Chapter 1546

Cai Yong, a famous Confucian, died of illness at the age of 83.

This is also a long life in the history of the Han Dynasty.

After Cai Yong's death, scholars collectively voiced their condolences, demonstrating his status as a leader.

Zhuge Liang and others personally wrote books for Cai Yong, commending his historical achievements in continuing the Han Shu.

Guo Jia declared Cai Yong a loyal marquis, and the whole country mourned. Celebrities from all over the country sent eulogies to pay homage to this great Confucian.

Gu Yong and other disciples of Cai Yong even went to Chang'an to see their teacher die.

The funeral of Huang Zhong was also held together.

As a veteran who died in battle, Huang Zhong also received the honor he deserved. After his death, he pursued Yi Ganghou and served beside Guo Jia's tomb.

Guo Jia personally made a eulogy for Huang Zhong.

Huang Xu and his wife also wore sackcloth and filial piety, and Zhang Yun and his wife also wept bitterly.

This year was also the year when the stars fell, and the overlord Lu Bu, Ma Chao, Jiang Jiong and others also died on the battlefield.

Guo Jia didn't favor one person over another, and ordered the three of them to be buried generously.

Although the three were enemies with Guo Jia before their lives, they also enjoyed their respective honors after death.

For a time, Chang'an was all white, and the people were all mourning.


"My lord, Kuai Yue secret letter."

Zhuge Liang came in a hurry.

A few days after he came out of grief, Guo Jia received a special letter from Xiangfan Kuaiyue.

After Guo Jia pacified Yizhou, Xiangfan became Guo Jia's pocket, and Kuai Yue was a little restless.

Today's pattern has become a tripartite confrontation of Guo Jia, Sima Yi and Sun Quan.

Yuan Shu's besieged Shouchun has long been in Sima Yi's pocket, and Kuaiyue, who is in the palm of his hand, cannot escape the claws of the three families.

At the beginning, Kuai Yue defected to Sima Yi, but later he realized that Sima Yi had no intention of taking him in, but wanted to use Xiangfan as a buffer between Xu Du and Guo Jia.

As Yunzhou's navy entered the Yangtze River and even cut off Xiangfan's livelihood, Kuai Yue was a little bit bitter.He didn't want to be a pawn, so he had to find another way.

After much deliberation, Kuai Yue decided to befriend Guo Jia and leave himself a way out.

Therefore, before Guo Jia left Yizhou, Kuai Yue once wrote a letter to Guo Jia, revealing that Sima Yi had set up an ambush, allowing Guo Jia to successfully launch a counter-ambush, and by the way wiped out Lu Bu, Ma Chao and other minor princes.

This guy!

After reading Kuai Yue's letter, Guo Jia laughed dumbly.

Kuai Yue belonged to that kind of slave to success, and he didn't have much ambition.He is still imagining that Guo Jia can look at his previous achievements and let him guard Xiangfan for generations.

This is of course impossible.

Guo Jia took a deep breath and said, "Come here, go back and tell Kuai Yue. You can either completely rely on me, Guo Jia, give up Xiangfan, and lead your people to come to Chang'an as an official. Or wait until I take down Xiangfan and destroy his Kuai clan. There is no second option." There are options."

He doesn't like this kind of guy with both ends of the head.

Besides, Guo Jia hated the local tyrants deeply, and would never tolerate the existence of an aristocratic family who could maintain the government affairs of a state.

After defeating Xiangfan, Guo Jia will definitely rebuild the Jingzhou government and bring the forces from all over the country under the government's rule.

Even if Kuai Yue showed his favor, it was useless.


Zhuge Liang suggested: "Kaiyue is a stickler, and he doesn't have too much ambition. He shows favor to us, which means that Xiangfan will remain neutral for the time being. We don't have to force him too much. Once we get rid of Sima Yi, he will definitely Surrender obediently."

This time and that time!

Guo Jia shook his head, and it was rare for him not to adopt this capable minister's suggestion.

"The preparations we have made in recent years are pretty much the same. The unification of the world is like a broken bamboo. It can't take too long. We have to take advantage of the enthusiasm of the people everywhere to return to the big man, and take down other princes. Otherwise, after a long time, the people will read the new The favor of the court, the loyalty to the big man will fade."

That's why he doesn't want to proclaim himself emperor now.

He still wants to make some fuss with the banner of Hantong.

Zhuge Liang was stunned for a moment, he didn't think so much, but what Guo Jia said made sense.

Today's Chang'an has a strong army and strong horses, and the treasuries of various places are also very full, and large-scale wars can be launched at any time.

To fight a war is to cut through the mess quickly, otherwise changes will happen later.

Zhuge Liang cupped his fists and walked out.

As the general manager of the entire empire, he naturally has a very good understanding of the strength of the empire.

"How is Yuan Shu?"

Guo Jia suddenly asked about this.

When he was in Yizhou, Guo Jia was very concerned about Yuan Shu, not because he was kind, but because Yuan Shu could support him for a while, which would be good for Yunzhou.

"After the lord sent the navy out, he successfully blocked the actions of Soochow. Now that Sun Quan is huddled in Jianye City and dare not move, the pressure on Yuan Shu's southern line has been greatly relieved. Zhou Yu is also a general, supporting half of Yuan Shu's empire. .Sima Yi personally led the army to attack Yuan Shu, and was blocked by Zhou Yu on the Lujiang River. However, Yuan Shu has been powerless, and his defeat will only take a few months."

Zhuge Liang said with confidence.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded in satisfaction. Now that winter has entered, large-scale battles are impossible.

It can only be pinned on the spring of next year.

I hope Yuan Shu can last for another month or two, and when Guo Jia's preparations are more or less complete, there will be no obstacles.

"Order Lu Su, the captain of the navy, to be ready and on standby at any time. Don't get involved in the battle between the two sides, but give Yuan Shu as much time as possible."

Guo Jia ordered.


Zhuge Liangliang nodded, the navy's entry into the Yangtze River is indeed a brilliant move.

With this mobile force, Guo Jia can intervene in the conflict between the two sides at any time.

"Sun Quan's envoy is also here!"

Zhuge Liang took out another letter, which was written by Sun Quan.

Sun Quan!

Hearing this name, Guo Jia couldn't help being a little contemptuous.

"He doesn't want to row across the river, does he?"

Guo Jia didn't even read the letter lazily.

For a villain like Sun Quan, he didn't take it seriously at all.

"My lord is wise!"

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, and said, "Sun Quan is willing to send Mrs. Sun and the young master back, and is also willing to help us attack Sima Yi. I just hope that after the matter is completed, the Guo and Sun families will rule the river."


Guo Jia couldn't help laughing.

Among these princes, Sun Quan was the most unpromising one. He lived in the south of the Yangtze River all his life and dared not take a step north.

Only when you see the Central Plains in chaos, will you dare to take advantage of the fire to loot.

"Tell him, don't even think about it. It's fine to surrender obediently. I will not embarrass their Sun family for Shang Xiang's sake. If there are any wishful thinking, don't blame me, Guo Jia, for being rude. Give them the Sun family That's enough."

Guo Jia snorted and said.


Zhuge Liang hesitated for a moment, then said: "Mrs. Sun and Young Master are still in his hands."

He wanted to remind Guo Jia that Sun Quan had hostages in his hands.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia had a cold smile on his face.

"If he dares to touch Monk Jiang'er with a finger, I will definitely destroy his Sun family. Even if he escapes to the ends of the world, I, Guo Jia, will never give up. My Yunzhou Navy is not just a show."

(End of this chapter)

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