Chapter 1539 The old enemy
There was a clanging sound, and the bright silver spear collided with the hooked sickle spear. This was the second time Zhao Yun and Ma Chao had fought.

Zhao Yun fought against Ma Chao once in Ma's army's camp.

That time, Zhao Yun won.

After 20 years, the two played against each other for the second time.

Zhao Yun is in his prime, and his martial arts are at their peak.Ma Chao has also experienced many battles, and he is no longer the stunned young man he was before.

The battle between the two of them was indiscriminate, regardless of victory or defeat.

The main general is fighting with dragons and tigers on the battlefield, and his subordinates are not idle. Baima Yicong faced Xiliang iron cavalry, but Xiliang iron cavalry turned into pony cavalry. Where is Baima Yicong's opponent on the battlefield, he was quickly defeated Come.

The disadvantages of the pony army were once again revealed. They couldn't fight and fight, and couldn't escape. They were quickly caught up and wiped out by Baima Yicong.

Not long after, Ma Chao was the only one left in the field fighting fiercely.

Ma Chao knew very well that his only hope was to catch Zhao Yun and force Guo Jia to let him go.

So I stopped keeping it and tried my best.

What a Xiliang Ma Chao.

Zhao Yun secretly praised in his heart.

At this moment, Zhao Yun's martial arts has already ruled the roost in Yunzhou. Except for Huang Zhong and a few sworn brothers who can fight him for [-] rounds, there are few opponents in the world.

This Ma Chao is proficient in martial arts, and his spear skills are profound. He is one of the strongest opponents he has encountered since his debut.

If Ma Chao is willing to be used by Yunzhou, it will be a happy situation for everyone.

Meng Qi!

After blocking Ma Chao's hook and sickle spear, Zhao Yun suddenly said, "Stop being obsessed with your own ideas. You have already lost."

Ma Chao hesitated for a moment, glanced at the battlefield, and found that his men were already dead and wounded, and all around them were soldiers and horses from Yunzhou.

He's already under siege.

Zhao Yun put away his spear and said calmly, "It's still too late for you to surrender."

Ma Chao's face was uncertain for a while, and then he snorted, and said: "Only Ma Chao died in the battle, and there was no Meng Qi who surrendered. Zhao Yun, your young mother-in-law, let's fight again."

Said the horse rushed over.


Zhao Yun shook his head helplessly. He originally planned to give Ma Chao a way out, but Ma Chao didn't appreciate it at all.

So far, he has nothing to say.

Look at the gun!

Zhao Yun also pulled the reins and rode his horse forward.

That being the case, the only way to defeat him is completely.

This time, Zhao Yun showed no mercy, the spear in his hand charged like a poisonous snake, piercing towards Ma Chao bit by bit.

Seven Detective Beaulieu Spears!
This is the stunt of Zhao Yun pressing the bottom of the box.

Zhao Yun's master, Liaodong Spear King Tongyuan, received three disciples in his life, the first disciple was Zhang Ren, a famous general in Sichuan and Shu, the second disciple was Zhang Xiu, the general of Bingzhou, and the third disciple was Zhao Yun.

Zhang Ren and Zhang Xiu made their debut very early, learned seven or eight points of Tong Yuan's skills, and have already ruled the world.

This Zhao Yun started relatively late, but he is very talented, and he is deeply loved by Tong Yuan.

Tong Yuan even passed on the Seven Detector Panlong Spear created in his later years to this young disciple.

The Seven Detective Panlong Spear is even more spiritual in Zhao Yun's hands. Zhao Yun once used this set of spear skills to defeat Lu Bu's move.

At that time, Lu Bu was the most powerful general in the world.

It was also this set of marksmanship that defeated Ma Chao in the first place.

Good to come!
Seeing Zhao Yun use the Seven Detector Panlong Spear, Ma Chao was refreshed, and the hook and sickle spear in his hand suddenly swept over.

