Chapter 1542 It's Over

Huang Zhong fought Lv Bu desperately, Zhao Yun and others were in a hurry and had no choice but to surround the battlefield.

Because it concerns the honor of the old general, no one dares to disturb it.

Lu Bu also went all out, since he was doomed to die anyway, and now the firepower was fully fired, and he was ashamed.

Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand attacked Huang Zhong like a storm.

The latter was like a flat boat in a stormy sea, rickety but tenaciously floating on the sea.


Pang De on the side hurriedly said: "General Huang is weak, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for Lu Bu to win."

Indeed, Huang Zhong is much bigger than Lu Bu after all, and his strength has long been inferior to before.

This battle is probably his last stage.

no need to worry!

Guo Jia smiled faintly, and said: "General Huang is always strong and strong. He will not give up easily. Just wait patiently. Lu Bu is definitely not the old general's opponent."

Huang Zhong is a man who wants to be strong and can be strong. He can still kill Xia Houyuan in battle after he is over 70, which shows his bravery.

He is like a sharp knife, going forward bravely all his life, and there is no retreat.

Life is endless, and the battle is endless.

What Guo Jia can do is let him beat him again.

Sure enough, there was a change in the arena. Huang Zhong became more courageous in the battle, and Lu Bu began to defend more and attack less.

Time is not forgiving, he is also in his 50s, and it is impossible to maintain the sharp attack level of his youth.

Ha ha!

Panting, Huang Zhong blocked Lu Bu's blow, and said, "Lu Bu, you can't do it either."

Lu Bu was furious!
"How can I, Lu Bu, fail? It's you, an old man. Don't rest if you can. Let's fight for three days and three nights?"

Why not!

Huang Zhong snorted, and said: "You are my defeated general, you have been for the rest of your life, and it is impossible to turn over."

The two of you talked to each other and continued to fight in the field.

This battle is another day and night.

In the end, the two had no strength, and they stood still in a stalemate.

The war finally came to an end.

General Huang!
Zhao Yun and others surrounded them, and suddenly found that the two had been dead for a long time.

This battle exhausted the last vitality of the two.

has it ended?

Guo Jia felt lost.

When he beat Huang Zhong and asked to monopolize Lu Bu, he had already guessed the result.

But he didn't stop it.

This is Huang Zhong's last request.

He can't die of old age, he wants to die in battle.

In the end, he also sought benevolence and obtained benevolence, and fulfilled his last wish.

"Come here, transport the corpse of General Huang to Chang'an, and bury it safely."

Guo Jia said in a low voice.

All the generals responded in unison.

If the crock can't be broken without leaving the well, the general will inevitably die before the battle.

It is the greatest honor for a general to be able to fight to the death on the battlefield.

Although Huang Zhong is more than 70 years old, he still maintains his true qualities as a general.

"My lord, where is Lu Bu?"

Pound reminded.

The two can be regarded as the same death.

"It's better to be buried alive."

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "He is also the overlord after all."

People die.

Although Lu Bu's character is inferior, and he is always on the move, but as a general, Lu Bu is still barely qualified.He also made a lot of contributions in Bingzhou in his early years.

So Guo Jia also made an exception and buried Lu Bu generously.

"And these two people."

Jiang Jiong and Han E, who were all tied up, were tied up.

Xiaomei and Meng Xiang refused to give in to each other, and they tied Han E together and came forward.

The two fought again, but there was no winner. For the sake of fairness, they escorted Han E over together.

Jiang Jiong's face turned pale, and he said, "Guo Jia, I will bear all the crimes alone. Please let Xiao'e go."

As he spoke, he straightened his back, as if to protect Han E.

go away!

Han E said coldly.

Xiao'e, me!

Jiang Jiong looked at Han E in surprise.

The latter's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "I said, go away, this useless thing."

The useless thing instantly pierced Jiang Jiong's self-esteem, his body shook a few times, and he looked at Han E in disbelief.

Han E looked at him contemptuously, and said with a sneer, "You think I really have a crush on you. Hehe, you take yourself too seriously. When Ma Chao betrayed me, I was alone and helpless, so I had to find someone Men come to rely on. In my eyes, there is no difference between you and Ma Chao."


Jiang Jiong's heart ached unbearably, and he said in a shy voice, "Could it be that you are lying to me?"


Han E laughed a few times, and tears flowed out.

"When I was very young, I was taken in by my master. He said it was to cut off my emotions and desires. For the sake of power, I even killed my own father. Do you think I will fall in love with you? Stop dreaming!"

At this point, her expression changed, she snorted, and said, "I only have myself in my heart, and you are all just pawns in my hand. By the way, there is something I forgot to tell you, our son is not surnamed Jiang." , his surname is Yan. He is the child of me and Yan Xing."

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, Jiang Jiong was really anxious on the outside and tender on the inside.

"You... what did you say?"

Jiang Jiong looked at Han E in disbelief.

Han E glanced at him contemptuously, and sneered: "You are a waste, I have to make another plan for Chi Xiao's future. It just so happened that Yan Xing came, and I naturally had to sacrifice a bit to please him. I didn't expect that guy to be quite Powerful, I hit it all at once. In the end, I had to give birth to the child."


The veins on Jiang Jiong's head popped up, and he said angrily: "You bastard, how have I ever treated you badly, actually..."

Speaking of this, he almost passed out.

Surrounded by Han E, Jiang Jiong abandoned his wife and fled Liangzhou to be displaced. He did not expect such an ending in the end, which is really ironic.

Han E ignored Jiang Jiong at all, she straightened her chest suddenly.

"Guo Jia, you are amazing. I, Han E, am convinced that I lost in your hands. But I don't understand one thing. How did you know that we were going to ambush you here? How did you set up an ambush here quietly? I am red Xiao's eyes and ears are all over Chang'an, so it's impossible for me not to know about your transfer."

This is also what she couldn't understand after thinking hard.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled lightly and said, "It's a great honor for Guo Jia to be praised by Lord Chixiao. But..."

He glanced at Han E contemptuously, and said, "Chi Xiao's martyrs of all dynasties are great people, and Mr. Yan Zhong is also the person I admire the most. How did it change when it was passed down to your generation?"

You don't change the subject!

Han E snorted, and said, "I don't want to be a fool, so hurry up and say it openly. Otherwise, I will pester you for the rest of my life even after I die."

She was always a bit unyielding.

Either way!

Guo Jia waved his hand and said, "Then I'll tell you. It's nothing to put it bluntly. I knew that someone had set up an ambush here early on. So I sent someone to counter-ambush. It's just that I didn't expect to catch you all with one net."

who is it?

Who leaked our whereabouts?

Han E shouted hysterically.

Without this leaker, they would have never succeeded.

Kuai Yue!

Guo Jia shrugged and said, "This man saw that I had pacified Yizhou, and his next goal was Xiangfan. So he got scared and wanted to save himself a way out."

(End of this chapter)

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