Chapter 1548 Crisis
Sima Yi has a persevering character. He lived incognito in the Yunzhou gunpowder workshop for many years, and he didn't leave until he had learned all the skills.

The hardships involved are naturally unbearable.

Sima Yi did it.

A few years ago, he sent some of his confidants north to Yunzhou to join the Yunzhou navy. They endured it for many years, until now they broke out and caused heavy losses to the Yunzhou navy.Half of the ship was destroyed, and two gunboats were controlled by Sima Yi's men, blocking the mouth of the Yangtze River, making it impossible for Lu Su and others to advance or retreat.

What's more terrible is that without the deterrence of the gunboats, Sun Quan in Jiangnan and Kuai Yue in Xiangfan are also a little bit ready to move.

In their eyes, the Yunzhou Navy without gunboats is a tiger without claws, which completely stimulated their ambitions.

Lu Su had no choice but to control the remaining ships to stick to the water fortress, and lost control of the battle situation in a short period of time.


When the news reached Chang'an, Guo Jia was furious.

"No reason!"

He slapped the table angrily, blood dripping from his heart,

Seven gunboats, hundreds of cannons, big and small, just disappeared. Lu Su is too big-hearted. Sima Yi's people have been lurking in the navy for so many years, and he didn't notice anything?
The most powerful cannon in red in Yunzhou fell into the hands of Sima Yi along with the two cannon boats.

With these two gunboats, Sima Yi can completely sail the Yangtze River.

Guo Jia was really angry.

The navy was his lifeblood, and he provided them with artillery and gunpowder at all costs. Now that Sima Yi killed half of the gunboats without saying a word, how could Guo Jia not be in a hurry?
"This is a subordinate's negligence, please punish me, my lord."

Xin Xianying bowed her head and knelt in front of Guo Jia.

As the actual person in charge of Skynet, there was a spy in the navy, but she didn't realize it, so she was naturally duty bound.

"Of course you are responsible. What is Skynet doing? The enemy is under my nose, but you still don't notice it? When the head of Lao Zixiang falls to the ground, you don't know?"

Guo Jia said sternly.

Xin Xianying's impression of Guo Jia has always been amiable, where has she seen such a Guo Jia?

Naturally, he was too frightened to breathe out.

Guo Jia also didn't want to get angry with a little girl, and said to himself: "You go back first, you don't have to worry about Skynet, what should you do, don't be an eyesore here."

Xin Xianying left crying.


Xu Chu bit the bullet and said: "The subordinate is the person in charge of Skynet, and this responsibility should be carried by the subordinate."

He still attached great importance to this little girl, Xin Xianying.

"Of course you are responsible."

Guo Jia sneered and said, "I'm embarrassed to scold a little girl, but I'm also embarrassed to scold you? Take people to Jizhou to thoroughly investigate the interior of the navy, and must dig out all the remaining spies. Get rid of Lu Su's navy The position of the governor is still to let him command the fleet, and temporarily make meritorious deeds. Gan Ning and other generals will be demoted to one level, and half a year's salary will be deducted. In addition, Xu Chu, go in person and don't let one go. Thoroughly investigate all the generals of the navy, and kill those who deserve to be killed. , change it!"

Facing Xin Xianying, Guo Jia couldn't let it go, now only Xu Chu was left, so naturally he didn't have so many scruples.

Yes Yes Yes!
Hearing Guo Jia scold him, Xu Chu felt relieved.

He has been with Guo Jia for some years, and he knows the protagonist's temperament very well. Cursing means that he still has a chance.

Xu Chu cupped his fists, turned around and left.

As the main person in charge of Skynet, the Navy has spies, and he is naturally duty-bound.

Who would have thought that Sima Yi had already sent someone to lurk in the navy for many years?Only now was it exposed.

This person is really too tolerant.

Every peace of mind!

Guo Jia couldn't help but sighed, feeling more pain in his heart.

Hundreds of cannons, and more than a dozen red-clothed cannons, these are all Guo Jia's favorites, but they just disappeared.

He deployed Lu Su's navy in the Yangtze River Basin to deter Xiangfan and Jiangnan.

Now the losses are heavy, not to mention the loss of deterrence, maybe it will become a thing in the hands of Sun Quan and Kuai Yue, and the advantage of the Yangtze River Basin was also lost overnight. Whether these people can come back alive is another matter.

The more Guo Jia thought about it, the more angry he became, and he threw away the teacup at hand.

"Hey, who are you angry with?"

Cai Yu walked in with a smile. She also just met her goddaughter Xin Xianying. When she first saw her daughter crying, she thought she was being bullied by Guo Jia. She came here in a hurry after learning the whole story.

"What are you doing here?"

Guo Jia asked displeased.

Is he upset after losing so many cannons?
It's very angry!
The smile on Cai Yu's face remained unchanged, and he said: "My goddaughter provoked you, and you show the face of a little girl? Besides, the navy is your precious lump, and all food and clothing expenses are directly under your instructions. , Skynet can’t get in. Now that there are spies in the navy, you can blame Skynet.”

The navy has its own system and is directly responsible to Guo Jia. As long as there is a request, Guo Jia will satisfy everything, money for money, guns for guns, even the strategic material gunpowder is used by the navy first.

Other departments have had their opinions for a long time, but it is a pity that Guo Jia still goes his own way.

Now that something is wrong with the Navy, the rest of the service is waiting to see the joke.

"You're here to get mad at me, aren't you?"

Guo Jia snorted.

I dare not!

Cai Yu leaned over and picked up the glass shards on the ground. These things are easy to hurt people. Ancient thin-soled shoes can't stop the sharp shards at all.

"I heard that you are going to attack Sima Yi?"

Cai Yu asked tentatively.

"This kid is a scourge, so naturally he can't keep it."

Guo Jia was noncommittal.

This time he wanted to gather superior forces to destroy Sima Yi, but he didn't know that he would die before leaving the army. The navy suddenly made such a fuss, which made Guo Jia a little flustered.

Ha ha!

Cai Yu smiled and said, "Chang'an is bordered by Sima Yi on both sides. You don't need the navy to destroy him, right? You are afraid that he will join forces with Sun Quan, and there is Kuai Yue with ulterior motives in the army. The three families will jointly treat you. The pressure is huge! Originally, the navy Arranging in the Yangtze River Basin is also a wonderful move, which can stop the idea of ​​the three families joining forces. It's a pity that your lineage is not strong enough, and you messed up before you had time to show off your power. I guess you are now angry from embarrassment, so you are venting your anger on others up."

so what?

Guo Jia said angrily: "So, don't offend me. I am in a hurry and immediately divorced you. Before he died, the old man could have confessed that I would not be too kind to you."

When the old man was mentioned, Cai Yu immediately became angry.

When a person is about to die, his words are also good. This old man is probably out of his mind. Cai Yu almost exploded in anger when he confessed such a sentence before he died.

"Don't mention my father. Seriously, if I can solve the current crisis and isolate Sima Yi, what reward will you have?"

Cai Yu asked mysteriously.

(End of this chapter)

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