Chapter 1537
After the Yunzhou army came over, the rest of Xiliang immediately collapsed.

After they withdrew from Liangzhou, they lost their original fighting spirit long ago, and were chased around like bereaved dogs.

Knowing that there was an ambush, Jiang Jiong and his wife Han E's first thought was to flee, and there was no thought of resistance.

Defeat like a mountain!
A group of people panicked and ran into a group of people head-on.


Seeing this group of people delivered to the door by themselves, the leading general was very happy.

"Hey, isn't this Sovereign Han? Why didn't he stop to talk about the past when he saw his old friend?"


Jiang Jiong and Han E's expressions were very ugly.

There are at most 200 people behind them, and there are at least a thousand people on the other side, and the leader is a warrior with a knife watching them covetously.


Jiang Jiong and Han E recognized it immediately.

They didn't recognize Guo Jia, but they recognized Ma Teng's general.

Not bad!

Pang De laughed a few times, and said: "I originally wanted to chase that bastard Ma Chao, but I didn't expect to meet the two of you. Anyway, Ma Chao is my old master after all, and I can't bear to kill him with my own hands. But..."

His eyes fell on the two of them.

"Kill you, but there is no psychological burden."


Jiang Jiong gritted his teeth and said, "You are also from Xiliang after all, so it's fine if you don't work for the welfare of Xiliang people, but also help the tyrant to oppress your neighbors. Do you still have any conscience?"

Ma Chao, Yan Xing, and Pound called Xiliang together for their bravery, and Jiang Jiong was naturally no match for him.

shut up!

Pang De was furious: "You bastard who abandoned his wife is still qualified to teach me? What have you two done to Xiliang all these years? Now that Xiliang belongs to my lord, there is no war, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Who is the right one?" He is a sinner from Xiliang, you understand it in your heart, and the common people also understand it in your heart. Jiang, you are a man after all, why are you turning black and white like a woman now?"

Having said that, he suddenly gave Han E a cold look.

"Both the old master of my family and the master Han died at your hands? You are so cruel, you even killed your own father. Hehe, Pang De really opened his eyes."

Pang De suddenly clenched his sword: "Boys, take them down and hand them over to the lord."

As he said, he rushed over with a knife.

"Xiao'e, you go first!"

Jiang Jiong hurriedly said: "I will lead someone to block him."

As he spoke, he rushed up with people.

Even now, he still showed his true nature as a man, blocking the powerful enemy by himself and letting his wife go first.

Han E rode out without hesitation, without even looking at Pound in the rear.

Now even if Jiang Jiong died in front of her, she would not shed a single tear, because this woman only had herself in her heart.

Although Jiang Jiong's martial arts were not as good as Pound's, he was desperate and desperate, and Pound couldn't help him for a while.

Both of them got together thirty or fifty times, and Jiang Jiong didn't lose the slightest bit.

Pang De was also secretly amazed, he didn't expect Jiang Jiong to be quite capable of fighting.

Seeing that Han E had fled away long ago, Pang De smiled and said, "Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes. Jiang Jiong, why are you so blind and fell in love with such a woman."

Talking non-stop.

Jiang Jiong didn't speak, his martial arts were not as good as Pang De's, and now he had to use [-] points of energy to draw with him, and now he was at the end of his battle.


Pound sneered and said, "It's a pity that your former wife is obsessed with it. I still think about you, an ungrateful bastard."

Hearing this, Jiang Jiong trembled. After he escaped, he also sent people to inquire about the whereabouts of Mrs. Yuan and his child Jiang Wei.

But Chi Xiao's people are all under the control of Han E. The latter found out that the two were taken in by Guo Jia. In order to break Jiang Jiong's thoughts, he told him that both his wife and Jiang Wei had been killed.

Since then, Jiang Jiong has been devastated, and he is completely devoted to Han E.

Jiang Jiong couldn't help but be surprised when he suddenly heard of his family's whereabouts today.

"Surnamed Pang, stop talking nonsense here. My wife and child are dead long ago."

He couldn't help but argue.

Pang De was stunned for a moment, the big knife in his hand suddenly turned into a slap, and Jiang Jiong fell off the horse in one fell swoop.

"With your three-legged cat skills, I will still cheat you? Your wife and Jiang Wei are living well in Chang'an. The general is also lenient and did not embarrass them. In addition, Jiang Wei was recruited exceptionally. Joined the Tiger Guards. I said that you are considered an important figure in Xiliang? Why did you get mixed up with that witch? Your wife's infatuation is in vain, and people are waiting for you now?"

As a native of Xiliang, Pang De also took great care of Jiang Wei and knew the situation of Jiang's family very well.

This is impossible!

Jiang Jiong just shook his head, unable to believe this fact.

"Believe it or not!"

Pang De didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he had Jiang Jiong tied up immediately.

Jiang Jiong was captured alive, leaving only Han E.

But Pang De was not worried, because she couldn't get out of Guo Jia's encirclement.


After running aimlessly for a while, there were very few people behind Han E, only a few confidantes followed, and the rest had long since disappeared.

These people also knew that they would die faster if they followed their masters, so some people deserted along the way.

These rubbish!

Han E gritted her teeth in hatred.

The reason why she came was to kill that bastard Guo Jia with her own hands.

It's just that he didn't expect to fall into Guo Jia's trap.

Had she known this was the result, she wouldn't have come?
The people in Chi Xiao are all trash, Guo Jia dug such a big hole here quietly, why is there no news at all?

The more Han E thought about it, the angrier she became, and she would definitely clean Chi Xiao after returning home.

At this moment, many people suddenly appeared in front of them, completely surrounding them.

Han E and the others had already changed into ordinary people's clothes, and they also carried some shoulder poles, baskets, and other things.

They are also prepared.

"My lord, my lord, we were passing by. We were ransacked by defeated soldiers, so we had no choice but to escape into the woods."

The maid beside Han E said timidly.

Several people were trembling at the same time, their acting skills were absolutely top-notch.

Chi Xiao, like Heishui, has excellent camouflage abilities, and Han E, as Chi Xiao's suzerain, is even more outstanding among them.

Unfortunately, this time, they met their opponents.

is it?

A tall and beautiful woman stepped out from the crowd, and came in front of several people with a smile.

She looked Han E up and down, and jokingly said: "Unexpectedly, the Lord of Scarlet Sky would actually dress up like a country girl. Don't mention it, it looks quite similar. It's a pity..."

She paused, and said word by word: "In front of our black water, it's better not to bother. I can smell the bloody smell on your body from three miles away."

Black water?

Han E looked at the woman in front of her in disbelief, with an unusually ugly expression on her face.

It's not that enemies don't get together.

Is the black water also mixed in?
I'm afraid it's over now.

(End of this chapter)

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