west. Although it is exaggerated to fight mosquitoes a few hundred meters away, it is still more than a mistake to hit a powder keg.

One shot kills a powder keg.

Zhao Dachui proudly took off the cigarette and blew on the smoke ring.

Cigarettes are a good thing, and now he is used to smoking while having sex.

"Come here, send a signal to the lord. Just say that the enemy's artillery position has been killed, do you want us to help our own battlefield?"

A group of people responded in unison.


Are you done?

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

He did not enter the mountain path, but chose a man of similar stature to go forward under the escort of the Tiger Guards.Huang Zhong and Pang De did not stay in Chengdu either, but led their elite men to secretly follow behind.

Guo Jia and the hundred Tiger Guards in front were just bait.

"Pass down the order, charge across the board, and wipe out these Xiao Xiaoxiao!"

As for Lu Bu and the remaining tribes of Xiliang who are entrenched in Nanyang, Guo Jia has long wanted to clean up, but he has not freed up.

Now that they have delivered it to their door, don't blame Guo Jia for being rude.

Before, Guo Jia was a little worried about Sima Yi's firearms, but now that Sima Yi's artillery positions were finished, Guo Jia was naturally relieved.

Han Sheng!

Guo Jia suddenly smiled and said, "Going to meet your old friend?"

Huang Zhong smiled without saying a word, holding the long black knife in his right hand, his eyes flashed with excitement.

He hadn't seen Lu Bu for a long time since the First Battle of Chang'an.

Looking at the world, only this person is qualified to be his opponent.

"My lord, don't worry!"

Huang Zhong took a deep breath and said, "This time, the veteran will definitely let Lu Fengxian withdraw completely."

Although he is in his sixties, he still has a strong competitive spirit.

"Old General!"

Pang De on the side smiled and said, "Lu Bu is yours. Let that shameless villain Ma Chao be handed over to the last general."

Having said that, his face suddenly sank.

"How heroic my Xiliang athlete is, why did I become a scum like Ma Chao. Today, I, Pang De, will also clear the door for Xiliang."

Ma Chao's actions have exceeded Pound's bottom line, and now everyone is betraying relatives, so Pound will not let him go easily when he meets him.

Besides, in these years, he has gone through countless fierce battles, and his martial arts have already made great progress.

Pang De also wanted to compete with Ma Chao for the title of the number one hero in Xiliang.


Outside the mountain, Zhao Yun led three thousand cavalry in ambush quietly in the forest.

With the help of Cai Yu, he led 3000 people out of Chang'an overnight, then made a detour, entered Hanzhong, and arrived at the agreed place within the time limit set by Guo Jia.

Not long after they arrived, they discovered the traces of Lu Bu and others.

The enemy is in the urn!
Zhao Yun relaxed his heart.

Then just wait for the signal from the lord and the others.

As for the others, Zhao Yun didn't want to ask, nor was he willing to ask.

Ma Chao!

Zhao Yun's eyes suddenly flashed with hesitation.

When he knew that Ma Chao was also leading his troops, he was a little surprised.

I didn't expect to meet Ma Chao again so soon.

For Ma Chao, Zhao Yun's heart is contradictory.

He really wanted to help Yunzhou get rid of this great enemy, but he was worried that his wife would be unhappy.

After all, this Ma Chao is also his wife's elder brother.

This is the last relative of the wife.

When the two meet, do you want to take him down with all your might?

If they were put together, Zhao Yun would kill Ma Chao without hesitation, even at the risk of getting injured himself.

But now he is no longer the former Zhao Yun.

He has a wife, a child, and has continuous ties with the Ma family in Xiliang.

Ma Chao can die, but he must not die by his own hands.

This is Zhao Yun's final bottom line.

He won't make his wife sad.

It's just that Ma Chao's martial arts skills are superb. Although Zhao Yun is slightly stronger than him, it is still very difficult to capture him alive.

Once Zhao Yun has distracting thoughts, Ma Chao has an opportunity to take advantage of it.

At this moment, a subordinate suddenly came to Zhao Yun.

"Captain, the Lord's signal has been received. He asked us to attack with all our strength."

very good!

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, shook his head, and put all selfish thoughts out of his mind.

March with all your strength and destroy the enemy!
Zhao Yun is a person who can afford and let go.

Selfish distractions before the war will not affect him.


Zhao Yun waved his spear and led the army into the mountain road.


A tall figure stood proudly on the top of the mountain.

With long gray hair and a shaved face, he stood like a stone statue.

The handle of the wine gourd at the waist has been worn out, and the whole gourd is crystal clear like jade, very beautiful.

A long sword was inserted obliquely at the waist, making the owner even more extraordinary.

The person who came was Wang Yue, the sword sage.

Just listen to his eyes fixed on the direction of the battlefield, and he said to himself: "20 years, Ma Mengqi, do you still remember me as an old friend?"

(End of this chapter)

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