This is Ma Chao's unique yellow sand marksmanship.

According to legend, Ma Chao understood the yellow sand marksmanship when the sky was full of yellow sand, and thus ruled the western frontier.

The last time he lost to Zhao Yun was because he underestimated the enemy and didn't use this set of bottom-pressing stunts. This reunion is also a day for Ma Chao to avenge his shame.

A cracking sound rang out.

One is the top of the panlong, and the other is the quicksand stirring the wind. The master meets the master, the ultimate move meets the ultimate move, and once again kills a dark world.

What a Ma Chao!

Seeing this powerful and powerful spear technique, Zhao Yun was also amazed.

In terms of gun skills, Zhao Yun is already considered to be the best in the world.

Looking around the world, Zhang Fei is the only one who can compete with him in spear skills.

However, Zhang Fei is a little different from Zhao Yun. He focuses on momentum and power rather than skills.

Ma Chao's marksmanship is a bit different, it seems to combine the strengths of the two, with both skill and power.

To Zhao Yun, this is like a bowl of iced drink in summer and a cup of hot wine in winter.

It made Zhao Yun mesmerized.

He suddenly felt that today's battle was too worthwhile.



A tiger guard came to Guo Jia panting.

"My lord, Sima Yi's artillery position has been cleaned up. One enemy has been captured, and five artillery pieces and trebuchets have been seized."

As soon as Sima Yi's men came in, they were discovered by Zhao Dachui.

It just so happened that Zhao Dachui came here in advance to observe the terrain, looking for commanding heights to set up artillery, and Sima Yi's men also came here to find commanding heights.

It's a pity that they didn't have binoculars in their hands, so they couldn't find Zhao Dachui and his party.

After discovering that Sima Yi's men had occupied the hill to set up artillery, Zhao Dachui immediately reported it to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia instructed him not to act rashly, and wait for the time to catch them all.

Zhao Dachui immediately set up the second position, aiming the middle and long-range artillery at Sima Yi's artillery position. It's ridiculous that they didn't notice it all the time.

As soon as the war started, the artillery in Zhao Dahammer's hands began to show off its power, flattening Sima Yi's artillery position in one fell swoop.

After the gunpowder smoke cleared, Zhao Dachui sent someone to touch it.

After a burst of shelling, dozens of people were killed and injured, and only one survived.

This group of people is completely finished.

After capturing the enemy's artillery, Zhao Dachui immediately ran to Guo Jia to offer treasures.

"Is this the artillery made by Sima Yi?"

Guo Jia stroked a thick cannon barrel and asked.

This cannon is a smooth-bore cannon made in imitation of the red cannon in Yunzhou, but it is much lighter than the red cannon, only a few hundred catties.

The caliber is not large, and at best it can hit one or two miles.

However, there is no problem in ambush on this mountain road. If you are lucky, you can shoot and kill the local leader.

"Sima Yi is not good at this old boy. He cuts corners in everything he does. The red-clothed cannon is so mighty, and he can't be a bad dog after being tampered with like this."

Zhao Dachui said angrily.

So far, the red cannon is a sharp weapon in the hands of the Yunzhou army.

It's a pity that it is too clumsy and difficult to transport, so it can only be placed on the bow.

Sima Yi's small cannons are not in Zhao Dahui's eyes at all.

Can't say that!

Guo Jia shook his head, and said: "The soldiers are not here. Duowei dispatches ears. This small cannon is well used, and it is not inferior to the red cannon at all. It seems that this Sima Yi is not a person who does not know how to adapt. If he really uses the red cannon If the clothes cannons are transported here, they are fools."

Having said that, Guo Jia suddenly narrowed his eyes.

This Sima Yi has always been quiet, and Guo Jia didn't take it seriously. Now it seems that he was wrong. He has already understood Yunzhou's firearms thoroughly.

In the future, I am afraid it will be the old enemy of Yunzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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