Chapter 1536 Looking Back Again

Whoosh whoosh!
Numerous hand-thrown bombs flew to the position again, setting off another explosive climax.

Lu Bu and the others were a little ashamed.

They never expected that more than 3000 people beat more than [-] people, and they were still tortured to death.

Only then did they realize that well-equipped equipment is more important than numbers.

Whether it is their armor, weapons or shields, they are far superior to them, and the kind of bombs that can be thrown by hand is beyond their cognition.

At this point in the war, they have already lost hundreds of people, and there is no chance of winning if they continue to fight.

But this battle is not to win, but to eliminate Guo Jia.

There is an inextricable hatred between them and Guo Jia.

Once Guo Jia frees his hands, they will surely die without a place to bury them.

If Guo Jia is killed this time, and the Central Plains is in chaos, the three of them can follow suit.

Therefore, they bite the bullet and have to fight.

Ma Chaozheng mobilized his cavalry to attack the circle from the flanks.

The cavalry is his last resort, and he will not take it out until the end.

These cavalrymen are a bit weird, the horses are very short, more than one head shorter than Lu Bu's cavalrymen.

The mountain road is already narrow, and it simply cannot accommodate large groups of cavalry to fight.

Is Ma Chao stupid?
While everyone was wondering, the pony cavalry launched an attack.

Good guy!
Everyone was taken aback, only then did they realize that these ponies were galloping across the mountain road like they were walking on flat ground.

not good!

Guo Jia's face became serious.

"This is Southwest Fruit Dismount."

As soon as this kind of pony came out, he recognized it immediately.

Guo Jia had just returned from the three southern counties, had seen the local pony horses, and knew the habits of the horses.

Although this kind of Guoxia horse is short, it is very flexible and good at galloping in the mountain jungle. There are such horses in the Nanban army.

But they are used to deliver food and support logistics.

Unexpectedly, Ma Chao trained them into war horses.

Can't wait!

Guo Jiaxin waved his hand and said, "Order Zhao Dachui to fire the cannon."

Ma Chao has this kind of fruit cavalry, which can completely bypass the narrow mountain roads and outflank the Tiger Guards, and the Tiger Guards' circular formation advantage is no longer there.

These people are his confidantes, and every loss is a loss.

Besides, their role in luring the enemy has also been maximized, and the deployment coefficient of Lu Bu and others has been revealed.

The guard on the side responded and hastily signaled.

Zhao Dachui on the top of the mountain was bored, so he was overjoyed to see the lord give the order.

"Fire, fire, kill these sons of bitches."

This guy went into battle himself, commanding his subordinates to fire the cannons, and a row of cannons roared one after another.

Boom boom boom!

Countless shells landed on the positions of Lu Bu and the others, causing a storm of sand immediately, and Ma Chao's pony cavalry was turned on their backs.

What's going on, what's going on?

Lu Bu couldn't help holding on to the helmet.

Although there was an artillery battle before, but they were far away, and no shells fell on their heads. Coupled with the cover of the Tiger Guards hand-throwing bombs, they did not know the previous artillery battle.

Now that the shell fell on their own heads, they realized that they had been fooled.

Guo Jia is not alone, they have fallen into a siege.

Seeing the power of his own artillery, Xu Hu lifted his spirits and said, "Brothers, our reinforcements are here. Next, leave the battlefield to them!"

Their task of luring the enemy has been completed.

The Tiger Guards guard Guo Jia. These people are the best of the best.

Kill it!

Huang Zhong and others had already dug through the mountain road, and a large group of people rushed over.

Zhao Yun over there also received the signal and came from behind.

Attacking from both sides, Lu Bu and the others were immediately surrounded.

Not good, fooled!

The faces of Lu Bu, Ma Chao and others changed drastically.

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind them. They originally thought they were the oriole, but they didn't expect the oriole to be someone else.

Ma Chao was the first to react, and ran north with his men.

There was a scuffle just now, half of the people he brought had already been lost, and he had no intention of fighting, so he fled immediately.

darn thing!

Seeing Ma Chao running away, Lu Bu was furious.

Why did such a thing come out of Xiliang? The fighting is not very good, but the escape is first-rate.

Jiang Jiong and Han E glanced at each other, pulled the reins immediately, and fled with their men.

They were already drained by the Tiger Guards, and when they learned that they had fallen into the opponent's trap, they lost their fighting spirit long ago.

Where there is life, there is hope.

This is the motto of Xiliang people.


Lu Bu was furious.

He has experienced many battles, so he is naturally more experienced than others.

Now that he has fallen into someone else's trap, the only way to survive is to work together to fight a bloody path.

If you flee without fighting, you will die even worse.

All pig teammates!
Lu Bu cursed loudly, turned his horse and fled away.

He wouldn't stay to resist desperately and give these bastards a chance to escape.

Now Lu Bu is only thinking about how to escape from the net of Guo Jiabu.


The sound of kicking horseshoes sounded, and Ma Chao rushed forward.

He stayed in Yizhou for many years, bought a lot of pony horses, and formed a pony cavalry.

Although these pony horses were not as strong as Xiliang warhorses, they were more flexible and could walk on the ground like walking on the ground in the mountains, which was very suitable for fighting in the mountains.

So Ma Chao and his party were the first to withdraw from the battlefield.

Although half of the troops were lost, and some people were left behind after fleeing all the way, Ma Chao still had 300 people left in his hands.

These were the main cavalry following him. Although they were few in number, they were extremely powerful enough to allow him to break out of the siege and escape back to Xiangfan.

Of course, this was just his wishful thinking, because Kankan escaped from the battlefield and ran into a group of people head-on, and the leader of the team was Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun has been waiting here for a long time.

After finding out where Ma Chao was escaping, Zhao Yun chased him up with his confidantes who were 300 meters away, and Guan Hai handed over the rest of the team to move on.

He wanted to make a deal with Ma Chao himself.

"It's you!"

Seeing that there were not many people around Zhao Yun, Ma Chao breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hook and gun, and said, "For Lu'er's sake, I won't make things difficult for you. Get out of the way quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

Zhao Yun was dumbfounded!

There was a big battle between the two, and Ma Chao lost. I don't know where he got the confidence to let himself go?
"Meng Qi, don't be obsessed with it!"

Zhao Yundao: "Put down your weapons, dismount your horse and surrender. I, Lu'er and General Ma Dai are willing to give up everything, and beg the General to spare your life."

This is the only way Zhao Yun can think of.

Ma Chao's murder of his father and brother is an unforgivable crime. If he can repent, he still has a chance.

After all, Ma Yunlu and Ma Dai are still playing in Chang'an. For their sake, Guo Jia won't embarrass Ma Chao too much.


Ma Chao laughed a few times, and the hooked sickle gun suddenly stopped, and said with a smile: "I, Ma Chao, am all over the world. How have I ever been afraid of anyone? Zhao Yun, you don't need to say more. Whoever loses and who wins is not sure."

After being defeated by Zhao Yun, Ma Chao learned from the pain and improved his martial arts a lot. When he saw Zhao Yun again, he was eager to try.

Zhao Yun shook his head helplessly.

He knew this was the result, and Ma Chao would not listen to other people's persuasion.

(End of this chapter)

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