Chapter 1540
With a muffled groan, a few drops of blood spilled on the ground, and the hook and sickle gun broke. Ma Chao clutched his left shoulder and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

He was defeated, even though he used the yellow sand marksmanship, he was still defeated by Zhao Yun.

He didn't understand a little.

This marksmanship is the pinnacle of his martial arts.

Is Zhao Yun really invincible?
Good marksmanship!

Looking at the armor that was almost broken into two pieces, Zhao Yun said regretfully, "Unfortunately, your gun is not as sharp as before."

The two fought for hundreds of rounds, and they were always evenly matched, almost the same.

In the last round, Zhao Yun resorted to the tactic of killing each other, Ma Chao suddenly hesitated at a critical moment, and with just that one move, the victory and defeat were decided.

"I'm fighting with the idea of ​​mortal death, you...not!"

Zhao Yun took a deep breath and said, "So, you lost. Surrender, you have nowhere to escape."

As he spoke, he pointed the spear at Ma Chao.

Ma Chao was swept off his horse by Zhao Yunyi, interrupted the hook and sickle spear, and stabbed his left shoulder. He was already defeated at this moment.

Unfortunately, he is still a little unconvinced.

"I lost, but if you want to take me, it may not be!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Chao suddenly threw out a meteor hammer and rushed towards Zhao Yun.

Bug carving tricks!

Zhao Yun snorted, flashed his silver spear, and faced the meteor hammer.

The Meteor Hammer is a hidden weapon, and it is hard to guard against secret tricks, but it is not enough to show it clearly.

Just when Zhao Yun's bright silver gun was about to hit Ma Chao's meteor hammer, Ma Chao suddenly flew out another meteor hammer, and this meteor hammer hit the front hammer.


The two hammers collided and each changed direction. Zhao Yun's shot suddenly missed.

not good!

Zhao Yun was startled, but he saw two hammers circling in a circle and attacking his horse respectively.

Without thinking, he swung the spear with his left hand and blocked one, and saw the opportunity with his right foot to knock the other flying with the help of the stirrup.

At this moment, Zhao Yun's mount suddenly hissed, and he was thrown to the ground, rolled a few times, and fell to the ground.

It turned out that Ma Chao shot a third meteor hammer while Zhao Yun was in a hurry.

This hammer was so powerful that it hit the horse's head, and the forehead was already collapsed, and he couldn't live anymore.


Ma Chao hit Zhao Yun, laughed a few times, and rushed to the knight beside him.

Protect the governor!

Seeing Zhao Yun fell to the ground, all the knights rode their horses and rushed towards Ma Chao.

court death!

Ma Chao's left shoulder was injured, and the hook and sickle gun was also damaged, but he still had the strength to fight. He drew his sword with his right hand and rushed over.

His swordsmanship has got the essence of Wang Yue, and these knights are not his opponents at all.

There was a scream, Ma Chao drew his sword and mounted his horse, and rode away, leaving only stumps and short blades on the ground.

Of course, the sword in his hand is also extraordinary, very sharp.

After killing several guards along the way, Ma Chao fled. Zhao Yun struggled to stand up, and saw that his mount had already died, and was furious.

"Come on, chase, even if you chase to the ends of the earth, you must catch this bastard."

This horse has been with Zhao Yun for many years, and now that it is killed by Ma Chao, Zhao Yun will naturally not let it go.

What about my brother-in-law?

At this moment, Zhao Yun can't control so much.

Just when Zhao Yun changed his horse and was about to lead his men to chase after Ma Chao, a knight came in a hurry, holding a wine gourd in his hand.

"Captain, when my subordinates were chasing after Ma Chao, they met a strange person. He said he would bring Ma Chao's head back, and he also said that he would understand if he gave it to the general."

Wine gourd!
Zhao Yun froze for a moment, looked over and over again, and saw a line of vigorous and powerful words on the gourd, he suddenly thought of a person.

Sword Saint Wang Yue.

Long before the capital was moved, Wang Yue retired, and no one knew whether he was alive or not.

But now it seems that Wang Yue is still alive, and he has not forgotten the grievance with Ma Chao.

Zhao Yun took a deep breath and said, "We're going back."

Now that the Juggernaut King is here, they don't have to intervene in this matter.

Let the grievances between the two be handled by the two.


Let's say that Ma Chao rode his horse and galloped for a while, completely getting rid of Zhao Yun's cavalry. His riding skills are superb, and he can even bandage wounds on a bumpy horseback.

Now as long as he rushed out of this forest, the Yunzhou Army would be powerless against him.

Only Zhao Yun could threaten Ma Chao, and he didn't pay attention to the rest.

At this moment, a beam of light and shadow suddenly shot over, piercing the horse's belly in an instant.

Ma Chao's mount neighed, struggled a few times, and fell to the ground.

June debt, pay it fast!
He had just killed Zhao Yun's mount, and now his own mount was also killed.

Ma Chao fell to the ground with a tiger jump, and drew out his long sword.

The body of the sword is like a pool of autumn water, with a slight cold light.

This sword is made of fine gold from the Western Regions, and it's called Split Light.

It is with this sword that Ma Chao gained such a great reputation.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the front, showing an extremely dignified expression.

Standing in front of him was a tall, white-haired man with a face as sharp as a knife, and his two eyes were fixed on Ma Chao like sharp lights.

With Ma Chao's ability, he also felt a little depressed.

Of course, what made him depressed was the sword that cut off the horse's throat.

Although it wasn't a famous sword, it was stuck on the ground at this moment, very eye-catching.

The owner of this sword, Ma Chao, naturally recognized that it was the left-handed Sword Master Wang Yue who had been abolished by him.

When Wang Yue practiced his sword, his swordsmanship had reached the pinnacle, especially his left-handed sword, which can be said to be king of the sword.

At that time, Ma Chao also studied under Wang Yue, and the two can be regarded as a master-student relationship.

"Master, I didn't expect your old man to be alive!"

Ma Chao said with a half-smile.

Wang Yue's strongest is the left-handed sword. Now that his left hand is disabled, he has long been a disabled person.

So he wasn't worried either.

"You traitor is not dead, how can I feel at ease with my old bones?"

Wang Yue smiled lightly.

For the past ten years, he had been wanting to seek revenge on Ma Chao, but unfortunately he never had the chance. Ma Chao finally jumped out by himself, so naturally Wang Yue would not waste this opportunity.

It's been more than ten years, and it's time for a break between them.

Ha ha!

Ma Chao shrugged his shoulders and said, "If I remember correctly, your old man is over 70 this year. You just need to be a cat in this corner, old arms and legs, why come to die again?"

Wang Yue's left hand was crippled and he was getting older, so Ma Chao didn't pay much attention to it.


Wang Yue reached out and stroked his white hair.

"Killing you, I don't have any thoughts anymore. I really want to find a place to have a good cat."


Hearing this, Ma Chao suddenly burst out laughing.

"Old guy, I think you are old and confused. You are a useless person, and you still want to kill me? Well, we will be master and apprentice after all. This time, I will die for you."

After finishing speaking, the long sword retracted to his waist and rushed over in a strange way.

(End of this chapter)

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