Chapter 1547
In [-] AD, Guo Jia returned to Chang'an again.

It happened that Cai Yong died of illness, and the whole country mourned.

Afterwards, Xi Zhong and others wrote a letter to persuade Guo Jia to become emperor, which is known as the second admonition in history.

Guo Jia refused again.

Zhuge Liang remonstrated and demanded that Guo Jia be crowned King of Xinghan, rule in the name of King Xinghan on behalf of Emperor Han, and set up Chang'an as the capital.

Guo Jia followed it.

In February of the same year, Guo Jia came to power in the name of King Xinghan, with Chang'an as the capital and Ye County as the accompanying capital.

After taking power, Guo Jia first reorganized the court system.

First, the military and government were separated.

The position of the general was abolished, and the office of the governor of the five armies was re-established.

The governor's mansion has a governor, who is concurrently held by Guo Jia.Set up a long history, who will be Xi Zhong.

The governors of the other battalions remained unchanged.

In addition, the vacant positions such as the Sangong Taifu were cancelled, and six departments were set up for officials, households, soldiers, criminal workers, and six departments to take charge of the government, each with a post.

With Zhuge Liang as the six ministers, he is in charge of the six affairs.

The governors and generals of the six states were set up at the local level to share the military and political power of the six states.

Zhang Zhao, the governor of Yunzhou, Guan Yu, the general, Tian Feng, the governor of Youzhou, and Zhang Fei, the general.Xu Shu, the governor of Jizhou, and Yu Jin, the general.Bingzhou Governor Man Chong, General Zhang Xiu, Yizhou Governor Jia Xu, and General Zhang Ren.Li Ru, the governor of Liangzhou, and Xu Rong, the general.

A Sili school lieutenant was also set up to be in charge of important military and political affairs around the capital, and Zhuge Liang would also be in charge.

After all the dust settled, Zhuge Liang and others wrote to the imperial court, saying that Sima Yi had killed the king and usurped the throne, a great rebellion, and now that Guo Jia inherited the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty, he should be punished, and Guo Jia agreed.

With Xu Shu, the governor of Jizhou, and General Yu Jin, he led an army of [-] to strengthen the Yellow River.

Jia Xu, the governor of Yizhou, and Zhang Ren, the general, led an army of [-], and went out of Yizhou to attack Xiangfan.

Guo Jia personally led Zhao Yun Gaoshun, and led an army of [-] out of Tongguan.

The final battle has completely kicked off.


"Report, Your Majesty!"

A general hurried to Xudu.

"Guo Jia's army invaded our border in three ways. Xu Shu, the governor of Jizhou, led an army of [-] troops, and they have arrived at Baima. They are forcibly crossing the Yellow River. In addition, according to intelligence, Kuai Yue also contacted Jia Xu in private. Guo Jia's hands, Yunzhou's navy also drove straight in, threatening our army's flank."

Troops are dispatched!
Sima Yi suddenly narrowed his eyes.

After his assassination of Guo Jia was revealed, Guo Jia took Xu Duxing for granted.

"Did Guo Jia do it himself?"

Sima Yi is most concerned about this issue.

Whether it was the local army in Yizhou or Jizhou, Sima Yi didn't take it to heart. He was most worried about Guo Jia's central army, which was the elite of the entire Yunzhou.

"Chang'an is still preparing and has not yet dispatched."

very good!

Hearing this, Sima Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as Guo Jia hasn't moved, it's fine.

He has a large number of troops on both the northern and western fronts, with mountains and rivers as dangerous obstacles, even if a large army attacks, it will be difficult to enter in a short time.

"We can't rest anymore, hurry up and get rid of Yuan Shu and get the territory of Lianghuai."

Sima Yi urged.

They've been here for a long time.

"However, Zhou Yu's defense was very tight. It was difficult for our army to break through his defense line after fighting for several months."

Niu Jin said in a difficult way.

Zhou Yu!

Mentioning this name made Sima Yi feel a little helpless.

Sima Yi despised Yuan Shu from the bottom of his heart.

This guy is nothing more than born well, he became the overlord at a young age, and even occupied the fertile land of Lianghuai.

Sima Yi didn't take Yuan Shu to heart either.

It's a pity that although this Yuan Shu is incompetent, Zhou Yu is a talented person under his command. This person forced the three families to attack for a year with a small force, so it can be said that he is not powerful.

"Can't wait. We're going to do both!"

Sima Yi stood up and took a few steps, and said, "I have already sent someone to contact Zhou Yu. This person was not very popular under Yuan Shu's command. Yuan Shu had no choice but to entrust him with a heavy responsibility. If we can win Zhou Yu over, it will be a great deal for us." It's also a good thing. In addition, you send someone to Jianye to contact Sun Quan. This kid won't deal with Guo Jia, and now we have to persuade him to deal with Guo Jia together to have a chance of winning."

His Majesty!

Niu Jin hesitated: "Yunzhou's navy is still stationed in Jiangxia, how dare Sun Quan move."

Ha ha!

Sima Yi sneered and said, "You don't need to worry about this. I have my own way to deal with these navies."


Hearing that Sima Yi had a way to deal with the navy, Niu Jin was both surprised and delighted.

You must know that the artillery of the Yunzhou Navy is sharp and has a range of several miles, and the city walls and the like can't stop a round of salvos from others.

A dozen or so ships scared Sun Quan's 20 troops from showing up, and Kuai Yue and Guo Jia immediately made friends with each other. Even if they met, it would be a headache.

Although Xudu also has artillery workshops, the output and quality cannot be compared with Yunzhou's artillery.

Could it be that the lord has created some powerful weapons that can compete with the navy's artillery?
Niu Jin was full of doubts, but he still followed what Sima Yi said.

He also had great trust in the lord.


Sima Yi's eyes flashed brightly, and he said with a sneer, "After all, he is dead."


Jiangxia County Water Village!
Lu Su had just received a secret order from Guo Jia to make them ready to support the Lianghuai battlefield at any time.

When it comes to support, their navy is just playing side-by-side, wandering around the Yangtze River and firing a few shots to attract attention.

Guo Jia didn't really ask them to support the battlefield.

Besides, the Lianghuai battlefield is inland, and their sea ships cannot enter.

At this moment, the two gunboats parked in the water village suddenly made a loud noise, and within a meal, a raging fire ignited.

What's going on, what's going on?

Lu Su's face changed drastically, and he led the people out of the water village in a hurry.

This ship is still the lifeblood of the navy, especially the artillery on the ship, which is a sharp weapon of Yunzhou, so why did it catch fire?
Just as they were rushing to the shore, two more building boats exploded and caught fire.

What the hell is going on here?

Lu Su was a little hysterical.

It has been a year since they came to Jiangnan, and it has been smooth sailing. Why did they destroy four boats in one day?
How would he explain to Guo Jia when he went back?
"Captain, Commander!"

Gan Ning, whose face was darkened, floated up from the river, and said with shame on his face, "The boat has been infiltrated with spies. These people detonated the gunpowder magazine and destroyed the gunboat."

How can it be?

Lu Su widened his eyes and said, "Our navy has strict discipline, and it is impossible for idlers to board the ship."

They came here with complete preparations.

The gun boats never stopped at the pier, and all supplies were purchased by small boats.

Even if there are spies, it is impossible to board the ship.

"It's someone from Yunzhou!"

Gan Ning looked miserable, and said: "When we were recruiting sailors in Jizhou, someone sneaked in. These bastards are really tolerant, and they didn't rebel until now. Our gunboats are all destroyed!"

Hearing this, Lu Su fell to the ground and almost passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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