Chapter 1543

As it turned out, when Guo Jia was about to leave Chengdu, he suddenly received a security guard from Heishui.

Kuai Yue wrote a letter to Guo Jia through Heishui, privately revealing that Sima Yi called on the three families to ambush Guo Jia halfway.

He also left a way out for himself.

That's why Guo Jiacai mobilized his troops to carry out a big counterattack.

As for why Chi Xiao's eyes and ears were not aware of the deployment of troops, that was Cai Yu's credit.

In the Battle of Hanzhong, Guo Jia completely wiped out the three kittens.

The three kittens were wiped out, and the next thing they will face is three big cats.

That's it!

After listening to Guo Jia's explanation, Han E laughed a few times and said: "It seems that when choosing teammates in the next life, you must not choose these pig teammates."

You still have another life!

Xiaomei snorted and said, "Stop dreaming."

Chixiao and Heishui have been fighting against each other for hundreds of years, and now seeing the Lord of Chixiao dying in front of her, Xiao Mei, a member of Heishui, is also very relieved.

"Little girl, don't get complacent too early."

Han E looked at Xiaomei with a half-smile, and said, "One day, you will follow in my footsteps. I will go first and wait for you in front."

After speaking, two streams of black blood suddenly flowed from the corners of his mouth.

The moment she was captured, she was ready.

How can the Lord of Chixiao be humiliated by others?
Han E chose to end it by herself.

Seeing this, Xiaomei was taken aback, and hurriedly stepped forward to open Han E's mouth.

Guo Jia waved his hand.

Master, I'm sorry!

Xiaomei was terrified.

Unexpectedly, Han E would commit suicide.

She's still not good enough at this.

never mind!

Guo Jia patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said, "I've asked all the questions I should. I don't have any regrets."

As soon as Han E died, Chi Xiao disappeared, and even if there were still a few fish that slipped through the net, that was nothing to worry about.

His eyes fell on Jiang Jiong's body, hesitating slightly.

This Jiang Jiong didn't have any bad deeds, he was just deceived by Han E.Moreover, Guo Jia has already accepted Jiang Wei as a disciple, so it will be difficult to face this child after killing Jiang Jiong.

After thinking about it, Guo Jia sighed and said, "Come here, let him go."

Several tiger guards stepped forward and untied Jiang Jiong's rope.

Jiang Jiong remained motionless, as if he hadn't recovered from the blow just now.

"Jiang Jiong!"

Guo Jia said calmly: "For the sake of Jiang Wei and your wife. I won't kill you. I hope you will change your past and do something meaningful."

He was too lazy to accept Jiang Jiong to play for Yunzhou, and let him fend for himself.

Jiang Jiong suddenly said: "Their mother... how are you?"

Guo Jia nodded.

Only then Jiang Jiong sighed, and said to himself: "I am not a good man, nor a good father, the general need not pity me."

As he spoke, he walked towards Han E and reached out to hug her up.

"Jiang Jiong, are you still stubborn?"

Pound said angrily.

Guo Jia had already let him go, but he didn't know how to be grateful, and he still wanted to be with that witch Han E.


Jiang Jiong said calmly: "I can't look back anymore. This woman is the one I love the most, and I can abandon my wife for her. Although I was used by her, I am willing. I can't let her be exposed to the wilderness."

As he spoke, he picked up a short blade and dug beside him.


Pang De wished he could step forward and slap this guy twice.

Aren't you asking for trouble?
"I'll kill you bastard!"

Pang De was about to go up to kill Jiang Jiong with a knife, but was stopped by Guo Jia.

The latter said calmly: "Give him a shovel!"

An engineer took out a shovel and handed it to Jiang Jiong.

The latter nodded to Guo Jia again, took the shovel and started digging.

After sweating profusely for a while, Jiang Jiong dug a big hole.

He threw the shovel on the ground, then carefully picked up Han E, jumped into the pit, spread her body flat, and covered her head and face with a gauze.

After dealing with everything, Jiang Jiong stood up and buried her with one spade at a time.

After half of the burial, Jiang Jiong suddenly said to Pang De: "Ling Ming, you and I met once, I hope you can take good care of Jiang Wei. Jiang is very grateful."

You don't need to tell me!
The corner of Pound's mouth twitched for a while, and he said, "I, Pound, am not as cold-blooded as you."

As a descendant of Xiliang, he still takes good care of his fellow villagers.

That's good!

Jiang Jiong thanked him again.

It was he who was sorry for Jiang Wei's mother and son. Even if Guo Jia pardoned him, he would have no face to go back.

It's all over!

After Jiang Jiong said a few words, black blood began to flow from the corners of his mouth and nose.

It turned out that when he buried Han E, he found the poison from her body.

"Xiao'e, I'm coming!"

Jiang Jiong yelled and fell sideways in the hole he dug.

Han E had just been buried in this pit.

We cannot share the same bed in life, but we must share the same acupuncture point after death.

This is also Jiang Jiong's last wish.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

Guo Jia shook his head helplessly and said, "Bury it!"

He gave Jiang Jiong a chance, but the latter didn't cherish it.

Pound and the others silently filled the pit.

He understood what Jiang Jiong meant by digging a pit, because two people were buried here.

Jiang Jiong finally chose Han E.

This woman is also considered capable, and there will be a man buried with her when she is dying.

it's over!
Guo Jia looked up at the sky.

It's getting late, and once things are over here, he has to rush back to Chang'an.

At this moment, Zhao Yun suddenly came in a hurry.

"My lord, someone sent two swords ahead."

His heart was on Wang Yue's side, so he sent someone to search for it.

When I went there, I didn't find Ma Chao's body, only two swords were left.

Zhao Yun didn't understand what he meant, so he brought back the two swords.

Two swords!
Guo Jia frowned, and his eyes fell on the two swords.

One of the swords is made of gold thread and inlaid with jewels. The body of the sword is like a pool of autumn water. It is Ma Chao's lightsaber.

Ma Chao still died in the hands of Wang Yue.

This lightsaber is the best proof.

The saber is a symbol of a person's identity, the sword is with the person, and the sword is dead.

Ma Chao's lightsaber was already broken.

This means that this sword is over.

Guo Jia's eyes fell on the other sword again.

This sword is not as gorgeous as the lightsaber, and the scabbard is also very ordinary, but it has a fierce momentum. It is the nameless sword in Wang Yue's hand!

Although the sword is nameless, it shines brilliantly in Wang Yue's hands.

Holding the hilt of the sword and pulling out the sword body, Guo Jia only felt a bright light in front of his eyes, and a cold light flashed in front of his eyes.

This is the sword of the Juggernaut!

Back then Guo Jia had seen Wang Yue's sword.


But now this long sword has lost the vigor of previous years, and all the brilliance has been concentrated in it.

Is the Juggernaut going to retire too?

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

He suddenly understood what Wang Yue meant by keeping the sword.

Once Ma Chao died, Wang Yue had made up his mind and wanted to go back to hermitage.

Since then, there has been no sword master or Wang Yue in the world.


Guo Jia closed his long sword, and said after a long time: "Here's an order, to bury Ma Chao generously, let's build a clothes tomb."

Death is the greatest thing!

Even if they were not very harmonious in life, it will be over after death.

(End of this chapter)

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