Chapter 1541 The battle between two people

There is such a record in "Zhiji": There are skills in the use of swords.There are sword scriptures in the law, and swordsman in the art, so it is unpredictable.There are dozens of people who know it, but Bian Zhuang's twisting method, Wang Ju's rising and falling method, Mr. Liu's Gu Ying method, Ma Mingwang's lightning method, and Ma Chao's shooting method.

Ma Chao has extraordinary attainments in swordsmanship, and this technique is one of them.

"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Nine Chapters "Five generals wield their swords together. Chao Zong stepped out of the tent, and five generals surrounded and killed. Chao single-handedly swung his sword, fighting against five generals. Where the sword is bright, blood splatters: cut the horse to play, After chopping Liang Xing down, the three generals escaped separately.

It can be seen that Ma Chao's swordsmanship is superb.

(Ma Chao's swordsmanship is recorded in the history books, but Wang Yue does not appear in the books. The scope of activities of the two is far apart, and it is impossible for them to be masters and apprentices. The novel needs it, and the reader should not take it seriously.)
At this moment, Ma Chao hid the body of the sword in his arm, with the hilt forward and the tip of the sword backward, rushing towards Wang Yue in a strange posture.

It was his original hand sword.

The so-called shooting sword is to take advantage of the courageous momentum at the moment when the long sword is unsheathed to deal with the powerful enemy in front of you.

When Wang Yue was ambushed and lost his left hand, Ma Chao used this sword.

Unexpectedly, killing with one blow is the essence of the sword.

Seeing Ma Chao use his sword again, Wang Yue suddenly smiled lightly.

For more than ten years, he has been thinking deeply about the reasons for his defeat.

One is of course underestimating the enemy, and the other is that Ma Chao's sword is too weird, and before he can react, his left hand was crippled.

For more than ten years, Wang Yue has practiced his right hand and once again climbed to the top of kendo.He didn't stop studying Ma Chao's weird swordsmanship.

Now it finally comes in handy.

With the sound of jingling, Wang Yue drew out his long sword and blocked Ma Chao's sword attack with his sword skill.

Seeing that Wang Yue's proficient sword moves were exactly the same as his own, and even worse, Ma Chao broke out in a cold sweat.

The sword technique has always been his ultimate move, but he didn't expect it to be broken by Wang Yue.

It's not considered broken, it's just a broken hand sword with a hand sword.

"Old guy, you actually practiced your right hand well."

Ma Chao gritted his teeth.

Practicing swordsmanship is not something that can be done overnight, and which hand to use is naturally the most powerful.

Wang Yue's left-handed sword is famous all over the world, so he is also left-handed.

When Ma Chao disabled his left hand, Wang Yue's swordsmanship was immediately compromised.

What Ma Chao didn't expect was that Wang Yue had become a right hand again.Not only that, this power is even stronger than before.

This is simply not possible.

Ha ha!

Hearing Ma Chao's surprised tone, Wang Yue just smiled and said: "Actually, there is something I didn't tell you. At that time, my swordsmanship was at the bottleneck and it was difficult to break through. You crippled my left hand, so I can only practice my right hand again." .In the process of practicing the right hand, I gained a new understanding of swordsmanship. Speaking of which, I have to thank you."

After practicing his right hand again, Wang Yue's swordsmanship returned to its peak state, making great strides forward.

Ma Chao's face was livid.

He didn't expect such a result.

Without further ado!

Ma Chao hurried over.

He didn't believe that an old man in his dying years could beat him.


The two fought again, and the two figures each ran five or six steps away, their backs facing each other, and they stopped moving.

After a long time, Wang Yue put the sword back into its sheath, and said to himself: "Ma Chao, I am sure you are right. You have unparalleled talent in the way of swordsmanship, and this swordsmanship will definitely be passed down through the ages."

It was precisely because of this that he accepted Ma Chao as his apprentice at the beginning.

Ma Chao's body shook for a while, and he fell to the ground with a bang, bleeding out.

Wang Yue also had wounds on his right shoulder and left leg, and blood flowed out.

When they met each other just now, the two made dozens of moves, but Ma Chao lost and was already killed.

Looking at everything in front of him, Wang Yue sighed helplessly and said, "It's over."

Ma Chao's swordsmanship was handed over by him, and now he has to take it back himself.

But it's not a waste of effort, and the swordsmanship will definitely be carried forward in the future.


There was a clanging sound, and the two riders passed by.

Huang Zhong and Lu Bu reined in their horses.

After 20 years, the two played against each other again.

"You are really good! You are always strong!"

Lu Bu retracted his halberd and held out his thumb.

Huang Zhong was already very old, yet he was still able to hold his own. The two fought for a hundred rounds, and they still couldn't tell the difference.

Twenty years ago, Huang Zhong, an upright man in his prime, narrowly defeated Lu Bu. Twenty years later, Huang Zhong, who was in his seventies, once again drew with Lu Bu.

You are not bad either!

Huang Zhong said out of breath.

After all, I am old and tired after playing for so long.


Lu Bu smiled lightly and said, "You will definitely die in my hands."

After all, age is not forgiving, Huang Zhong is already a 70-year-old man, and Lu Bu, who is in his 50s, is naturally stronger.

"Not necessarily!"

Huang Zhong sneered.

He is an unyielding character, and if he wants to be strong, he will be strong.

Although he is over 70 years old, he still maintains a high-spirited fighting spirit.

Through previous fights, he found that defeating Lu Bu was no longer an easy task, but so what?
He Huang Zhong will not be defeated.

Lu Bu didn't speak, he rode his horse and rushed over, Fang Tian drew a halberd across an arc, and stabbed Huang Zhong's neck mercilessly.

Huang Zhong didn't even look at it, he slashed at Lu Bu with the long black knife.

If Lu Bu stabbed him to death, he would not escape the fate of being chopped off by Huang Zhong.

In the past, Huang Zhong could compete with Lu Bu in strength and skill, but now he can only fight desperately with Lu Bu.

Good old fellow!
Lu Bu had no choice but to withdraw his halberd, blocking Huang Zhong's killing move.

It is impossible for him to die with Huang Zhong.

Can't do it!

Huang Zhong didn't stop, he slashed with the long knife again, and every move was a way of killing each other.

This time, he has already said a lot in front of Guo Jia, wanting to make Lu Bu withdraw from the stage of history.

Now it seems that it is a difficult thing to accomplish.

So Huang Zhong will die with Lu Bu.

This is the only way he can win.

Is the old guy crazy!

Lu Bu's face was a little ugly, and the halberd dance in his hand was impenetrable.

Hard can't be long, soft can't be kept.

With Huang Zhong's 70-year-old physical fitness, it is difficult to maintain such a high-intensity offense.

Therefore, Lu Bu only needs to wait quietly, waiting for the moment when Huang Zhong is exhausted, and he will be able to turn defeat into victory.

He must kill Huang Zhong to avenge his shame.

This is the dignity of a general.


While the two were fighting endlessly, the Yunzhou army also completed the encirclement of Lu Bu, and he was in the center at this moment.

not good!

Seeing Huang Zhong desperately desperate, Zhao Yun on the side was a little anxious, and he could already see that Huang Zhong couldn't hold on anymore.

"Old General Huang, Mr. Zhao is here to help you!"

Said the horse rushed over.

do not come!

Huang Zhong roared angrily, interrupting Zhao Yun's words.

"This is a struggle between us, and no one can interfere."

(End of this chapter)

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