Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 1538 The Dignity of a General

Chapter 1538 The Dignity of a General

Chi Xiao and Heishui have been enemies since birth, and the two sides have been fighting openly and secretly for hundreds of years.

Now that the situation of Heishui is gone, Jia Xu and Zhuge Liang, the two great heirs, have surrendered to Guo Jia, and the rest are also controlled by Diaochan, becoming Guo Jia's minions.

Now only Chi Xiao is left.

Since leaving Liangzhou, Chi Xiao has been greatly weakened. Han E is vicious and unpopular, and Chi Xiao is now in name only.

However, Han E still had a fluke mentality, and forced a smile: "This girl is joking. I really passed by, and I don't know what Chi Xiao is. This is our guide."

As he spoke, he asked someone to hand over a few written documents.

Xiaomei didn't even look at it, and threw it on the ground: "As long as you have money, you can pay a lot of this kind of thing. That's fine, Sect Master Han, stop acting, come with us!"

As she spoke and waved her hand, the Blackwater members behind her quickly poured in, surrounding Han E and the others.

Do it!

Han E suddenly gave an order, and several confidantes suddenly took off their robes and revealed the clothes inside, each holding a copper box in their hands.

Whoosh whoosh!
The copper box shot out steel needles one after another, and the people in Heishui fell instantly.

Han E made a decisive decision and rushed out from the gap.


Xiaomei was furious, and said: "Everyone, be careful, don't get too close to them. This is Chi Xiao's Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle. It is made by skilled craftsmen from the Western Regions. It can kill people invisible within twenty steps."

As he spoke, he picked up a shield and led his men to chase after him.

Where to go!
Another wave of people came up to Han E in the oblique stab, and the leader was a slender female general with a scimitar and a round shield. It was Meng Xiang.

This time, she also brought a group of barbarians to capture Han E.

"Slutty girl, don't get in the way here, this is our black water's grievance."

Xiaomei shouted angrily.

Yu Gong Yu Si, she will hold Han E.

Foxy child!
Meng Xiang smiled and said: "I'm here to help my husband get someone, you should get out of the way quickly."

Although the two of them followed Guo Jia, they didn't deal with it very much, and they were competing openly and secretly.

Capturing Han E this time was a great achievement, and the two naturally refused to give in to each other.

Han E shot out the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle.

This thing is very powerful, and the needle is covered with poison, blocking the force to kill.

But Meng Xiang couldn't help it.

line up!

When Meng Xiang stretched out her round shield, a dozen barbarians immediately formed a shield wall to block the attack of the steel needles.

What they have in their hands are rattan armor shields, which are invulnerable to swords and guns, and impenetrable through water.


About Meng Xiang, the barbarians each took out a bamboo tube.

This is a unique hidden weapon of the barbarians - blowing arrows.

Whoosh whoosh!
Countless blow darts attacked Han E and the others.

Blowing arrows penetrated everywhere, instantly crushing Han E's lineup.

The needles of these darts are also covered with poison. Although they cannot kill people instantly, they will lose their combat effectiveness in a short time if they are numb all over.

Han E's bodyguard had fallen, leaving her alone.She was also hit by two blow darts, and her body was a little crumbling.

Meng Xiang rushed forward without even thinking about it, wanting to capture Han E alive.

At this moment, a long sword blocked her way, and it was Xiaomei who blocked Han E.

"Humeizi, do you want to fight?"

Meng Xiang was a little annoyed, and said: "We captured these people, do you want to eat ready-made ones? Then you have to ask my sisters."

This time, she brought more than 100 barbarians, all of whom were outstanding female warriors in the tribe.

Xiaomei didn't show any weakness either, and said coldly: "Hit me, who is afraid of whom? This is our Blackwater grudge, and you are provoking us by forcing yourself to intervene."

This time, Diao Chan also handed over the elite of Blackwater to Xiao Mei.

In short, Xiaomei will not hand over the great achievement of capturing Han E.


Meng Xiang gritted her teeth and said, "In this case, let's fight one game first, and whoever wins this woman will belong to him."

She is the strongest female warrior in the barbarian tribe, and it was a shame in her life that she was defeated by Xiaomei.But the last time she used a long sword, not the scimitar she was good at using.So Meng Xiang was not convinced.During this period of time, Meng Xiang also practiced martial arts diligently, and learned a lot of tricks from his brother Meng Ying, and his martial arts also improved a lot, even if he met Xiaomei again, he would not show any weakness.

One word is for sure!

Xiao Mei stretched out her long sword and pointed at Meng Xiang.

Meng Xiang also dropped the rattan shield and went up to meet him with a scimitar in hand.

There was a clanging sound, and the two fought together again.


Compared with Jiang Jiong and Ma Chao, Lu Bu's retreat was relatively calm.

His soldiers and horses were originally the strongest among the three.

Although there were some losses during the attack on Guo Jia, the complete formation was still maintained.

Lu Bu also cut off the rear himself, buying time for the team to evacuate completely.

Whoosh whoosh!
Three arrows were shot, and the opponent's three generals, Zuo Fan, fell off his horse. Lu Bu put down the longbow in his hand, Fang Tian swept out with his halberd, and quickly cleared the obstacle.

He acted tough, putting on a desperate posture.

If the opponent feels that chasing them will lose a lot, they will chase other people instead.

In this way, there is a glimmer of life.

It's a pity that Lu Bu's wishful thinking was not done well, and another team chased after him.


Lu Bu snorted, put down his halberd, picked up his longbow, and shot three arrows.

At this time, three arrows were also shot from the opposite side at the same time.

Bang bang bang!
The six long arrows from both sides folded in half in the air, and then fell to the ground.

not good!

Seeing this, Lu Bu's face changed, knowing that he had met an opponent.

Sure enough, a white-haired veteran put down the hard bow in his hand, picked up the black long knife at his waist, and laughed loudly: "Little Lu Bu, what are you doing so fast? I, Huang Zhongte, are here to meet you."

Huang Zhong!

Hearing this name, the corner of Lu Bu's mouth twitched suddenly.

In the first half of Lu Bu's life, he traveled across the world, and all the heroes in the world were terrified.

When it comes to martial arts, he ranks second, and no one dares to rank first.

Lu Bu among men, Chitu among horses, known as the world's most powerful general.

Before the battle between the two armies, Lu Bu had never been defeated.

Unfortunately, this myth was soon busted.

At the foot of Chang'an City, a general named Huang Zhong defeated Lu Bu in a fair contest and took away the title of the world's most powerful general.

It was precisely because of this Huang Zhong that the myth of Lu Bu's invincibility was also shattered, and he was kicked out of the power center of Chang'an.

If there is one person Lu Bu hated the most in his life, it would be Huang Zhong.

Even in this adversity, when meeting Huang Zhong, Lu Bu wanted to be ashamed.

If the other party was a group of people, Lu Bu could return in style, because there is a huge gap between the enemy and ourselves, no one would say anything if he retreated.

But this time, Huang Zhong came over single-handedly, and Lu Bu could not retreat.

This is the dignity of a general.

"Huang Zhong, Lu Bu is here again."

As he spoke, Lu Bu rushed to Huang Zhong first.

This time, he wants to completely avenge his shame for 20 years.

(End of this chapter)

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