Chapter 1545 Three Regrets
The old man must be sick and confused!

Cai Yu shrugged helplessly.

No matter where you look at her, she is not as obedient as her elder sister Cai Yan, and Cai Yan should be the master's favorite.

Guo Jia was also a little surprised, but still nodded.

"Father-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely treat Zhen Ji kindly."

The old man has no son in his life, so Guo Jia, the son-in-law, naturally has to take due responsibility.

Do not……

Cai Yong shook his head with difficulty, and pointed at Cai Yu.

"The thing that worries me the most... is this."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was even more puzzled.

No matter how Guo Jia treats her well, it won't work.

This old man is probably really confused.

Cai Yu cursed in her heart.

Cai Yong wanted to say something, but suddenly couldn't breathe, and coughed violently.

Hua Tuo hurried forward, took out a wine gourd, and gave Cai Yong a sip, and the latter regained his strength.

"Bong Xiao... come here!"

Cai Yong beckoned.

Guo Jia rushed forward and said with concern: "Father-in-law, please tell me if you have any orders, and my son-in-law will definitely follow them."

He felt that Cai Yong must be worried about his two daughters.

"This girl has a changeable mind since she was a child, and she is a bit rebellious... If I hadn't suppressed her, I don't know what would happen. Ahem... In order to cut off her thoughts, the old man betrothed her to Taishan Goat early. Home, lest she cause any trouble after death. If she followed a mediocre person, she probably wouldn't be able to make a fuss. It's just..."

The old man smiled wryly and said, "I met you unexpectedly... Her ambition was completely aroused by you. So the matter between the two of you, the old man strongly opposed it, but finally came together."

Guo Jia's face was greatly embarrassed.

It is not a glorious thing to steal a sister-in-law.

Although everyone didn't talk about it, they were gossiping behind their backs. After the old man mentioned it like this, it would cause even more storms in the future.

Cai Yu was even more surprised.

She didn't expect the old man to see that he was a restless master early in the morning, so he betrothed her to someone early.

There are many famous people in the Taishan Yang family, but the old man chose a relatively mediocre Yang Xun for her. Cai Yu used to be puzzled, but now he understands.

The old man was afraid that he was too powerful, so he deliberately chose a mediocre husband for her.

why why?
Cai Yu was a little upset.

What happened to her ambition?
What happened to her days when she was not reconciled to mediocrity?
Why did the old man do this?

But right now she couldn't say anything.

After all, everything did not develop according to the old man's design.

Zhen Ji!

Cai Yong held her hand, smiled wryly and said, "When I was young, I had a good friend named Han Shuo, he was a famous sorcerer. When he came to Chenliu, the old man invited his family to meet him. When he saw you, his face changed drastically. No matter how the old man asked, he never said anything. Afterwards, I asked him many times, and he told me the truth."

Guo Jia's eyes fell on Cai Yu again.

Han said that he was a well-known figure in the yin and yang system. He was surprised to see Cai Yu, and there was probably something strange about it.

I don't know what Hua Tuo gave the old man to drink, but now Cai Yong is in good spirits, and he doesn't stutter as before.

"He told me that you are the root of the disaster. If you are not careful, you will find the disaster of extermination. So he advised the old man to throw you away as soon as possible, so as not to cause a catastrophe."


Cai Yu said angrily: "Where did the magic stick come from, it almost ruined my future. You are always confused, how can you just believe his words?"

When she was angry, she wanted to settle accounts with Han.

It's a pity that Han Said has been dead for many years.

Cai Yong smiled wryly, and said: "Before, I was dubious. But something happened later, which made me dispel my worries. After giving birth to you, I discussed with your mother to have another boy to inherit the Cai family. At that time, you were only a few years old, and you were better during the day. At night, you cried and made a lot of noise, which made your father very upset. One day, you suddenly got up in the middle of the night and accidentally knocked over the lamp oil, which caused a lot of trouble. a fire. Your mother was wounded in that fire and died."

Speaking of this, Cai Yan suddenly felt a shock in his heart, as if he remembered something.

At that time, she was already sensible.

When she was a child, she did experience a fire, and her mother also died in that fire.

It turned out that the fire was caused by Cai Yu.


Cai Yu was stunned again.

She never expected that her mother's death had something to do with her.

Cai Yong sighed, and said: "Your mother died later, and she has no intention of remarrying as a father. After all, it is my own flesh and blood, and I can't bear to throw you out to fend for myself. But disasters still happen one after another. Come on, the old man was sterilized first, and then got into trouble with the ten permanent attendants, and had to be displaced for more than ten years. It’s been like this for these years. Only then did I believe it. Girl, you are indeed the bane of our Cai family.”

Cai Yu was angry and anxious.

Can it be her fault?
Well, the mother's death may be due to her, but if Cai Yong can't give birth to a son, is it also her fault?

Why don't you say that you can't do it!
This girl cursed in her heart.


Cai Yan who was on the side hurriedly said: "You may have misunderstood Zhen Ji, this... This is not her fault. Besides, our Cai family has been living smoothly for so many years without any trouble."

The Cai family has indeed been living in a stable way these years.


Cai Yong sighed, and said: "Yang Xun died suddenly, and the Yang family was in a state of collapse. Do you think it's still stable? But if you have anything to do with this girl, there will be no good results."

Having said that, Cai Yan didn't speak anymore.

They always had some doubts about Yang Xun's sudden death, and suspected that Cai Yu had tampered with it.

At that time, Cai Yu was already in power.


Guo Jia hastily coughed a few times and said, "Don't worry, my father-in-law, my son-in-law will definitely pay attention."

Most people are a little confused when they are old, and Cai Yong's words, he will not take it seriously.

Bong filial piety!

Cai Yong took a deep breath and said, "I beg you for one thing. You must promise me. Otherwise, I will not rest in peace when I die."

He pointed to Cai Yu and said, "This girl, you must not reuse her, and don't spoil her too much, otherwise it will bring you great trouble."

Son-in-law remembers!
Guo Jia didn't dare to say anything.

very good!

Then Cai Yong closed his eyes, and said to himself: "This way, I can rest assured. I had three regrets during my lifetime. The first regret was that I didn't have a son, and the second regret was that I didn't finish the Hanshu. The third regret is that I don't have a son." My only regret is that I couldn't find a stable husband's family for Zhenji. Now, the old man can't do anything, everything depends on Fengxiao you."

After saying this, his hands suddenly sank, and the rosiness on his face disappeared, replaced by a burst of gray.

Hua Tuo's sip of medicinal wine had exhausted all his vitality, and now he was exhausted.

A generation of great Confucian scholars passed away suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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